README.rdoc in csv_pirate-5.0.6 vs README.rdoc in csv_pirate-5.0.7
- old
+ new
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-== CsvPirate
+== CsvPirate {<img src="" />}[] {<img src="" alt="Build Status" />}[] {<img src="" />}[]
-{<img src="" alt="Build Status" />}[] <= This cake is a lie. I am not sure why Travis is failing me.
Easily create CSVs of any data that can be derived from your models.
CsvPirate is the easy way to create a CSV of essentially anything in Ruby, in full pirate regalia.
It works better if you are wearing a tricorne! Now compatible with Ruby 1.8.7 & 1.9.2, and Rails 2 & 3!
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# :grub the ARrr class that the spyglasses will be used on (optional)
# :spyglasses named scopes in your model that will refine the rows in the CSV according to conditions of the spyglasses,
# and order them according to the order of the spyglasses (optional)
# :booty booty (columns/methods) on your model that you want printed in the CSV, also used to create the figurehead (CSV header)
# :chart array of directory names (relative to rails root if using rails) which will be the filepath where you want to hide your loot
- # :wagonner name of document where you will give detailed descriptions of the loot
+ # :waggoner name of document where you will give detailed descriptions of the loot
# :aft filename extention ('.csv')
# :shrouds CSV column separator, default is ','. For tsv, tab-delimited, "\t"
# :chronometer keeps track of when you hunt for treasure
# :gibbet filename spacer after the date, and before the iterative counter/timestamp. MuST contain a '.'
# :swab can be :counter, :timestamp, or :none
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def initialize(*args)
@name = args.first[:name]
@distance = args.first[:distance]
@spectral_type = args.first[:spectral_type]
def star_vowels'aeiou', '*')
def self.get_stars
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:swag => nil # Array of objects: to use to create the CSV (i.e. you've already done the query and have the results you want a CSV of)
:grub => Make # Class: on which to call the method chain in :spyglasses that will return the array of objects to be placed in :swag by CsvPirate (See description of swag above).
:spyglasses => [:all] # Array of symbols/strings: Methods that will be chained together and called on :grub in order to get the :swag records which will become the rows of the CSV.
:booty => