spec/cukedep/application_spec.rb in cukedep-0.1.10 vs spec/cukedep/application_spec.rb in cukedep-0.1.11
- old
+ new
@@ -1,81 +1,80 @@
# File: cmd-line_spec.rb
require 'stringio'
+require 'English'
require_relative '../spec_helper'
# Load the class under testing
require_relative '../../lib/cukedep/application'
module Cukedep # Open module to get rid of long qualified names
describe Application do
context 'Creation & initialization:' do
it 'should be created without argument' do
expect { Application.new }.not_to raise_error
end # context
context 'Provided services:' do
subject { Application.new }
it 'should read its command-line' do
- options = subject.send(:options_from, %w[])
+ options = subject.send(:options_from, [])
expect(options).to be_empty
it 'should generate a user settings file' do
# Start state: no config
File.delete(Cukedep::YMLFilename) if File.exist?(Cukedep::YMLFilename)
# --setup option creates the config file then stops the application
- expect { subject.run!(['--setup'])}.to raise_error(SystemExit)
+ expect { subject.run!(['--setup']) }.to raise_error(SystemExit)
# Check that the config file was effectively created.
expect(File.exist?(Cukedep::YMLFilename)).to be true
created_config = Config.load_cfg(Cukedep::YMLFilename)
expect(created_config).to eq(Config.default)
# Re-run again with --setup option.
# It should ask permission for overwriting
# Capture console IO
- old_stdout = $>
+ old_stdout = $DEFAULT_OUTPUT
ostream = StringIO.new('rw')
- $> = ostream
+ $DEFAULT_OUTPUT = ostream
old_stdin = $stdin
$stdin = StringIO.new("n\n", 'r')
- expect { subject.run!(['--setup'])}.to raise_error(SystemExit)
- $> = old_stdout
- $sdtin = old_stdin
+ expect { subject.run!(['--setup']) }.to raise_error(SystemExit)
+ $DEFAULT_OUTPUT = old_stdout
+ $stdin = old_stdin
it 'should complain in absence of project dir' do
# Start state: no config
File.delete(Cukedep::YMLFilename) if File.exist?(Cukedep::YMLFilename)
expect(File.exist?(Cukedep::YMLFilename)).to be_falsey
# Create default config
- expect { subject.run!(['--setup'])}.to raise_error(SystemExit)
+ expect { subject.run!(['--setup']) }.to raise_error(SystemExit)
err = StandardError
- err_msg = "No project dir specified in '.cukedep.yml' nor via --project option."
- expect {subject.run!([])}.to raise_error(err, err_msg)
+ err_msg1 = "No project dir specified in '.cukedep.yml'"
+ err_msg2 = ' nor via --project option.'
+ expect { subject.run!([]) }.to raise_error(err, err_msg1 + err_msg2)
it 'should parse the feature files' do
- curr_dir = Dir.getwd()
+ curr_dir = Dir.getwd
file_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
Dir.chdir(file_dir + '/sample_features')
unless File.exist?(Cukedep::YMLFilename)
- expect { subject.run!(['--setup'])}.to raise_error(SystemExit)
+ expect { subject.run!(['--setup']) }.to raise_error(SystemExit)
subject.run!(['--project', '../../../sample'])
end # context
end # describe
-end # module
\ No newline at end of file
+end # module