lib/daemon-ogre.rb in daemon-ogre-1.4.9 vs lib/daemon-ogre.rb in daemon-ogre-1.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,711 +1,6 @@
- module DaemonOgre
- #OgreClassMethods
- begin
- class << self
- #Based on the rb location
- def load_directory(directory,*args)
- arg = Hash[*args]
- #directory = File.expand_path(directory)
- delayed_loads =
- if !arg[:delayed].nil?
- raise ArgumentError, "Delayed items must be in an "+\
- "Array! Example:\n:delayed => ['abc']" if arg[:delayed].class != Array
- end
- if !arg[:excluded].nil?
- raise ArgumentError, "Exclude items must be in an "+\
- "Array! Example:\n:exclude => ['abc']" if arg[:excluded].class != Array
- end
- arg[:type]= "rb" if arg[:type].nil?
- arg[:monkey_patch]= 0 if arg[:monkey_patch].nil?
- #=============================================================================================================
- ### GET Pre path + validation
- begin
- #get method callers path
- pre_path = caller[arg[:monkey_patch].to_i].split('.rb:').first+('.rb')
- if !pre_path.include?('/') && !pre_path.include?('\\')
- pre_path = File.expand_path(pre_path)
- end
- separator_symbol=
- pre_path.include?('/') ? separator_symbol = '/' : separator_symbol = '\\'
- pre_path= ((pre_path.split(separator_symbol))-([pre_path.split(separator_symbol).pop])).join(separator_symbol)
- end
- puts "prepath: "+pre_path.inspect if $DEBUG
- puts "LOADING_FILES_FROM_"+directory.to_s.split(separator_symbol).last.split('.').first.capitalize if $DEBUG
- puts "Elements found in #{directory}" if $DEBUG
- puts File.join("#{pre_path}","#{directory}","**","*.#{arg[:type]}") if $DEBUG
- puts Dir[File.join("#{pre_path}","#{directory}","**","*.#{arg[:type]}")].sort.inspect if $DEBUG
- Dir[File.join("#{pre_path}","#{directory}","**","*.#{arg[:type]}")].sort.each do |file|
- arg[:delayed]= [nil] if arg[:delayed].nil?
- arg[:excluded]= [nil] if arg[:excluded].nil?
- arg[:excluded].each do |except|
- if file.split(separator_symbol).last.split('.').first == except.to_s.split('.').first
- puts file.to_s + " cant be loaded because it's an exception" if $DEBUG
- else
- arg[:delayed].each do |delay|
- if file.split(separator_symbol).last.split('.').first == delay.to_s.split('.').first
- delayed_loads.push(file)
- else
- load(file)
- puts file.to_s if $DEBUG
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- delayed_loads.each do |delayed_load_element|
- load(delayed_load_element)
- puts delayed_load_element.to_s if $DEBUG
- end
- puts "DONE_LOAD_FILES_FROM_"+directory.to_s.split(separator_symbol).last.split('.').first.capitalize if $DEBUG
- end
- def get_port(port,max_port=65535 ,host="")
- require 'socket'
- port = port.to_i
- begin
- server ='', port)
- server.close
- return port
- rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE
- port = port.to_i + 1 if port < max_port+1
- retry
- end
- end
- def error_logger(error_msg,prefix="",log_file=App.log_path)
- ###convert error msg to more human friendly one
- begin
- error_msg= error_msg.to_s.gsub('", "','",'+"\n\"")
- rescue Exception
- error_msg= error_msg.inspect.gsub('", "','",'+"\n\"")
- end
- if File.exists?(File.expand_path(log_file))
- error_log = File.expand_path(log_file), "a+")
- error_log << "\n#{} | #{prefix}#{":" if prefix != ""} #{error_msg}"
- error_log.close
- else
-, "w").write(
- "#{} | #{prefix}#{":" if prefix != ""} #{error_msg}"
- )
- end
- return {:error => error_msg}
- end
- def load_ymls(directory,*args)
- arg= Hash[*args]
- require 'yaml'
- #require "hashie"
- arg[:monkey_patch]= 0 if arg[:monkey_patch].nil?
