app/models/concerns/cul/scv/hydra/models/resource.rb in cul_scv_hydra-0.22.6 vs app/models/concerns/cul/scv/hydra/models/resource.rb in cul_scv_hydra-0.22.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,87 +1,6 @@
module Cul::Scv::Hydra::Models::Resource
- extend ActiveSupport::Concern
-# constants #
- 'image/bmp',
- 'image/gif',
- 'image/jpeg',
- 'image/png',
- 'image/tiff'
- ]
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
- if self.is_a? ::ActiveFedora::SemanticNode
- props = {
- "image_width" => :image_width,
- "image_length" => :image_length,
- "x_sampling" => :x_sampling,
- "y_sampling" => :y_sampling,
- "sampling_unit" => :sampling_unit,
- "extent" => :extent,
- }
- props.each { |x, y|
- class_eval %Q{
- def #{x}
- return relationships[:#{y.to_s}]
- }
- }
- after_create :resource!
- end
- if self.respond_to? :has_datastream
- has_datastream :name => "CONTENT", :type=>::ActiveFedora::Datastream, :versionable => true
- end
- end
- def resource!
- add_relationship(:rdf_type, Cul::Scv::Hydra::Models::RESOURCE_TYPE.to_s)
- @metadata_is_dirty = true
- update
- end
- def add_content_blob(blob, opts)
- file_name = opts[:file_name]
- mime = opts[:mime_type].nil? ? mime_type(file_name) : opts[:mime_type]
- add_file_datastream(blob, :label=>file_name, :mimeType=>mime, :dsid => 'CONTENT')
- set_title_and_label( file_name, :only_if_blank=>true )
- if IMAGE_MIME_TYPES.include? mime
- blob.rewind
- # retrieve Nokogiri of image property RDF
- image_properties = Cul::Image::Properties.identify(blob)
- if image_properties
- image_prop_nodes = image_properties.nodeset
- relsext = datastreams['RELS-EXT']
- image_prop_nodes.each { |node|
- if node["resource"]
- is_literal = false
- object =["resource"])
- else
- is_literal = true
- object = RDF::Literal(node.text)
- end
- subject = RDF::URI(internal_uri)
- predicate = RDF::URI("#{node.namespace.href}#{}")
- query ={ :subject => {predicate => :object}})
- relationships(predicate).dup.each { |stmt|
- relationships.delete(stmt)
- }
- add_relationship(predicate,object, is_literal)
- relationships_are_dirty=true
- }
- # add mimetype to DC:format values
- self.datastreams['DC'].update_values({[:format] => mime})
- end
- end
- blob.rewind
- end
- private
- # Return the mimeType for a given file name
- # @param [String] file_name The filename to use to get the mimeType
- # @return [String] mimeType for filename passed in. Default: application/octet-stream if mimeType cannot be determined
- def mime_type file_name
- mime_types = MIME::Types.of(file_name)
- mime_type = mime_types.empty? ? "application/octet-stream" : mime_types.first.content_type
+ include Cul::Hydra::Models::Resource