spec/cukedep/cli/cmd-line_spec.rb in cukedep-0.1.11 vs spec/cukedep/cli/cmd-line_spec.rb in cukedep-0.2.00
- old
+ new
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@
-# File: cmd-line_spec.rb
-require 'stringio'
-require 'English'
-require_relative '../../spec_helper'
-# Load the class under testing
-require_relative '../../../lib/cukedep/cli/cmd-line'
-module Cukedep # Open module to get rid of long qualified names
-describe CLI::CmdLine do
- context 'Creation & initialization:' do
- subject { CLI::CmdLine.new }
- it 'should be created without argument' do
- expect { CLI::CmdLine.new }.not_to raise_error
- end
- end # context
- context 'Provided services:' do
- def capture_output()
- @output = $DEFAULT_OUTPUT
- ostream = StringIO.new('rw')
- $DEFAULT_OUTPUT = ostream
- end
- def release_output()
- $DEFAULT_OUTPUT = @output
- end
- it 'should accept an empty command-line' do
- expect { subject.parse!([]) }.not_to raise_error
- expect(subject.options).to be_empty
- end
- it 'should accept the dry-run option' do
- expect { subject.parse!(['--dry-run']) }.not_to raise_error
- expect(subject.options).to eq(dryrun: true)
- end
- it 'should accept the setup option' do
- expect { subject.parse!(['--setup']) }.not_to raise_error
- expect(subject.options).to eq(setup: true)
- end
- it 'should validate the project option argument' do
- # Case 1: missing project dir argument
- cmd_opts = ['--project']
- err_type = StandardError
- err_msg = <<-MSG_END
-No argument provided with command line option: --project
-To see the command-line syntax, do:
-cukedep --help
- expect { subject.parse!(cmd_opts) }.to raise_error(err_type)
- # Case 2: non existing project dir
- cmd_opts = ['--project', 'nowhere']
- err_msg = "Cannot find the directory 'nowhere'."
- expect { subject.parse!(cmd_opts) }.to raise_error(err_type, err_msg)
- # Case 3: project dir exists
- # cmd_opts = ['--project', '../../../sample']
- # expect { subject.parse!(cmd_opts) }.not_to raise_error
- # expect(subject.options).to eq({ :project => '../../../sample' })
- end
- it 'should handle the version option' do
- capture_output
- cmd_opts = ['--version']
- expect { subject.parse!(cmd_opts) }.to raise_error(SystemExit)
- expect($DEFAULT_OUTPUT.string).to eq(Cukedep::Version + "\n")
- release_output
- end
- it 'should handle the help option' do
- capture_output
- cmd_opts = ['--help']
- expect { subject.parse!(cmd_opts) }.to raise_error(SystemExit)
- expect($DEFAULT_OUTPUT.string).to eq(subject.parser.to_s)
- release_output
- end
- end # context
-end # describe
-end # module
-# End of file
+# File: cmd-line_spec.rb
+require 'stringio'
+require 'English'
+require_relative '../../spec_helper'
+# Load the class under testing
+require_relative '../../../lib/cukedep/cli/cmd-line'
+module Cukedep # Open module to get rid of long qualified names
+describe CLI::CmdLine do
+ context 'Creation & initialization:' do
+ subject { CLI::CmdLine.new }
+ it 'should be created without argument' do
+ expect { CLI::CmdLine.new }.not_to raise_error
+ end
+ end # context
+ context 'Provided services:' do
+ def capture_output
+ @output = $DEFAULT_OUTPUT
+ ostream = StringIO.new('rw')
+ $DEFAULT_OUTPUT = ostream
+ end
+ def release_output
+ $DEFAULT_OUTPUT = @output
+ end
+ it 'should accept an empty command-line' do
+ expect { subject.parse!([]) }.not_to raise_error
+ expect(subject.options).to be_empty
+ end
+ it 'should accept the dry-run option' do
+ expect { subject.parse!(['--dry-run']) }.not_to raise_error
+ expect(subject.options).to eq(dryrun: true)
+ end
+ it 'should accept the setup option' do
+ expect { subject.parse!(['--setup']) }.not_to raise_error
+ expect(subject.options).to eq(setup: true)
+ end
+ it 'should validate the project option argument' do
+ # Case 1: missing project dir argument
+ cmd_opts = ['--project']
+ err_type = StandardError
+ err_msg = <<-MSG_END
+No argument provided with command line option: --project
+To see the command-line syntax, do:
+cukedep --help
+ expect { subject.parse!(cmd_opts) }.to raise_error(err_type)
+ # Case 2: non existing project dir
+ cmd_opts = ['--project', 'nowhere']
+ err_msg = "Cannot find the directory 'nowhere'."
+ expect { subject.parse!(cmd_opts) }.to raise_error(err_type, err_msg)
+ # Case 3: project dir exists
+ # cmd_opts = ['--project', '../../../sample']
+ # expect { subject.parse!(cmd_opts) }.not_to raise_error
+ # expect(subject.options).to eq({ :project => '../../../sample' })
+ end
+ it 'should handle the version option' do
+ capture_output
+ cmd_opts = ['--version']
+ expect { subject.parse!(cmd_opts) }.to raise_error(SystemExit)
+ expect($DEFAULT_OUTPUT.string).to eq(Cukedep::Version + "\n")
+ release_output
+ end
+ it 'should handle the help option' do
+ capture_output
+ cmd_opts = ['--help']
+ expect { subject.parse!(cmd_opts) }.to raise_error(SystemExit)
+ expect($DEFAULT_OUTPUT.string).to eq(subject.parser.to_s)
+ release_output
+ end
+ end # context
+end # describe
+end # module
+# End of file