Dangerfile in danger-ios_version_change-0.1.6 vs Dangerfile in danger-ios_version_change-0.1.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
-if github.branch_for_base == "master"
- diff = git.diff_for_file("lib/ios_version_change/gem_version.rb")
- if !diff
- fail 'You did not update the gem version.'
+if github.branch_for_base != "development" && github.pr_author != "levibostian"
+ fail "Sorry, wrong branch. Create a PR into the `development` branch instead."
+if github.branch_for_base == "production" && github.branch_for_head != "development"
+ fail "You must merge from the `development` branch into `production`."
+if github.branch_for_base == "production"
+ if !git.diff_for_file("lib/ios_version_change/gem_version.rb")
+ fail 'You did not update the plugion version in lib/ios_version_change/gem_version.rb'