Readme.adoc in dapr-0.1.25 vs Readme.adoc in dapr-0.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -34,10 +34,18 @@
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
$ gem install dapr
+.Example from Gemfile
+gem 'dapr', '~> 0.1.9', require: 'dapr/client'
+gem 'datadog_api_client'
+gem 'grpc', force_ruby_platform: true
== Usage
Dapr being such a Smörgåsbord, this library exposes each {dapr-building-block} as either a
Client or a Service, depending on whether it uses the AppCallback runtime (Service) or
the Dapr API (Client). The clients are thin wrappers around the Dapr API, while the service
@@ -80,11 +88,11 @@
require 'dapr/service/subscriber'
handler = ->(event) { puts "Got event: #{event}" } <1>
-pubsub_name = 'pubsub' <2>
+pubsub_name = 'pubsub-name' <2>
topics = 'TOPIC-A' <3>
sub =, topics:, handler:) <4>
sub.start! <5>
<1> Define a handler that will be called for each message received. `event` will be a `CloudEvents::Event` instance.
@@ -94,11 +102,11 @@
<2> The name of the Dapr pubsub component this subscriber will utilize.
<3> The name of the topic(s) to subscribe to.
TIP: Multiple topics can be subscribed to simultaneously by passing an array of topic names to the `topics` argument.
-<4> Create a new subscriber for the `pubsub` pubsub component, subscribing to the `TOPIC-A` topic.
+<4> Create a new subscriber for the `pubsub-name` pubsub component, subscribing to the `TOPIC-A` topic.
<5> Start the subscriber. This will block the current thread and call the handler for each message received.
=== State Management
Implementation of {state-block}
@@ -138,5 +146,15 @@
To install this gem on your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the `.gem` file to[].
== Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
+=== Conventional Commits
+This project uses Conventional Commits for commit messages. Please follow the guidelines at[].
+=== Overcommit
+This project uses[overcommit] to enforce repository policies. Please ensure you have it installed and configured before contributing.
+tl;dr;: `overcommit --install && overcommit --sign`