.rubocop.yml in danger-textlint-2.0.0 vs .rubocop.yml in danger-textlint-2.0.1

- old
+ new

@@ -1,34 +1,31 @@ # Defaults can be found here: https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop/blob/master/config/default.yml # If you don't like these settings, just delete this file :) AllCops: - TargetRubyVersion: 2.4 + TargetRubyVersion: 2.7 + NewCops: disable Style/StringLiterals: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes Enabled: true # kind_of? is a good way to check a type Style/ClassCheck: EnforcedStyle: kind_of? -# It's better to be more explicit about the type -Style/BracesAroundHashParameters: - Enabled: false - # specs sometimes have useless assignments, which is fine Lint/UselessAssignment: Exclude: - '**/spec/**/*' # We could potentially enable the 2 below: -Layout/IndentFirstHashElement: +Layout/FirstHashElementIndentation: Enabled: false -Layout/AlignHash: +Layout/HashAlignment: Enabled: false # HoundCI doesn't like this rule Layout/DotPosition: Enabled: false @@ -128,10 +125,10 @@ Enabled: false Naming/FileName: Enabled: false -Layout/IndentHeredoc: +Layout/HeredocIndentation: Enabled: false Style/SpecialGlobalVars: Enabled: false