lib/cuken/api/rvm.rb in cuken-0.1.13 vs lib/cuken/api/rvm.rb in cuken-0.1.15
- old
+ new
@@ -1,501 +1,47 @@
+require 'rvm'
+require 'cuken/api/common'
+require 'cuken/api/rvm/common'
+require 'cuken/api/rvm/gemsets'
module ::Cuken
module Api
module Rvm
- class RvmrcProcessor
+ extend ::RVM
+ include ::Cuken::Api::Rvm::Common
+ include ::Cuken::Api::Aruba::Api
- attr_writer :gemspecs_to_install
+ class RvmHelper
- def initialize(path)
- @root_path = ? path : File.dirname(path)
- rvmrc_read(path)
- end
+ attr_reader :environment
- # read the .rvmrc file contents into @rvmrc
- def rvmrc_read(path)
- fn = ? path + '/.rvmrc' : path
- @rvmrc =
- return true if @rvmrc.size > 0
+ def init
+ RVM::Environment
- # return the .rvmrc file contents
- def rvmrc
- @rvmrc
+ def current
+ @current = RVM.current
- # return ruby name parsed from .rvmrc file contents
- def rvmrc_ruby_name
- extract_rubie(rvmrc)
+ def environment_name
+ current.environment_name
- # return gemset name parsed from .rvmrc file contents
- def rvmrc_gemset_name
- extract_gemset(rvmrc)
+ def gemset
+ current.gemset
- # return concatenated string of rvmrc_ruby@rvmrc_gemset
- def rvmrc_ruby_gemset(rvmrc)
- "#{extract_rubie(rvmrc)}@#{extract_gemset(rvmrc)}"
+ def environment(gemset, options={})
+ @environemnt =, options)
+ yield @environemnt if block_given?
+ @environemnt
- # return an array of .rvmrc file paths found beneath a root folder
- def find_rvmrc_files(rvmrc_root)
- Dir.glob(rvmrc_root + '/**' + '/.rvmrc')
- end
- # return an arry of paths containing .rvmrc files
- def find_rvmrc_paths(rvmrc_root)
- root = ? rvmrc_root : File.dirname(rvmrc_root)
- dirs = []
- find_rvmrc_files(root).each do |path|
- dirs << File.dirname(File.expand_path(path)) if File.file?(path)
- end
- dirs
- end
- #return an array of *.gems file paths found beneath a root folder
- def find_gems_files(rvmrc_root)
- Dir.glob(rvmrc_root + '/**' + '/*.gems')
- end
- # returns rubies and gemsets from .rvmrc files glob'ed below
- # a root folder.
- def all_rubies_gemsets(root_path=@root_path)
- @all_rubies_gemsets =[])
- arry=find_rvmrc_paths(root_path)
- arry.each do |dir|
- Dir.glob(dir + '/*.gems').each do |fn|
- gsn = File.basename(fn,'.gems').to_s
- rvmrc_read(dir + '/.rvmrc')
- rube = rvmrc_ruby_name
- egsn = rvmrc_gemset_name
- @all_rubies_gemsets[rube] = [] unless @all_rubies_gemsets.key? rube
- if gsn == egsn
- @all_rubies_gemsets[rube] << {:ruby_alias => "cuken_#{rube}",:gemset_alias => "cuken_#{gsn}", :gemset_name => gsn, :gemset_path => fn}
- end
- end
- end
- @all_rubies_gemsets
- end
- # returns hash of all gemsets, per-Ruby, in all .rvmrc files beneath a root folder
- def all_gemsets(root_path=@root_path)
- default ={|hsh,ky| hsh[ky] = {:ruby_alias => "cuken_#{ky}"}}
- @all_rubies_gemsets ||= all_rubies_gemsets(root_path)
- @all_gemsets = @all_rubies_gemsets.inject(default){|h,(k,v)| h[k]; h[k][:gemsets]=v; h }
- end
- # returns array of all rubies in all .rvmrc files beneath a root folder
- def all_rubies(root_path=@root_path)
- @all_rubies_gemsets ||= all_rubies_gemsets(root_path)
- @all_rubies = @all_rubies_gemsets.keys
- end
- # yield a block in the environment of each in the installed rubies,
- # and return current Ruby string even if the given block raises
- def each_ruby
- begin
- all_rubies(@root_path).each do |rubie|
- RVM.use(rubie)
- yield rubie
- end
- rescue
- ensure
- RVM.reset_current!
