lib/generators/dailycred_generator.rb in dailycred-0.1.28 vs lib/generators/dailycred_generator.rb in dailycred-0.1.29
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
class DailycredGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
+ require 'faraday'
source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__)
argument :client_id, :type => :string, :default => 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID', :banner => 'dailycred_client_id'
argument :secret_key, :type => :string, :default => 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY', :banner => 'dailycred_secret_key'
@@ -71,11 +72,12 @@
- print dailycred_ascii
+ puts dailycred_ascii
# copy initializer
template "omniauth.rb", "config/initializers/omniauth.rb"
# session_controller
copy_file "sessions_controller.rb", "app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb"
# application controller
@@ -89,6 +91,61 @@
# auth page
copy_file "info.html.erb", "app/views/sessions/info"
# config/routes
inject_into_file "config/routes.rb", APP_ROUTES_LINES, :after => "#{APP_NAME}::Application.routes.draw do\n"
+ private
+ def get_info first=true
+ if first
+ puts "Please insert your dailycred credentials. You must sign up for a free account at "+
+ " This is to automatically configure your api keys. If you wish to skip, enter 'n' as your email."
+ else
+ puts "Invalid email and password. Try again or type 'n' to skip."
+ end
+ puts ''
+ print "Enter email:"
+ email = gets.chomp
+ if email != "n"
+ stty_settings = %x[stty -g]
+ print 'Password: '
+ begin
+ %x[stty -echo]
+ password = gets
+ ensure
+ %x[stty #{stty_settings}]
+ end
+ ssl_opts = {}
+ if File.exists?('/etc/ssl/certs')
+ ssl_opts = { :ca_path => '/etc/ssl/certs'}
+ end
+ if File.exists?('/opt/local/share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt')
+ ssl_opts = { :ca_file => '/opt/local/share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt' }
+ end
+ connection = "http://localhost:9000/", :ssl => ssl_opts
+ params = {
+ :login => email
+ :pass => password
+ :client_id => "dailycred"
+ }
+ response ="/user/api/signin.json", params)
+ p response_body
+ json = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ if !json["worked"]
+ # wrong password
+ get_info false
+ end
+ access_token = json["access_token"]
+ p access_token
+ response ="graph/clientinfo.json", :access_token => access_token)
+ json = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ if !json["worked"]
+ # weird error
+ end
+ client_id = json["clientId"]
+ client_secret = json["clientSecret"]
+ file_gsub "config/initializers/omniauth.rb", "YOUR_CLIENT_ID", client_id
+ file_gsub "config/initializers/omniauth.rb", "YOUR_SECRET_KEY", client_secret
+ end