- ### GET Pre path + validation
- begin
- #get method callers path
- pre_path = caller[arg[:monkey_patch].to_i].split('.rb:').first+('.rb')
- if !pre_path.include?('/') && !pre_path.include?('\\')
- pre_path = File.expand_path(pre_path)
- end
- separator_symbol=
- pre_path.include?('/') ? separator_symbol = '/' : separator_symbol = '\\'
- pre_path= ((pre_path.split(separator_symbol))-([pre_path.split(separator_symbol).pop])).join(separator_symbol)
- end
- puts "Elements found in #{directory}" if $DEBUG
- puts File.join("#{pre_path}","#{directory}","**","*.yml") if $DEBUG
- puts Dir[File.join("#{pre_path}","#{directory}","**","*.yml")].sort.inspect if $DEBUG
- yaml_files = Dir[File.join("#{pre_path}","#{directory}","**","*.yml")].sort
- puts "\nyaml file found: "+yaml_files.inspect if $DEBUG
- @result_hash = {}
- yaml_files.each_with_index do |full_path_file_name|
- file_name = full_path_file_name.split(separator_symbol).last.split(separator_symbol).first
- hash_key = file_name
- @result_hash[hash_key] = YAML.load("#{full_path_file_name}"))
- #@result_hash = @result_hash.merge!(tmp_hash)
- puts "==========================================================" if $DEBUG
- puts "Loading "+file_name.to_s.capitalize+"\n" if $DEBUG
- puts YAML.load("#{full_path_file_name}")) if $DEBUG
- puts "__________________________________________________________" if $DEBUG
- end
- puts "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" if $DEBUG
- puts "The Main Hash: \n"+@result_hash.inspect.to_s if $DEBUG
- puts "-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n" if $DEBUG
- return @result_hash
- end
- def create_on_filesystem(route_name,optionable_file_mod="w",optionable_data=nil)
- begin
- #file_name generate
- if !route_name.to_s.split('/').last.nil? || route_name.to_s.split('/').last != ''
- file_name = route_name.to_s.split('/').last
- else
- file_name = nil?
- end
- #path_way
- begin
- raise ArgumentError, "missing route_name: #{route_name}" if route_name.nil?
- path = File.expand_path(route_name).to_s.split('/')
- path = path - [File.expand_path(route_name).to_s.split('/').last]
- path.shift
- end
- #job
- begin
- if !Dir.exists?('/'+path.join('/'))
- at_now = '/'
- path.each do |dir_to_be_checked|
- at_now += "#{dir_to_be_checked}/"
- Dir.mkdir(at_now) if !Dir.exists?(at_now)
- end
- end
- end
- #file_create
-"/#{path.join('/')}/#{file_name}", optionable_file_mod ).write optionable_data
- rescue Exception => ex
- puts ex
- end
- end
- def process_running?(input)
- begin
- Process.getpgid input.chomp.to_i
- return true
- rescue Exception
- return false
- end
- end
- def clone_mpath(original_path,new_name)
- log_path = File.expand_path(original_path)
- log_path = log_path.split('/')
- log_path.pop
- log_path.push(new_name)
- log_path = log_path.join('/')
- return log_path
- end
- end
- end
- #config
- begin
- class App
- class << self
- attr_accessor :log_path,
- :pid_path,
- :daemon_stderr,
- :exceptions,
- :exlogger,
- :app_name,
- :port,
- :terminate
- end
- end
- end
- #default
- begin
- App.log_path = "./var/log/logfile.log"
- App.pid_path = "./var/pid/"
- App.terminate = false
- App.port = 80
- App.app_name = $0
- begin
- ['daemon_stderr','exceptions','exlogger'].each do |one_log|
- App.__send__(one_log+"=",clone_mpath(App.log_path,one_log+".log"))
- end
- end
- end
- #DaemonEngine
- begin
- class Daemon
- # Checks to see if the current process is the child process and if not
- # will update the pid file with the child pid.
- def self.start pid, pidfile, outfile, errfile
- unless pid.nil?
- raise "Fork failed" if pid == -1
- write pid, pidfile #if kill pidfile
- exit
- else
- redirect outfile, errfile
- end
- end
- # Attempts to write the pid of the forked process to the pid file.