- end
- end
- # create gemsets parsed from all .rvmrc files beneath a root folder
- def create_gemsets
- each_ruby do |rubie|
- all_gemsets(@root_path)[rubie][:gemsets].each do |hsh|
- ::RVM.gemset.create([hsh[:gemset_name]])
- end
- end
- end
- # Return array of [gem_name, gem_version] to be installed into all
- # gemsets found in .rvmrc files. Default is Bundler versio 1.0.10
- def gemspecs_to_install
- @gemspecs_to_install ||= [['bundler', '1.0.10']]
- end
- # Install @gemspecs_to_install contents using rubies and gemsets
- # found in .rvmrc files.
- def gems_install
- create_gemsets
- each_ruby do |rubie|
- gemspecs_to_install.each { |spec| install_gem(rubie, spec) }
- end
- # return the options string for Ruby's `gem install...` CLI
- def gem_install_options
- @gem_install_options ||= ['no_ri', 'no_rdoc']
- "--" + @gem_install_options.join(' --')
+ def rvm
+ @rvm ||=
- # install given gem into all ruby+gemsets parsed from .rvmrc files beneath a root folder
- def install_gem(rubie, spec)
- gem, version = spec
- all_gemsets.each do |rubie, hsh|
- hsh[:gemsets].each do |h|
- if gem_available?(spec)
- puts "info: Gem #{gem}-#{version} already installed in #{rvm_current_name}."
- else
- puts "info: Installing gem #{gem}-#{version} in #{rvm_current_name}..."
- RVM.gemset.use(h[:gemset_alias])
-"rvm --create use #{h[:gemset_alias]}; gem install #{gem} -v#{version} #{gem_install_options}")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # return the parsed .rvmrc info for the current ruby
- def current_ruby_info(rubie)
- @all_rubies_gemsets ||= all_rubies_gemsets
- @all_rubies_gemsets[rubie]
- end
- def rvm_path
- pn =['rvm_path'] || '~/.rvm'))
- pn.exist? ? pn : raise(RuntimeError, "Could not find RVM's .rvm folder (#{pn})", caller)
- end
- # Does not install existing RVM rubies that are listed in the .rvmrc files
- # raise an error if RVM's install root does not exist
- def setup_rubies
- rvm_loaded? ? true : raise(RuntimeError, "RVM library not loaded.", caller)
- @all_rubies_gemsets ||= all_rubies_gemsets(@root_path)
- @all_rubies_gemsets.keys.each do |rubie|
- if RVM.list_strings.include?(rubie)
- puts "info: Rubie #{rubie} already installed."
- else
- with_rvm_environment_vars do
- install_rubie(rubie)
- end
- end
- RVM.alias_create(current_ruby_info(rubie)[0][:ruby_alias], "#{rubie}") unless rubie == current_ruby_info(rubie)[0][:ruby_alias]
- end
- end
- private
- def extract_rubie(rvmrc)
- rvmrc[/ruby_id=\"(.*)\"/, 1]
- end
- def extract_gemset(rvmrc)
- rvmrc[/gemset_id=\"(.*)\"/, 1]
- end
- def gem_available?(spec)
- gem, version = spec
- RVM.ruby_eval("require 'rubygems' ; print Gem.available?('#{gem}','#{version}')").stdout == 'true'
- end
- def rvm_current_name
- RVM.current.expanded_name
- end
- def rvm_loaded?
- @rvm_setup = defined?(RVM) ? true : false
- return(true) if @rvm_setup
- rvm_lib_path = rvm_path + "lib" rescue return
- $LOAD_PATH.unshift(rvm_lib_path.to_s) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(rvm_lib_path.to_s)
- require 'rvm'
- @rvm_setup = defined?(RVM) ? true : false
- end
- def install_rubie(rubie)
- std_msg = "info: Rubie #{rubie} installed."
- err_msg = "Failed #{rubie} install! Check RVM logs here: #{RVM.path}/log/#{rubie}"
- puts "info: Rubie #{rubie} installation inprogress. This couldtake awhile..."
- RVM.install(rubie, rvm_install_options) ? puts(std_msg) : abort(err_msg)
- end
- def rvm_install_options
- { }
- end
- def with_rvm_environment_vars
- my_vars = rvm_environment_vars
- current_vars = my_vars.inject({}) { |cvars,kv| k,v = kv ; cvars[k]= ENV[k] ; cvars }
- set_environment_vars(my_vars)
- yield
- ensure
- set_environment_vars(current_vars)
- end
- def set_environment_vars(vars)
- vars.each { |k,v| ENV[k] = v }
- end
- def rvm_environment_vars
- if rvm_for_macports?
- {'CC' => '/usr/bin/gcc-4.2',
- 'CFLAGS' => '-O2 -arch x86_64',
- 'LDFLAGS' => '-L/opt/local/lib -arch x86_64',
- 'CPPFLAGS' => '-I/opt/local/include'}
- else
- {}
- end
- end
- def rvm_for_macports?
