app/assets/javascripts/ in danthes-1.0.3 vs app/assets/javascripts/ in danthes-1.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -8,20 +8,22 @@
# Danthes.sign
# server: ''
# channel: 'somechannel'
# signature: 'dc1c71d3e959ebb6f49aa6af0c86304a0740088d'
# timestamp: 1302306682972
-# callback: (data) ->
-# console.log(data)
+# connect: (subscription) ->
+# console.log(subscription)
+# error: (subscription, error) ->
+# console.log("error: #{error}")
window.Danthes = class Danthes
- @debug: false
+ @debug: false
@debugMessage: (message) ->
console.log(message) if @debug
# Reset all
@reset: ->
@connecting = false
@fayeClient = null
@fayeCallbacks = []
@@ -56,11 +58,11 @@
@debugMessage 'faye script init'
document.documentElement.appendChild script
@debugMessage 'faye already inited'
# Faye extension for incoming and outgoing messages
incoming : (message, callback) =>
@debugMessage "incomming message #{JSON.stringify(message)}"
@@ -71,11 +73,11 @@
# Attach the signature and timestamp to subscription messages
message.ext = {} unless message.ext?
message.ext.danthes_signature = subscription.signature
message.ext.danthes_timestamp = subscription.timestamp
# Initialize Faye client
@connectToFaye: ->
if @server && Faye?
@debugMessage 'trying to connect faye'
@fayeClient = new Faye.Client(@server, @connectionSettings)
@@ -94,62 +96,79 @@
unless @subscriptions[channel]?
@subscriptions[channel] = {}
@subscriptions[channel]['callback'] = options['callback'] if options['callback']?
@subscriptions[channel]['opts'] =
signature: options['signature']
- timestamp: options['timestamp']
- @faye (faye) =>
- subscription = faye.subscribe channel, (message) => @handleResponse(message)
- if subscription?
- @subscriptions[channel]['sub'] = subscription
- subscription.callback =>
- options['connect']?(subscription)
- @debugMessage "subscription for #{channel} is active now"
- subscription.errback (error) =>
- options['error']?(subscription, error)
- @debugMessage "error for #{channel}: #{error.message}"
+ timestamp: options['timestamp']
+ # If we have 'connect' or 'error' option then force channel activation
+ if options['connect']? || options['error']?
+ @activateChannel channel, options
+ # Activating channel subscription
+ # @param channel [String] channel name
+ # @param options [Object] subscription callback options
+ @activateChannel: (channel, options = {}) ->
+ return true if @subscriptions[channel]['activated']
+ @faye (faye) =>
+ subscription = faye.subscribe channel, (message) => @handleResponse(message)
+ if subscription?
+ @subscriptions[channel]['sub'] = subscription
+ subscription.callback =>
+ options['connect']?(subscription)
+ @debugMessage "subscription for #{channel} is active now"
+ subscription.errback (error) =>
+ options['error']?(subscription, error)
+ @debugMessage "error for #{channel}: #{error.message}"
+ @subscriptions[channel]['activated'] = true
# Handle response from Faye
# @param [Object] message from Faye
@handleResponse: (message) ->
if message.eval
channel =
return unless @subscriptions[channel]?
if callback = @subscriptions[channel]['callback']
callback(, channel)
# Disable transports
# @param [String] name of transport
@disableTransport: (transport) ->
return unless transport in ['websocket', 'long-polling', 'callback-polling', 'in-process']
unless transport in @disables
@debugMessage "#{transport} faye transport will be disabled"
# Subscribe to channel with callback
# @param channel [String] Channel name
# @param callback [Function] Callback function
- @subscribe: (channel, callback) ->
+ # @param options [Object] subscription callbacks options
+ @subscribe: (channel, callback, options = {}) ->
@debugMessage "subscribing to #{channel}"
if @subscriptions[channel]?
+ @activateChannel(channel, options)
# Changing callback on every call
@subscriptions[channel]['callback'] = callback
@debugMessage "Cannot subscribe on channel '#{channel}'. You need sign to channel first."
return false
# Unsubscribe from channel
# @param [String] Channel name
- @unsubscribe: (channel) ->
+ # @param [Boolean] Full unsubscribe
+ @unsubscribe: (channel, fullUnsubscribe = false) ->
@debugMessage "unsubscribing from #{channel}"
- if @subscriptions[channel]
+ if @subscriptions[channel] && @subscriptions[channel]['activated']
- delete @subscriptions[channel]
- # Unsubscribe from all channels
+ if fullUnsubscribe
+ delete @subscriptions[channel]
+ else
+ delete @subscriptions[channel]['activated']
+ delete @subscriptions[channel]['sub']
+ # Unsubscribe from all channels
@unsubscribeAll: ->
@unsubscribe(channel) for channel, _ of @subscriptions
\ No newline at end of file