lib/cyberarm_engine/ui/element.rb in cyberarm_engine-0.19.0 vs lib/cyberarm_engine/ui/element.rb in cyberarm_engine-0.19.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,488 +1,488 @@
-module CyberarmEngine
- class Element
- include Theme
- include Event
- include Common
- attr_accessor :x, :y, :z, :enabled, :tip
- attr_reader :parent, :options, :style, :event_handler, :background_canvas, :border_canvas
- def initialize(options = {}, block = nil)
- @parent = options.delete(:parent) # parent Container (i.e. flow/stack)
- options = theme_defaults(options)
- @options = options
- @block = block
- @focus = @options[:focus].nil? ? false : @options[:focus]
- @enabled = @options[:enabled].nil? ? true : @options[:enabled]
- @visible = @options[:visible].nil? ? true : @options[:visible]
- @tip = @options[:tip] || ""
- @debug_color = @options[:debug_color].nil? ? Gosu::Color::RED : @options[:debug_color]
- @style =
- @root ||= nil
- @gui_state ||= nil
- @x = @style.x
- @y = @style.y
- @z = @style.z
- @width = 0
- @height = 0
- @style.width = default(:width) || nil
- @style.height = default(:height) || nil
- @style.background_canvas =
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas =
- @style.border_canvas = self)
- @style_event = :default
- stylize
- default_events
- root.gui_state.request_focus(self) if @options[:autofocus]
- end
- def stylize
- set_static_position
- set_padding
- set_margin
- set_background
- set_background_nine_slice
- set_border_thickness
- set_border_color
- end
- def safe_style_fetch(*args)
- @style.hash.dig(@style_event, *args) || @style.hash.dig(:default, *args) || default(*args)
- end
- def set_static_position
- @x = @style.x if @style.x != 0
- @y = @style.y if @style.y != 0
- end
- def set_background
- @style.background = safe_style_fetch(:background)
- @style.background_canvas.background = @style.background
- end
- def set_background_nine_slice
- @style.background_nine_slice = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice)
- @style.background_nine_slice_mode = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_mode) || :stretch
- @style.background_nine_slice_color = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_color) || Gosu::Color::WHITE
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.color = @style.background_nine_slice_color
- @style.background_nine_slice_from_edge = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_from_edge)
- @style.background_nine_slice_left = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_left) || @style.background_nine_slice_from_edge
- @style.background_nine_slice_top = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_top) || @style.background_nine_slice_from_edge
- @style.background_nine_slice_right = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_right) || @style.background_nine_slice_from_edge
- @style.background_nine_slice_bottom = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_bottom) || @style.background_nine_slice_from_edge
- end
- def set_border_thickness
- @style.border_thickness = safe_style_fetch(:border_thickness)
- @style.border_thickness_left = safe_style_fetch(:border_thickness_left) || @style.border_thickness
- @style.border_thickness_right = safe_style_fetch(:border_thickness_right) || @style.border_thickness
- @style.border_thickness_top = safe_style_fetch(:border_thickness_top) || @style.border_thickness
- @style.border_thickness_bottom = safe_style_fetch(:border_thickness_bottom) || @style.border_thickness
- end
- def set_border_color
- @style.border_color = safe_style_fetch(:border_color)
- @style.border_color_left = safe_style_fetch(:border_color_left) || @style.border_color
- @style.border_color_right = safe_style_fetch(:border_color_right) || @style.border_color
- @style.border_color_top = safe_style_fetch(:border_color_top) || @style.border_color
- @style.border_color_bottom = safe_style_fetch(:border_color_bottom) || @style.border_color
- @style.border_canvas.color = [
- @style.border_color_top,
- @style.border_color_right,
- @style.border_color_bottom,
- @style.border_color_left
- ]
- end
- def set_padding