- `uname`.strip == 'Darwin' && `which port`.present?
- end
- end # class RvmrcProcessor
- module_function
- class << self
- attr_accessor :rvm_install_rubies, :rvm_install_gem_specs,
- :rvm_gem_install_options
- end
- def rvmrc(path)
- @rvmrc ||=
- end
- def rvm_current_name
- RVM.current.expanded_name
- end
- def rvm_gem_install_options
- @rvm_gem_install_options ||= ['no_ri', 'no_rdoc']
- "--" + @rvm_gem_install_options.join(' --')
- end
- def rvm_install_rubies
- @rvm_install_rubies ||= []
- end
- def rvm_install_gemspecs
- @rvm_install_gemspecs ||= [['bundler', '1.0.10']]
- end
- def rvm_create_gemsets
- @rvm_create_gemsets ||= []
- end
- def rvm_requested_gemset(gemset)
- @rvm_requested_gemset = gemset
- end
- def rvm_requested_gemset
- @rvm_requested_gemset ||='vagrant'
- end
- #wip
- def rvm_path
- pn =['rvm_path'] || '~/.rvm'))
- pn.exist? ? pn : raise(RuntimeError, "Could not find RVM's .rvm folder (#{pn})", caller)
- end
- def rvm_local_install?
- end
- # done
- def rvm_loaded?
- _rvm_load
- end
- def rvm_gemset_paths(root_path='/usr/src/cuken')
- rpn = Pathname(root_path)
- rvmrc_dirs = []
- Dir.glob((rpn + '**' + '.rvmrc').to_s).each do |d|
- dn = File.dirname(d)
- rvmrc_dirs << dn if
- end
- rvmrc_dirs
- end
- # done
- def rvmrc_rubies_gemsets(root_path='/usr/src/cuken')
- @rvmrc_rubies_gemsets =[])
- arry=rvm_gemset_paths(root_path)
- arry.each do |dir|
- Dir.glob(dir + '/*.gems').each do |fn|
- gsn = File.basename(fn,'.gems').to_s
- rvmrc = + '/.rvmrc').read
- rube = rvmrc_extract_ruby(rvmrc)
- egsn = rvmrc_extract_gemset(rvmrc)
- @rvmrc_rubies_gemsets[rube] = [] unless @rvmrc_rubies_gemsets.key? rube
- @rvmrc_rubies_gemsets[rube] << gsn if gsn == egsn
- end
- end
- @rvmrc_rubies_gemsets
- end
- # done
- def rvmrc_rubies
- @rvmrc_rubies ||= _rvmrc_rubies{ |rubie| "#{rubie}@#{rvm_requested_gemset}" }
- end
- #wip
- def rvm_rubies_setup(root_path='/usr/src/cuken')
- rvm_loaded? ? true : raise(RuntimeError, "RVM library not loaded.", caller)
- @rvmrc_rubies_gemsets ? true : rvmrc_rubies_gemsets(root_path)
- @rvmrc_rubies_gemsets.keys.each do |rubie|
- if RVM.list_strings.include?(rubie)
- puts "info: Rubie #{rubie} already installed."
- else
- with_rvm_environment_vars do
- _rvm_install_rubie(rubie)
- end
- end
- RVM.alias_create(rvmrc_rubies[rubie][:alias], "#{rubie}@#{rvm_requested_gemset}") unless rubie == rvmrc_rubies[rubie][:alias]
- end
- end
- #done
- def rvm_current_rubie_info
- rvmrc_rubies[_rvm_current_rubie_name]
- end
- # Install @rvm_install_gemspecs gemspec using rubies and gemsets
- # found in .rvmrc files.
- # done
- def rvmrc_gems_install(root_path)
- @rvmrc_root_path = root_path
- _rvmrc_create_gemsets
- _each_rvmrc_rubie do |rubie|
- rvm_install_gemspecs.each { |spec| _rvmrc_install_gem(rubie, spec) }
- end
- end
- def rvmrc_gemsets_install(root_path)
- @rvmrc_root_path = root_path
- _each_rvmrc_rubie do |rubie|
- rvm_install_gemspecs.each { |spec| _rvmrc_install_gem(rubie, spec) }
- end
- end
- protected
- #done
- def _rvm_load
- @rvm_setup = false
- rvm_lib_path = rvm_path + "lib" rescue return
- $LOAD_PATH.unshift(rvm_lib_path.to_s) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(rvm_lib_path.to_s)
- require 'rvm'
- @rvm_setup = defined?(RVM) ? true : false
- end
- module_function :_rvm_load
- #done
- def _rvm_install_rubie(rubie)
- std_msg = "info: Rubie #{rubie} installed."
