Rakefile in data_miner-0.2.3 vs Rakefile in data_miner-0.2.4
- old
+ new
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
gem.summary = %Q{Mine remote data into your ActiveRecord models.}
gem.description = %Q{Mine remote data into your ActiveRecord models. You can also perform associations and convert units.}
gem.email = "seamus@abshere.net"
gem.homepage = "http://github.com/seamusabshere/data_miner"
gem.authors = ["Seamus Abshere", "Andy Rossmeissl"]
- %w{ activerecord activesupport andand remote_table seamusabshere-errata seamusabshere-conversions }.each { |name| gem.add_dependency name }
+ %w{ activerecord activesupport andand remote_table errata seamusabshere-conversions }.each { |name| gem.add_dependency name }
gem.require_path = "lib"
gem.files.include %w(lib/data_miner) unless gem.files.empty? # seems to fail once it's in the wild
gem.rdoc_options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source'
gem.rubyforge_project = "dataminer"