- @style.padding = safe_style_fetch(:padding)
- @style.padding_left = safe_style_fetch(:padding_left) || @style.padding
- @style.padding_right = safe_style_fetch(:padding_right) || @style.padding
- @style.padding_top = safe_style_fetch(:padding_top) || @style.padding
- @style.padding_bottom = safe_style_fetch(:padding_bottom) || @style.padding
- end
- def set_margin
- @style.margin = safe_style_fetch(:margin)
- @style.margin_left = safe_style_fetch(:margin_left) || @style.margin
- @style.margin_right = safe_style_fetch(:margin_right) || @style.margin
- @style.margin_top = safe_style_fetch(:margin_top) || @style.margin
- @style.margin_bottom = safe_style_fetch(:margin_bottom) || @style.margin
- end
- def update_styles(event = :default)
- old_width = width
- old_height = height
- _style = @style.send(event)
- @style_event = event
- if @text.is_a?(CyberarmEngine::Text)
- @text.color = _style&.dig(:color) || @style.default[:color]
- @text.swap_font(_style&.dig(:text_size) || @style.default[:text_size], _style&.dig(:font) || @style.default[:font])
- end
- return if self.is_a?(ToolTip)
- if old_width != width || old_height != height
- (root&.gui_state || @gui_state).request_recalculate
- else
- stylize
- end
- end
- def default_events
- %i[left middle right].each do |button|
- event(:"#{button}_mouse_button")
- event(:"released_#{button}_mouse_button")
- event(:"clicked_#{button}_mouse_button")
- event(:"holding_#{button}_mouse_button")
- end
- event(:mouse_wheel_up)
- event(:mouse_wheel_down)
- event(:enter)
- event(:hover)
- event(:leave)
- event(:focus)
- event(:blur)
- event(:changed)
- end
- def enter(_sender)
- @focus = false unless window.button_down?(Gosu::MsLeft)
- if !@enabled
- update_styles(:disabled)
- elsif @focus
- update_styles(:active)
- else
- update_styles(:hover)
- end
- :handled
- end
- def left_mouse_button(_sender, _x, _y)
- @focus = true
- unless @enabled
- update_styles(:disabled)
- else
- update_styles(:active)
- end
- window.current_state.focus = self
- :handled
- end
- def released_left_mouse_button(sender, _x, _y)
- enter(sender)
- :handled
- end
- def clicked_left_mouse_button(_sender, _x, _y)
- @block&.call(self) if @enabled && !self.is_a?(Container)
- :handled
- end
- def leave(_sender)
- if @enabled
- update_styles
- else
- update_styles(:disabled)
- end
- :handled
- end
- def blur(_sender)
- @focus = false
- if @enabled
- update_styles
- else
- update_styles(:disabled)
- end
- :handled
- end
- def enabled?
- @enabled
- end
- def visible?
- @visible
- end
- def toggle
- @visible = !@visible
- root.gui_state.request_recalculate
- end
- def show
- bool = visible?
- @visible = true
- root.gui_state.request_recalculate unless bool
- end
- def hide
- bool = visible?
- @visible = false
- root.gui_state.request_recalculate if bool
- end
- def draw
- return unless visible?
- @style.background_canvas.draw
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.draw
- @style.border_canvas.draw
- Gosu.clip_to(@x, @y, width, height) do
- render
- end
- end
- def debug_draw
- return if defined?(GUI_DEBUG_ONLY_ELEMENT) && self.class == GUI_DEBUG_ONLY_ELEMENT
- Gosu.draw_line(
- x, y, @debug_color,
- x + outer_width, y, @debug_color,
- )
- Gosu.draw_line(
- x + outer_width, y, @debug_color,
- x + outer_width, y + outer_height, @debug_color,
- )
- Gosu.draw_line(
- x + outer_width, y + outer_height, @debug_color,
- x, y + outer_height, @debug_color,
- )
- Gosu.draw_line(
- x, outer_height, @debug_color,
- x, y, @debug_color,
- )
- end
- def update
- end
- def button_down(id)
- end
- def button_up(id)
- end
- def draggable?(_button)
- false
- end
- def render
- end
- def hit?(x, y)
- x.between?(@x, @x + width) &&
- y.between?(@y, @y + height)
- end
- def width
- if visible?
- inner_width + @width
- else
- 0
- end
- end
- def content_width
- @width
- end
- def noncontent_width
- (inner_width + outer_width) - width
- end
- def outer_width
- @style.margin_left + width + @style.margin_right
- end
- def inner_width
- (@style.border_thickness_left + @style.padding_left) + (@style.padding_right + @style.border_thickness_right)
- end
- def height
- if visible?