- err_msg = "Failed #{rubie} install! Check RVM logs here: #{RVM.path}/log/#{rubie}"
- puts "info: Rubie #{rubie} installation inprogress. This couldtake awhile..."
- RVM.install(rubie, rvm_install_options) ? puts(std_msg) : abort(err_msg)
- end
- module_function :_rvm_install_rubie
- #done
- def rvmrc_extract_ruby_gemset(rvmrc)
- "#{rvmrc_extract_ruby(rvmrc)}@#{rvmrc_extract_gemset(rvmrc)}"
- end
- module_function :rvmrc_extract_ruby_gemset
- #done
- def rvmrc_extract_ruby(rvmrc)
- rvmrc[/ruby_id=\"(.*)\"/, 1]
- end
- module_function :rvmrc_extract_ruby
- #done
- def rvmrc_extract_gemset(rvmrc)
- rvmrc[/gemset_id=\"(.*)\"/, 1]
- end
- module_function :rvmrc_extract_gemset
- #done
- def _rvmrc_rubies
- default ={|hsh,ky| hsh[ky] = {:alias => "cuken-#{ky}"}}
- @rvmrc_rubies_gemsets ||= rvmrc_rubies_gemsets(@rvmrc_root_path)
- @rvmrc_rubies = @rvmrc_rubies_gemsets.keys.inject(default){|h,(k,v)| h[k]; h }
- end
- module_function :_rvmrc_rubies
- #done
- def _rvmrc_gemsets
- default ={|hsh,ky| hsh[ky] = {:alias => "cuken-#{ky}"}}
- @rvmrc_rubies_gemsets ||= rvmrc_rubies_gemsets(@rvmrc_root_path)
- @rvmrc_gemsets = @rvmrc_rubies_gemsets.inject(default){|h,(k,v)| h[k]; h[k][:gemsets]=v; h }
- end
- module_function :_rvmrc_gemsets
- # done
- def _each_rvmrc_rubie
- _rvmrc_rubies.each do |ary|
- RVM.use(ary[0])
- yield ary[0]
- end
- ensure
- RVM.reset_current!
- end
- module_function :_each_rvmrc_rubie
- # done
- def _rvmrc_create_gemsets
- _rvmrc_gemsets.each do |hsh|
- RVM.use hsh[0]
- hsh[1][:gemsets].each do |gmst|
- # TODO: Post refactor
- #RVM.gemset.create([gmst])
- end
- end
- end
- module_function :_rvmrc_create_gemsets
- #done
- def _rvmrc_install_gem(rubie, spec)
- gem, version = spec
- _rvmrc_gemsets.each do |hsh|
- rubie = hsh[0]
- hsh[1][:gemsets].each do |gmst|
- #RVM.gemset.create([gmst])
- RVM.gemset.use(gmst)
- if _rvm_gem_available?(spec)
- puts "info: Gem #{gem}-#{version} already installed in #{rvm_current_name}."
- else
- puts "info: Installing gem #{gem}-#{version} in #{rvm_current_name}..."
-"rvm --create use #{rubie}@#{gmst}; gem install #{gem} -v#{version} #{rvm_gem_install_options}")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- module_function :_rvmrc_install_gem
- # done
- def set_environment_vars(vars)
- vars.each { |k,v| ENV[k] = v }
- end
- module_function :set_environment_vars
- #done
- def with_rvm_environment_vars
- my_vars = rvm_environment_vars
- puts my_vars
- current_vars = my_vars.inject({}) { |cvars,kv| k,v = kv ; cvars[k]= ENV[k] ; cvars }
- puts current_vars
- set_environment_vars(my_vars)
- yield
- ensure
- set_environment_vars(current_vars)
- end
- module_function :with_rvm_environment_vars
- #done
- def rvm_environment_vars
- if rvm_for_macports?
- {'CC' => '/usr/bin/gcc-4.2',
- 'CFLAGS' => '-O2 -arch x86_64',
- 'LDFLAGS' => '-L/opt/local/lib -arch x86_64',
- 'CPPFLAGS' => '-I/opt/local/include'}
- else
- {}
- end
- end
- module_function :rvm_environment_vars
- #done
- def rvm_for_macports?
- `uname`.strip == 'Darwin' && `which port`.present?
- end
- module_function :rvm_for_macports?
- # done
- def rvm_install_options
- { }
- end
- module_function :rvm_install_options
- #done
- def _rvm_gem_available?(spec)
- gem, version = spec
- RVM.ruby_eval("require 'rubygems' ; print Gem.available?('#{gem}','#{version}')").stdout == 'true'
- end
- module_function :_rvm_gem_available?