lib/cts/mpx/entries.rb in cts-mpx-1.0.1 vs lib/cts/mpx/entries.rb in cts-mpx-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -4,43 +4,51 @@
# @attribute collection storage for the individual entry
# @return [Entry[]]
class Entries
include Enumerable
include Driver
- extend Creatable
+ include Creatable
+ extend Forwardable
attribute name: 'collection', kind_of: Array
# Create a new entries collection from a page
# @param [Page] page the page object to process
# @raise [ArgumentError] if :page is not available
# @return [Entries] a new entries collection
def self.create_from_page(page)
Exceptions.raise_unless_argument_error? page, Page
- entries = new
- page.entries.each do |e|
- entry =
- entry.fields = Fields.create_from_data(data: e, xmlns: page.xmlns)
+ entries = page.entries.each do |e|
+ entry = Entry.create(fields: Fields.create_from_data(data: e, xmlns: page.xmlns)) = entry.fields['id'] if entry.fields['id']
- entries.add entry
- entries
+ Entries.create(collection: entries)
# Addressable method, indexed by entry object
# @param [Entry] key the entry to return
# @return [Self.collection,Entry,nil] Can return the collection, a single entry, or nil if nothing found
def [](key = nil)
return @collection unless key
@collection.find { |e| == key }
+ def +(other)
+ Entries.create collection: @collection += other.collection
+ end
+ def -(other)
+ Entries.create collection: @collection += other.collection
+ end
# Add an entry object to the collection
# @param [Entry] entry instantiated Entry to include
# @raise [ArgumentError] if entry is not an Entry
# @return [Self]
def add(entry)
return self if @collection.include? entry
Exceptions.raise_unless_argument_error? entry, Entry
@collection.push entry