lib/danger/commands/init.rb in danger-0.7.2 vs lib/danger/commands/init.rb in danger-0.7.3
- old
+ new
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
def run
ui =
- ui.say "\nOK, thanks #{ENV['LOGNAME']}, grab a seat and we'll get you started.\n".yellow
+ ui.say "\nOK, thanks #{ENV['LOGNAME']}, have a seat and we'll get you started.\n".yellow
ui.pause 1
ui.pause 1.4
@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@
def ui
@ui ||=
def show_todo_state
- ui.say "We need to do the following steps:\n"
+ ui.say "We need to do the following:\n"
ui.pause 0.6
ui.say " - [ ] Create a Dangerfile and add a few simple rules."
ui.pause 0.6
- ui.say " - [#{@account_created ? 'x' : ' '}] Create a GitHub account for Danger use for messaging."
+ ui.say " - [#{@account_created ? 'x' : ' '}] Create a GitHub account for Danger to use, for messaging."
ui.pause 0.6
ui.say " - [ ] Set up an access token for Danger."
ui.pause 0.6
ui.say " - [ ] Set up Danger to run on your CI.\n\n"
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@
ui.say ""
ui.pause 2
ui.say "There's a collection of small, simple ideas in here, but Danger is about being able to easily"
- ui.say "iterate. The power comes from you have the ability to codify fixes to some of the problems"
+ ui.say "iterate. The power comes from you having the ability to codify fixes for some of the problems"
ui.say "that come up in day to day programming. It can be difficult to try and see those from day 1."
ui.say "\nIf you'd like to investigate the file, and make some changes - I'll wait here,"
ui.say "press return when you're ready to move on..."
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@
if considered_an_oss_repo?
ui.say "For Open Source projects, I'd recommend giving the token the smallest scope possible."
ui.say "This means only providing access to " + "public_repo".yellow + " in the token.\n\n"
ui.pause 1
- ui.say "This token limits Danger's abilities to just to writing comments on OSS projects. I recommend"
+ ui.say "This token limits Danger's abilities to just writing comments on OSS projects. I recommend"
ui.say "this because the token can quite easily be extracted from the environment via pull requests."
ui.say "#{@bot_name} does not need admin access to your repo. So its ability to cause chaos is minimalized.\n"
elsif @is_open_source == "closed"
ui.say "For Closed Source projects, I'd recommend giving the token access to the whole repo scope."
@@ -146,11 +146,11 @@
unsure_ci unless File.exist?(".travis.yml") || File.exist?(".circle.yml")
ui.say "\nOK, I'll give you a moment to do this..."
- ui.say "Final step: exposing the GitHub token as an environment build variable."
+ ui.header "Final step: exposing the GitHub token as an environment build variable."
ui.pause 0.4
if considered_an_oss_repo?
ui.say "As you have an Open Source repo, this token should be considered public, otherwise you cannot"
ui.say "run Danger on pull requests from forks, limiting its use.\n"
ui.pause 1
@@ -205,11 +205,11 @@
def travis_token
ui.say "In order to add an environment variable, go to:" "{current_repo_slug}/settings"
- ui.say "\nThe name is " + "DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN".yellow + " and the value is the GitHub Personal Acess Token."
+ ui.say "\nThe name is " + "DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN".yellow + " and the value is the GitHub Personal Access Token."
if @is_open_source
ui.say "Make sure to have \"Display value in build log\" enabled."
@@ -260,10 +260,10 @@
def thanks
ui.say "\n\nš"
ui.pause 0.6
- ui.say "And you're set. Danger is a collaboration between Orta Therox, Gem 'Danger' McShane and Felix Krause."
+ ui.say "And you're good to go. Danger is a collaboration between Orta Therox, Gem 'Danger' McShane and Felix Krause."
ui.say "If you like it, let others know. If you want to know more, follow " + "@orta".yellow + " and " + "@KrauseFx".yellow + " on Twitter."
ui.say "If you don't like it, help us improve it! xxx"