test/unit/dassets_tests.rb in dassets-0.3.0 vs test/unit/dassets_tests.rb in dassets-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -6,54 +6,31 @@
class BaseTests < Assert::Context
desc "Dassets"
subject{ Dassets }
- should have_imeths :config, :sources, :digests
- should have_imeths :configure, :reset, :init, :[]
+ should have_imeths :config, :configure, :init, :[]
should have_imeths :digest_source_files
should "return a `Config` instance with the `config` method" do
assert_kind_of Config, subject.config
- should "read the source list on init" do
- subject.reset
- assert_empty subject.sources
- subject.init
- assert_not_empty subject.sources
- end
- should "read/parse the digests on init" do
- subject.reset
- assert_empty subject.digests.paths
- subject.init
- assert_not_empty subject.digests.paths
- end
- should "return asset files given a their path using the index operator" do
- subject.init
+ should "return asset files given a their digest path using the index operator" do
file = subject['nested/file3.txt']
assert_kind_of Dassets::AssetFile, file
- assert_equal 'nested/file3.txt', file.path
- assert_equal 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', file.md5
- subject.reset
+ assert_equal 'nested/file3.txt', file.digest_path
+ assert_equal 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', file.fingerprint
- should "return an asset file with no fingerprint if path not in digests" do
+ should "return an asset file with unknown source if digest path not found" do
file = subject['path/not/found.txt']
- assert_equal '', file.md5
- subject.init
- file = subject['path/not/found.txt']
- assert_equal '', file.md5
- subject.reset
+ assert_kind_of Dassets::SourceCache, file.source_cache
+ assert_kind_of Dassets::NullSourceFile, file.source_cache.source_file
+ assert_not file.source_cache.exists?
class SourceListTests < BaseTests
@@ -62,20 +39,9 @@
should "build from the configured source path and filter proc" do
config = Dassets::Config.new
config.source_path = "source_files" # test/support/source_files
exp_list = [
'test1.txt', '_ignored.txt', 'nested/test2.txt', 'nested/_nested_ignored.txt'
- ].map{ |p| File.expand_path(p, config.source_path) }.sort
- assert_equal exp_list, Dassets::SourceList.new(config)
- end
- should "filter out any paths in the output path" do
- config = Dassets::Config.new
- config.source_path = "source_files" # test/support/source_files
- config.output_path = "source_files/nested"
- exp_list = [
- 'test1.txt', '_ignored.txt'
].map{ |p| File.expand_path(p, config.source_path) }.sort
assert_equal exp_list, Dassets::SourceList.new(config)