app/views/cytoplasm/fonts/index.html.erb in cytoplasm-0.1.5 vs app/views/cytoplasm/fonts/index.html.erb in cytoplasm-0.1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -2,173 +2,19 @@
<hr />
<% if @enabled["fontsquirrel"].any? or @enabled["googlewebfonts"].any? %>
<h3>Enabled Fonts</h3>
- <p>These fonts are loaded at runtime. Remember: <b>less is more!</b> Enabling lots of fonts can slow page loading times and clutter up layouts.</p>
- <% {"fontsquirrel" => "FontSquirrel","googlewebfonts" => "Google Web Fonts"}.each do |dir,name| %>
- <% if @enabled[dir].any? %>
- <h6><%=name%></h6>
- <ul>
- <% @enabled[dir].each do |fam,f| %>
- <%=render :partial => 'font_li', :locals => {:fam => fam, :f => f, :dir => dir} %>
- <% end %>
- </ul>
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
+ <p>The following fonts are being loaded into every page of your site. To use them, simply add a font-family CSS rule referencing the <b>CSS Name</b> to any element.</p>
+ <p><b>Remember: less is more!</b> Loading tons of fonts can severely affect page load times, and using more than a few at a time is widely considered poor design practice anyway. It is recommended that you simply disable any fonts that you aren't using.</p>
+ <%=render :partial => 'list', :object => @enabled %>
<hr />
<% end %>
<% if @installed["fontsquirrel"].any? or @installed["googlewebfonts"].any? %>
<h3>Installed Fonts</h3>
<p>This includes all fonts that are currently installed into this Cytoplasm project.</p>
- <% {"fontsquirrel" => "FontSquirrel","googlewebfonts" => "Google Web Fonts"}.each do |dir,name| %>
- <% if @installed[dir].any? %>
- <h6><%=name%></h6>
- <ul>
- <% @installed[dir].each do |fam,f| %>
- <%=render :partial => 'font_li', :locals => {:fam => fam, :f => f, :dir => dir} %>
- <% end %>
- </ul>
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
+ <%=render :partial => 'list', :object => @installed %>
<hr />
<% end %>
-<h3>Install New Fonts</h3>
- <input type="radio" name="fonts_directory" data-label="Font Squirrel API" value="fontsquirrel" data-exclude="true" checked="checked" class="cytoRadio" />
- <input type="radio" name="fonts_directory" data-label="Google Web Fonts" value="googlewebfonts" data-exclude="true" />
-<p><select name="fonts_family" id="fontfamilyselect" data-exclude="true" class="cytoSelect"></select></p>
-<p><input type="checkbox" id="font_import_autoenable" data-exclude="true" checked="checked" /> Automatically enable this font after installing</p>
-<p><button id="font_import_button" class="cytoButton large">Install Font Family</button></p>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- $.Cytoplasm("ready",function(){
- $.cytoAjax("/cytoplasm/fonts/fetch_all",function(data){
- var fds = $('input[name=fonts_directory]');
- var ffs = $('#fontfamilyselect');
- var iae = $('#font_import_autoenable');
- var ib = $('#font_import_button');
- // Directory select
- fds.cytoRadio("options",{
- events:{
- change:$.debounce(100,true,function(e){
- var fonts = {};
- var imported = {};
- switch ($(this).cytoRadio("value")) {
- case "fontsquirrel":
- $.each(data.fontsquirrel,function(fam,f){fonts[fam] = f.family_name;});
- if (data.imported.length>0) {
- $.each(data.imported,function(fam,f){imported[fam] = fam;});
- iffs.cytoSelect("update",imported);
- }
- break;
- case "googlewebfonts":
- $.each(data.googlewebfonts,function(fam,f){fonts[fam] = fam;});
- break;
- default:return false;
- }
- ffs.cytoSelect("update",fonts);
- })
- }
- });
- // Family select
- ffs.cytoSelect("options",{
- events:{
- change:function(cy,e){
- var dir = fds.cytoRadio("value");
- var f = data[dir][$(this).cytoSelect("value")];
- if (f!=null) switch (dir) {
- case "fontsquirrel":
- // Check if font has already been imported
- if (!$.isEmptyObject(data.imported[dir]) && data.imported[dir][f.family_urlname] != null) ib.addClass('active').html("Font Family Installed");
- else ib.removeClass('active').html("Install Font Family");
- break;
- case "googlewebfonts":
- console.log(data.imported[dir][]);
- if (!$.isEmptyObject(data.imported[dir]) && data.imported[dir][] != null) ib.addClass('active').html("Font Family Installed");
- else ib.removeClass('active').html("Install Font Family");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- // Font Import Button
- ib.css({"margin-top":10}).click(function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- var dir = fds.cytoRadio("value");
- var f = data[dir][ffs.cytoSelect("value")];
- var name = (dir=="fontsquirrel") ? f.family_name :;
- var urlname = (dir=="fontsquirrel") ? f.family_urlname :;
- if (!ib.hasClass('active')) {
- // Import font
- $.cytoAjax("/cytoplasm/fonts/import",{directory:dir,family:urlname},function(data){
- if (!iae.prop("checked")) $.cytoAjaxResponse('Font "'+name+'" has been installed successfully.<br /><a href="#" onClick="window.location.reload();">You must reload to apply these changes.</a>');
- else $.cytoAjax("/cytoplasm/fonts/enable",{family:urlname,directory:dir},function(data2){
- $.cytoAjaxResponse('Font "'+name+'" has been enabled successfully.<br /><a href="#" onClick="window.location.reload();">You must reload to apply these changes.</a>');
- });
- ib.addClass('active').html("Font Family Installed");
- });
- } else {
- // Remove font
- if (confirm("Are you sure you want to uninstall this font from your fonts library?")) $.cytoAjax("/cytoplasm/fonts/remove",{directory:dir,family:f},function(data){
- $.cytoAjaxResponse('Font "'+name+'" has been uninstalled successfully.<br /><a href="#" onClick="window.location.reload();">You must reload to apply these changes.</a>');
- ib.removeClass('active').html("Install Font Family");
- });
- }
- });
- });
- });
-<script type="text/javascript">
- $.Cytoplasm("ready",function(){
- $('.font_enable_disable').click(function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- var $this = $(this);
- var li = $this.parents("li");
- var fam ='family');
- var dir ='directory');
- if ($this.html()=="Enable") {
- $.cytoAjax("/cytoplasm/fonts/enable",{family:fam,directory:dir},function(data){
- $.cytoAjaxResponse('Font "'+fam+'" has been enabled successfully.<br /><a href="#" onClick="window.location.reload();">You must reload to apply these changes.</a>');
- $this.html("Disable");
- });
- } else if ($this.html()=="Disable") {
- $.cytoAjax("/cytoplasm/fonts/disable",{'family'),directory:dir},function(data){
- $.cytoAjaxResponse('Font "'+fam+'" has been disabled successfully.<br /><a href="#" onClick="window.location.reload();">You must reload to apply these changes.</a>');
- $this.html("Enable");
- });
- } else return false;
- });
- $('.font_uninstall').click(function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- var $this = $(this);
- var li = $this.parents("li");
- var fam ='family');
- var dir ='directory');
- if (confirm('Are you sure you want to uninstall this font?')) $.cytoAjax("/cytoplasm/fonts/remove",{family:fam,directory:dir},function(data){
- $.cytoAjaxResponse('Font "'+fam+'" has been uninstalled successfully.<br /><a href="#" onClick="window.location.reload();">You must reload to apply these changes.</a>');
- li.hide(400);
- });
- });
- });
+<%=render :partial => 'installer'%>
\ No newline at end of file