lib/apkstats/plugin.rb in danger-apkstats-0.2.0 vs lib/apkstats/plugin.rb in danger-apkstats-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -62,29 +62,39 @@
# @see Jumpei Matsuda/danger-apkstats
# @tags android, apk_stats
class DangerApkstats < Plugin
+ class Error < StandardError; end
+ # @deprecated this field have no effect
apk_analyzer: Apkstats::Command::ApkAnalyzer,
- # *Optional*
- # A command type to be run.
- # One of keys of COMMAND_TYPE_MAP
+ # @deprecated this field have no effect
+ # This will be removed in further versions
- # @return [Symbol, Nil] _
+ # @return [String] _
attr_accessor :command_type
- # *Optional*
- # A custom command path
+ # *Required*
+ # A path of apkanalyzer command
- # @return [Symbol, Nil] _
- attr_accessor :command_path
+ # @return [String] _
+ attr_accessor :apkanalyzer_path
+ # @deprecated Use apkanalyzer_path instead
+ # @return [String] _
+ alias command_path apkanalyzer_path
+ # @deprecated Use apkanalyzer_path= instead
+ # @return [String] _
+ alias command_path= apkanalyzer_path=
# *Required*
# Your target apk filepath.
# @return [String]
attr_accessor :apk_filepath
@@ -109,11 +119,11 @@
}.tap do |result|
break unless do_report
diff = result[:diff]
- md = +"### Apk comparision results" << "\n\n"
+ md = +"### Apk comparison results" << "\n\n"
md << "Property | Summary" << "\n"
md << ":--- | :---" << "\n"
diff[:min_sdk].tap do |min_sdk|
break if min_sdk.size == 1
@@ -181,102 +191,123 @@
rescue StandardError => e
warn("apkstats failed to execute the command due to #{e.message}")
- e.backtrace&.each { |line| STDOUT.puts line }
+ on_error(e)
# rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength
# Show the file size of your apk file.
# @return [Fixnum] return positive value if exists, otherwise -1.
def file_size(_opts = {})
- result = run_command(__method__)
+ result = run_command(apkanalyzer_command, __method__)
result ? result.to_i : -1
# Show the download size of your apk file.
# @return [Fixnum] return positive value if exists, otherwise -1.
def download_size(_opts = {})
- result = run_command(__method__)
+ result = run_command(apkanalyzer_command, __method__)
result ? result.to_i : -1
# Show all required features of your apk file.
# The result doesn't contain non-required features.
# @return [Array<String>, Nil] return nil unless retrieved.
def required_features(_opts = {})
- result = run_command(__method__)
+ result = run_command(apkanalyzer_command, __method__)
result ? result.to_a : nil
# Show all non-required features of your apk file.
# The result doesn't contain required features.
# @return [Array<String>, Nil] return nil unless retrieved.
def non_required_features(_opts = {})
- result = run_command(__method__)
+ result = run_command(apkanalyzer_command, __method__)
result ? result.to_a : nil
# Show all permissions of your apk file.
# @return [Array<String>, Nil] return nil unless retrieved.
def permissions(_opts = {})
- result = run_command(__method__)
+ result = run_command(apkanalyzer_command, __method__)
result ? result.to_a : nil
# Show the min sdk version of your apk file.
# @return [String, Nil] return nil unless retrieved.
def min_sdk(_opts = {})
- run_command(__method__)
+ run_command(apkanalyzer_command, __method__)
# Show the target sdk version of your apk file.
# @return [String, Nil] return nil unless retrieved.
def target_sdk(_opts = {})
- run_command(__method__)
+ run_command(apkanalyzer_command, __method__)
# Show the methods reference count of your apk file.
# @return [Fixnum] return positive value if exists, otherwise -1.
def method_reference_count(_opts = {})
- result = run_command(__method__)
+ result = run_command(apkanalyzer_command, __method__)
result || -1
# Show the number of dex of your apk file.
# @return [Fixnum] return positive value if exists, otherwise -1.
def dex_count(_opts = {})
- result = run_command(__method__)
+ result = run_command(apkanalyzer_command, __method__)
result || -1
- def run_command(name)
+ # @param [Apkstats::Command::Executable] command a wrapper class of a command
+ # @param [String] name an attribute name
+ def run_command(command, name)
raise "#{command.command_path} is not found or is not executable" unless command.executable?
return command.send(name, apk_filepath)
rescue StandardError => e
warn("apkstats failed to execute the command #{name} due to #{e.message}")
- e.backtrace&.each { |line| puts line }
+ on_error(e)
+ end
- nil
+ def apkanalyzer_command
+ return @apkanalyzer_command if defined?(@apkanalyzer_command)
+ command_path = apkanalyzer_path || begin
+ android_home = ENV["ANDROID_HOME"]
+ if android_home
+ warn("apkstats will not use ANDROID_HOME in further versions because ANDROID_HOME has been officially deprecated.")
+ else
+ raise Error, "Please specify apkanalyzer_path to execute apkstats"
+ end
+ "#{android_home}/tools/bin/apkanalyzer"
+ end
+ @apkanalyzer_command = command_path)
- def command
- command_type ||= :apk_analyzer
- @command ||= COMMAND_TYPE_MAP[command_type.to_sym].new(command_path: command_path)
+ # @param [StandardError] err a happened error
+ # @return [NilClass]
+ def on_error(err)
+ warn err.message
+ err.backtrace&.each { |line| warn line }
+ nil