- def self.write pid, pidfile
- DaemonOgre.create_on_filesystem pidfile
- pidfile, "a+" do |new_line|
- new_line.write "#{pid}\n"
- end
- rescue ::Exception => e
- $stderr.puts "While writing the PID to file, unexpected #{e.class}: #{e}"
- Process.kill "HUP", pid
- end
- # Try and read the existing pid from the pid file and signal the
- # process. Returns true for a non blocking status.
- def self.kill(pidfile)
- opid = open("./#{pidfile}").read.strip.to_i
- Process.kill 'HUP', opid.to_i
- true
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
- $stdout.puts "#{pidfile} did not exist: Errno::ENOENT" if $DEBUG
- true
- rescue Errno::ESRCH
- $stdout.puts "The process #{opid} did not exist: Errno::ESRCH" if $DEBUG
- true
- rescue Errno::EPERM
- $stderr.puts "Lack of privileges to manage the process #{opid}: Errno::EPERM" if $DEBUG
- false
- rescue ::Exception => e
- $stderr.puts "While signaling the PID, unexpected #{e.class}: #{e}" if $DEBUG
- false
- end
- # Send stdout and stderr to log files for the child process
- def self.redirect outfile, errfile
- $stdin.reopen '/dev/null'
- out = outfile, "a"
- err = errfile, "a"
- $stdout.reopen out
- $stderr.reopen err
- $stdout.sync = $stderr.sync = true
- end
- end
- end
- #server_model
- begin
- class Server
- @@startup = false
- class << self
- def daemon
- puts "#{$0} daemon is watching you..."
- DaemonOgre.create_on_filesystem DaemonOgre::App.pid_path,
- 'a+'
- DaemonOgre.create_on_filesystem DaemonOgre::App.log_path,
- 'a+'
- DaemonOgre.create_on_filesystem DaemonOgre::App.daemon_stderr,
- 'a+'
- DaemonOgre::Daemon.start fork,
- DaemonOgre::App.pid_path,
- DaemonOgre::App.log_path,
- DaemonOgre::App.daemon_stderr
- end
- def debug
- $DEBUG = true
- end
- def help
- puts "\nyou can use one of these commands: "+\
- "\nstart daemon -d stop restart log -l pid -p port -tcp status reset help"+\
- "\n==============================================================================DESC======>>"
- puts "start\t\t\t\t=> this will start the #{$0}"+\
- "\ndaemon\t\t\t\t=> this will make is daemon process"+\
- "\nstop\t\t\t\t=> this will kill the last process with pidfile"+\
- "\nrestart\t\tor reset\t=> hard restart"+\
- "\nlog\t\tor -l\t\t=> logfile place"+\
- "\npid\t\tor -p\t\t=> pid file place (if you want set the filename as well, put .pid or .txt in the end)"+\
- "\nport\t\tor -tcp\t\t=> user definiated port"+\
- "\nstatus\t\t\t\t=> last process alive?"+\
- "\ndebug\t\tor -d\t\t=> show debug log (you can make your own by using 'puts 'xy' if $DEBUG' "+\
- "\nhelp\t\t\t\tgive you this msg :)\n"
- DaemonOgre::App.terminate=true
- end
- def start
- if File.exist?(File.expand_path(App.pid_path))
- text =
- terminate_on_command =
- text.each_line do |line|
- terminate_on_command.push DaemonOgre.process_running?(line)
- end
- end
- if !terminate_on_command.nil?
- if !terminate_on_command.include?(true)
- @@startup = true
- else
- puts "sorry but process is already running in this specification"
- Process.exit
- end
- else
- @@startup = true
- end
- end
- def stop
- puts "#{$0} is going to be FacePalmed..."
- Daemon.kill DaemonOgre::App.pid_path
- kill_with_pid
-, "w").write("")
- DaemonOgre::App.terminate=true
- end
- def restart
- Daemon.kill DaemonOgre::App.pid_path
- kill_with_pid
-, "w").write("")
- start
- end
- def kill_with_pid
- begin
- if File.exists?(DaemonOgre::App.pid_path)
- puts "PidFile found, processing..." if $DEBUG
- do |row|
- begin
- Process.kill 'TERM', row.to_i
- puts "terminated process at: #{row}" if $DEBUG
- rescue Exception => ex
- puts "At process: #{row}, #{ex}" if $DEBUG
- end
- end
- else
- system "ps -ef | grep #{$0}"
- #system "netstat --listen"
- #puts "\nLepton is around 10300-10399"
- end
- rescue Exception => ex
- puts "Exception has occured: #{ex}"
- end
- end
- def continue?