- inner_height + @height
- else
- 0
- end
- end
- def content_height
- @height
- end
- def noncontent_height
- (inner_height + outer_height) - height
- end
- def outer_height
- @style.margin_top + height + @style.margin_bottom
- end
- def inner_height
- (@style.border_thickness_top + @style.padding_top) + (@style.padding_bottom + @style.border_thickness_bottom)
- end
- def scroll_width
- @children.sum(&:width) + noncontent_width
- end
- def scroll_height
- @children.sum(&:height) + noncontent_height
- end
- def max_scroll_width
- scroll_width - width
- end
- def max_scroll_height
- scroll_height - height
- end
- def dimensional_size(size, dimension)
- raise "dimension must be either :width or :height" unless %i[width height].include?(dimension)
- if size.is_a?(Numeric) && size.between?(0.0, 1.0)
- (@parent.send(:"content_#{dimension}") * size).round - send(:"noncontent_#{dimension}").round
- else
- size
- end
- end
- def background=(_background)
- @style.background_canvas.background = _background
- update_background
- end
- def update_background
- @style.background_canvas.x = @x
- @style.background_canvas.y = @y
- @style.background_canvas.z = @z
- @style.background_canvas.width = width
- @style.background_canvas.height = height
- @style.background_canvas.update
- update_background_nine_slice
- @style.border_canvas.update
- end
- def background_nine_slice=(_image_path)
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.image = _image_path
- update_background_nine_slice
- end
- def update_background_nine_slice
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.x = @x
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.y = @y
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.z = @z
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.width = width
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.height = height
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.mode = @style.background_nine_slice_mode
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.color = @style.background_nine_slice_color
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.left = @style.background_nine_slice_left
- = @style.background_nine_slice_top
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.right = @style.background_nine_slice_right
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.bottom = @style.background_nine_slice_bottom
- @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.image = @style.background_nine_slice
- end
- def root
- return self if is_root?
- unless @root && @root.parent.nil?
- @root = parent
- loop do
- break unless @root&.parent
- @root = @root.parent
- end
- end
- @root
- end
- def is_root?
- @gui_state != nil
- end
- def focus(_)
- warn "#{self.class}#focus was not overridden!"
- :handled
- end
- def recalculate
- raise "#{self.class}#recalculate was not overridden!"
- end
- def reposition
- end
- def value
- raise "#{self.class}#value was not overridden!"
- end
- def value=(_value)
- raise "#{self.class}#value= was not overridden!"
- end
- def to_s
- "#{self.class} x=#{x} y=#{y} width=#{width} height=#{height} value=#{value.is_a?(String) ? "\"#{value}\"" : value}"
- end
- def inspect
- to_s
- end
- end
+module CyberarmEngine
+ class Element
+ include Theme
+ include Event
+ include Common
+ attr_accessor :x, :y, :z, :enabled, :tip
+ attr_reader :parent, :options, :style, :event_handler, :background_canvas, :border_canvas
+ def initialize(options = {}, block = nil)
+ @parent = options.delete(:parent) # parent Container (i.e. flow/stack)
+ options = theme_defaults(options)
+ @options = options
+ @block = block
+ @focus = @options[:focus].nil? ? false : @options[:focus]
+ @enabled = @options[:enabled].nil? ? true : @options[:enabled]
+ @visible = @options[:visible].nil? ? true : @options[:visible]
+ @tip = @options[:tip] || ""
+ @debug_color = @options[:debug_color].nil? ? Gosu::Color::RED : @options[:debug_color]
+ @style =
+ @root ||= nil
+ @gui_state ||= nil
+ @x = @style.x
+ @y = @style.y
+ @z = @style.z
+ @width = 0
+ @height = 0
+ @style.width = default(:width) || nil
+ @style.height = default(:height) || nil
+ @style.background_canvas =
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas =
+ @style.border_canvas = self)
+ @style_event = :default
+ stylize
+ default_events
+ root.gui_state.request_focus(self) if @options[:autofocus]
+ end
+ def stylize
+ set_static_position
+ set_padding
+ set_margin
+ set_background
+ set_background_nine_slice
+ set_border_thickness
+ set_border_color
+ end
+ def safe_style_fetch(*args)
+ @style.hash.dig(@style_event, *args) || @style.hash.dig(:default, *args) || default(*args)
+ end
+ def set_static_position
+ @x = @style.x if @style.x != 0
+ @y = @style.y if @style.y != 0
+ end
+ def set_background
+ @style.background = safe_style_fetch(:background)
+ @style.background_canvas.background = @style.background
+ end
+ def set_background_nine_slice
+ @style.background_nine_slice = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice)