- Process.exit if !@@startup
- end
- def set_log(param)
- ARGV.each do |one_parameter|
- if one_parameter == param
- DaemonOgre::App.log_path= ARGV[ARGV.index(one_parameter)+1]
- end
- end
- end
- def set_pid(param)
- ARGV.each do |one_parameter|
- if one_parameter == param
- if ARGV[ARGV.index(one_parameter)+1].to_s.include?(".pid") ||\
- ARGV[ARGV.index(one_parameter)+1].to_s.include?(".txt")
- DaemonOgre::App.pid_path= ARGV[ARGV.index(one_parameter)+1]
- else
- DaemonOgre::App.pid_path= ARGV[ARGV.index(one_parameter)+1].to_s+""
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def set_port(param)
- ARGV.each do |one_parameter|
- if one_parameter == param
- DaemonOgre::App.port= ARGV[ARGV.index(one_parameter)+1]
- end
- end
- end
- def pid
- begin
- if !DaemonOgre::App.pid_path.nil?
- DaemonOgre::App.pid_path+="" if !DaemonOgre::App.pid_path.include?(".pid")
- pre_path = File.dirname "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{DaemonOgre::App.pid_path}"
- pre_path_array = pre_path.split('/') - [ pre_path[0].to_s ]
- if !Dir.exists?(pre_path)
- at_now =
- pre_path_array.each do |one_dir_to_be_made|
- #at_now show the place where we are now
- at_now == "" ? at_now += one_dir_to_be_made : at_now += "/"+one_dir_to_be_made
- if !Dir.exists?("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{at_now}")
- Dir.mkdir("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{at_now}")
- end
- end
- end
-"#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/#{DaemonOgre::App.pid_path}", "a+").write"\n"
- end
- rescue Exception => ex
- ex.logger
- end
- end
- def pid_check
- if File.exist?(File.expand_path(App.pid_path))
- puts "checking pidfile:"
- text =
- text.each_line do |line|
- puts "#{line.chomp}:\t#{DaemonOgre.process_running?(line)}"
- end
- else
- puts "missing pid file (with default path) "+\
- "\nif you specificated one manualy pls type"+\
- " the path first in with '-p xy/'"
- end
- DaemonOgre::App.terminate=true
- end
- def clear
- logs = ['loh_path','daemon_stderr','exceptions','exlogger']
- logs.each do |logname|
- begin
- File.delete DaemonOgre::App.__send__(logname)
- rescue Exception => ex
- puts ex if $DEBUG
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
-#monkey patch
- def process_running?(input)
- DaemonOgre.process_running?(input)
- end
- def require_directory(directory,*args)
- DaemonOgre.load_directory(directory,{:monkey_patch => 1},*args)
- end
- def require_ymls(directory)
- DaemonOgre.load_ymls(
- directory,
- {:monkey_patch => 1}
- )
- end
- def get_port(port,max_port=65535 ,host="")
- DaemonOgre.get_port(port,max_port,host)
- end
- def exlogger(error_msg,*args)
- arg=Hash[*args]
- arg[:prefix] = if arg[:prefix].nil?
- arg[:path] = DaemonOgre::App.exlogger if arg[:path].nil?
- DaemonOgre.create_on_filesystem arg[:path],
- 'a+'
- DaemonOgre.error_logger(error_msg,arg[:prefix],arg[:path])
- end
- class Exception
- def logger
- DaemonOgre.create_on_filesystem DaemonOgre::App.exceptions,
- 'a+'
- DaemonOgre.error_logger(self.backtrace,self,DaemonOgre::App.exceptions)
- end
- end
- class File
- def self.create!(file,optionable_data=nil,optionable_file_mod="w")
- DaemonOgre.create_on_filesystem file,
- optionable_file_mod,
- optionable_data
- end
- end
- class Class
- def class_methods
- self.methods - Object.methods
- end
- def self.class_methods
- self.methods - Object.methods
- end
- end
- class Rnd
- class << self
- def string(length,amount=1)
- mrg =
- first_string = true
- amount.times do
- a_string = Random.rand(length)
- a_string == 0 ? a_string += 1 : a_string
- mrg_prt = (0...a_string).map{ ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] }.join
- first_string ? mrg += mrg_prt : mrg+= " #{mrg_prt}"
- first_string = false
- end
- return mrg
- end
- def integer(length)
- Random.rand(length)
- end
- def boolean
- rand(2) == 1
- end
- def date from =, to =
- rand(
- end
- end
- end
- class Array
- def index_of(target_element)
- array = self
- hash = Hash[]
- return hash[target_element]
- end
- end
- class Hash
- #pass single or array of keys, which will be removed, returning the remaining hash
- def remove!(*keys)
- keys.each{|key| self.delete(key) }
- self
- end
- #non-destructive version
- def remove(*keys)
- self.dup.remove!(*keys)
- end
- end
- module DaemonOgre
- def self.start(*args)
- arg = Hash[*args]
- ##defaults:
- #arg[:log_path]
- #arg[:pid_path]
- #arg[:name]
- #arg[:port]
- #arg[:terminate]
- #arg[:clear]
- begin
- begin
- App.pid_path = arg[:pid_path] if !arg[:pid_path].nil?
- App.log_path = arg[:log_path] if !arg[:log_path].nil?
- $0 = arg[:name] if !arg[:name].nil?
- App.port = arg[:port] if !arg[:port].nil?
- App.terminate = arg[:terminate] if !arg[:terminate].nil?
- end
- if ARGV.nil?
- puts "No server task has been given!"
- end
- serv_load =
- ARGV.each do |one_argv_parameter|
- case one_argv_parameter.downcase
- when "start" then serv_load.push "start"
- when "daemon" then serv_load.push "daemon"
- when "-d" then DaemonOgre::Server.debug
- when "stop" then serv_load.push "stop"
- when "restart" then serv_load.push "restart"
- when "reset" then serv_load.push "restart"
- when "debugger" then serv_load.push "debugger"
- when "log" then DaemonOgre::Server.set_log "log"
- when "pid" then DaemonOgre::Server.set_pid "pid"
- when "-l" then DaemonOgre::Server.set_log "-l"
- when "-p" then DaemonOgre::Server.set_pid "-p"
- when "port" then DaemonOgre::Server.set_port "port"
- when "-tcp" then DaemonOgre::Server.set_port "-tcp"
- when "status" then DaemonOgre::Server.pid_check
- when "-s" then DaemonOgre::Server.pid_check
- when "help" then
- when "debug" then DaemonOgre::Server.debug
- when "clear" then serv_load.push "clear"
- end
- end
- #server_TODO
- begin
- DaemonOgre::Server.restart if serv_load.include? "restart"
- DaemonOgre::Server.start if serv_load.include? "start"
- DaemonOgre::Server.stop if serv_load.include? "stop"
- DaemonOgre::Server.clear if serv_load.include? "clear"
- DaemonOgre::Server.daemon if serv_load.include? "daemon"
- end
- #Continue our program ? : )
- DaemonOgre::Server.continue? if DaemonOgre::App.terminate
- begin
- require "debugger" ;debugger if serv_load.include? "debugger"
- rescue Exception => ex
- puts "you need to install debugger gem => gem install debugger\n#{ex}"
- end
- end
- end
- def
- puts "\n##defaults:\narg[:log_path]\tlog path and"+\
- " file name\narg[:pid_path]\tpid path and file n"+\
- "ame\narg[:terminate]\tstart command required to"+\
- " continue? 'ruby xy.rb start'\narg[:name]\tapplication names as daemon process"
- end
- end
+require File.join File.dirname(__FILE__) , 'daemon-ogre', 'support'
+require File.join File.dirname(__FILE__) , 'daemon-ogre', 'app'
+require File.join File.dirname(__FILE__) , 'daemon-ogre', 'daemon'
+require File.join File.dirname(__FILE__) , 'daemon-ogre', 'server'
+require File.join File.dirname(__FILE__) , 'daemon-ogre', 'mpatch'
+require File.join File.dirname(__FILE__) , 'daemon-ogre', 'startup'
\ No newline at end of file