+ @style.background_nine_slice_mode = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_mode) || :stretch
+ @style.background_nine_slice_color = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_color) || Gosu::Color::WHITE
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.color = @style.background_nine_slice_color
+ @style.background_nine_slice_from_edge = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_from_edge)
+ @style.background_nine_slice_left = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_left) || @style.background_nine_slice_from_edge
+ @style.background_nine_slice_top = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_top) || @style.background_nine_slice_from_edge
+ @style.background_nine_slice_right = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_right) || @style.background_nine_slice_from_edge
+ @style.background_nine_slice_bottom = safe_style_fetch(:background_nine_slice_bottom) || @style.background_nine_slice_from_edge
+ end
+ def set_border_thickness
+ @style.border_thickness = safe_style_fetch(:border_thickness)
+ @style.border_thickness_left = safe_style_fetch(:border_thickness_left) || @style.border_thickness
+ @style.border_thickness_right = safe_style_fetch(:border_thickness_right) || @style.border_thickness
+ @style.border_thickness_top = safe_style_fetch(:border_thickness_top) || @style.border_thickness
+ @style.border_thickness_bottom = safe_style_fetch(:border_thickness_bottom) || @style.border_thickness
+ end
+ def set_border_color
+ @style.border_color = safe_style_fetch(:border_color)
+ @style.border_color_left = safe_style_fetch(:border_color_left) || @style.border_color
+ @style.border_color_right = safe_style_fetch(:border_color_right) || @style.border_color
+ @style.border_color_top = safe_style_fetch(:border_color_top) || @style.border_color
+ @style.border_color_bottom = safe_style_fetch(:border_color_bottom) || @style.border_color
+ @style.border_canvas.color = [
+ @style.border_color_top,
+ @style.border_color_right,
+ @style.border_color_bottom,
+ @style.border_color_left
+ ]
+ end
+ def set_padding
+ @style.padding = safe_style_fetch(:padding)
+ @style.padding_left = safe_style_fetch(:padding_left) || @style.padding
+ @style.padding_right = safe_style_fetch(:padding_right) || @style.padding
+ @style.padding_top = safe_style_fetch(:padding_top) || @style.padding
+ @style.padding_bottom = safe_style_fetch(:padding_bottom) || @style.padding
+ end
+ def set_margin
+ @style.margin = safe_style_fetch(:margin)
+ @style.margin_left = safe_style_fetch(:margin_left) || @style.margin
+ @style.margin_right = safe_style_fetch(:margin_right) || @style.margin
+ @style.margin_top = safe_style_fetch(:margin_top) || @style.margin
+ @style.margin_bottom = safe_style_fetch(:margin_bottom) || @style.margin
+ end
+ def update_styles(event = :default)
+ old_width = width
+ old_height = height
+ _style = @style.send(event)
+ @style_event = event
+ if @text.is_a?(CyberarmEngine::Text)
+ @text.color = _style&.dig(:color) || @style.default[:color]
+ @text.swap_font(_style&.dig(:text_size) || @style.default[:text_size], _style&.dig(:font) || @style.default[:font])
+ end
+ return if self.is_a?(ToolTip)
+ if old_width != width || old_height != height
+ (root&.gui_state || @gui_state).request_recalculate
+ else
+ stylize
+ end
+ end
+ def default_events
+ %i[left middle right].each do |button|
+ event(:"#{button}_mouse_button")
+ event(:"released_#{button}_mouse_button")
+ event(:"clicked_#{button}_mouse_button")
+ event(:"holding_#{button}_mouse_button")
+ end
+ event(:mouse_wheel_up)
+ event(:mouse_wheel_down)
+ event(:enter)
+ event(:hover)
+ event(:leave)
+ event(:focus)
+ event(:blur)
+ event(:changed)
+ end
+ def enter(_sender)
+ @focus = false unless window.button_down?(Gosu::MsLeft)
+ if !@enabled
+ update_styles(:disabled)
+ elsif @focus
+ update_styles(:active)
+ else
+ update_styles(:hover)
+ end
+ :handled
+ end
+ def left_mouse_button(_sender, _x, _y)
+ @focus = true
+ unless @enabled
+ update_styles(:disabled)
+ else
+ update_styles(:active)
+ end
+ window.current_state.focus = self
+ :handled
+ end
+ def released_left_mouse_button(sender, _x, _y)
+ enter(sender)
+ :handled
+ end
+ def clicked_left_mouse_button(_sender, _x, _y)
+ @block&.call(self) if @enabled && !self.is_a?(Container)
+ :handled
+ end
+ def leave(_sender)
+ if @enabled
+ update_styles
+ else
+ update_styles(:disabled)
+ end
+ :handled
+ end
+ def blur(_sender)
+ @focus = false
+ if @enabled
+ update_styles
+ else
+ update_styles(:disabled)
+ end
+ :handled
+ end
+ def enabled?
+ @enabled
+ end
+ def visible?
+ @visible
+ end
+ def toggle
+ @visible = !@visible
+ root.gui_state.request_recalculate
+ end
+ def show
+ bool = visible?
+ @visible = true
+ root.gui_state.request_recalculate unless bool
+ end
+ def hide
+ bool = visible?
+ @visible = false
+ root.gui_state.request_recalculate if bool
+ end
+ def draw
+ return unless visible?
+ @style.background_canvas.draw
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.draw
+ @style.border_canvas.draw
+ Gosu.clip_to(@x, @y, width, height) do
+ render
+ end
+ end
+ def debug_draw
+ return if defined?(GUI_DEBUG_ONLY_ELEMENT) && self.class == GUI_DEBUG_ONLY_ELEMENT
+ Gosu.draw_line(
+ x, y, @debug_color,
+ x + outer_width, y, @debug_color,
+ )
+ Gosu.draw_line(
+ x + outer_width, y, @debug_color,
+ x + outer_width, y + outer_height, @debug_color,
+ )
+ Gosu.draw_line(
+ x + outer_width, y + outer_height, @debug_color,
+ x, y + outer_height, @debug_color,
+ )
+ Gosu.draw_line(
+ x, outer_height, @debug_color,
+ x, y, @debug_color,
+ )
+ end
+ def update
+ end
+ def button_down(id)
+ end
+ def button_up(id)
+ end
+ def draggable?(_button)
+ false
+ end
+ def render
+ end
+ def hit?(x, y)
+ x.between?(@x, @x + width) &&
+ y.between?(@y, @y + height)
+ end
+ def width
+ if visible?
+ inner_width + @width
+ else
+ 0
+ end
+ end
+ def content_width
+ @width
+ end
+ def noncontent_width
+ (inner_width + outer_width) - width
+ end
+ def outer_width
+ @style.margin_left + width + @style.margin_right
+ end
+ def inner_width
+ (@style.border_thickness_left + @style.padding_left) + (@style.padding_right + @style.border_thickness_right)
+ end
+ def height
+ if visible?
+ inner_height + @height
+ else
+ 0
+ end
+ end
+ def content_height
+ @height
+ end
+ def noncontent_height
+ (inner_height + outer_height) - height
+ end
+ def outer_height
+ @style.margin_top + height + @style.margin_bottom
+ end
+ def inner_height
+ (@style.border_thickness_top + @style.padding_top) + (@style.padding_bottom + @style.border_thickness_bottom)
+ end
+ def scroll_width
+ @children.sum(&:width) + noncontent_width
+ end
+ def scroll_height
+ @children.sum(&:height) + noncontent_height
+ end
+ def max_scroll_width
+ scroll_width - width
+ end
+ def max_scroll_height
+ scroll_height - height
+ end
+ def dimensional_size(size, dimension)
+ raise "dimension must be either :width or :height" unless %i[width height].include?(dimension)
+ if size.is_a?(Numeric) && size.between?(0.0, 1.0)
+ (@parent.send(:"content_#{dimension}") * size).round - send(:"noncontent_#{dimension}").round
+ else
+ size
+ end
+ end
+ def background=(_background)
+ @style.background_canvas.background = _background
+ update_background
+ end
+ def update_background
+ @style.background_canvas.x = @x
+ @style.background_canvas.y = @y
+ @style.background_canvas.z = @z
+ @style.background_canvas.width = width
+ @style.background_canvas.height = height
+ @style.background_canvas.update
+ update_background_nine_slice
+ @style.border_canvas.update
+ end
+ def background_nine_slice=(_image_path)
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.image = _image_path
+ update_background_nine_slice
+ end
+ def update_background_nine_slice
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.x = @x
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.y = @y
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.z = @z
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.width = width
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.height = height
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.mode = @style.background_nine_slice_mode
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.color = @style.background_nine_slice_color
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.left = @style.background_nine_slice_left
+ = @style.background_nine_slice_top
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.right = @style.background_nine_slice_right
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.bottom = @style.background_nine_slice_bottom
+ @style.background_nine_slice_canvas.image = @style.background_nine_slice
+ end
+ def root
+ return self if is_root?
+ unless @root && @root.parent.nil?
+ @root = parent
+ loop do
+ break unless @root&.parent
+ @root = @root.parent
+ end
+ end
+ @root
+ end
+ def is_root?
+ @gui_state != nil
+ end
+ def focus(_)
+ warn "#{self.class}#focus was not overridden!"
+ :handled
+ end
+ def recalculate
+ raise "#{self.class}#recalculate was not overridden!"
+ end
+ def reposition
+ end
+ def value
+ raise "#{self.class}#value was not overridden!"
+ end
+ def value=(_value)
+ raise "#{self.class}#value= was not overridden!"
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#{self.class} x=#{x} y=#{y} width=#{width} height=#{height} value=#{value.is_a?(String) ? "\"#{value}\"" : value}"
+ end
+ def inspect
+ to_s
+ end
+ end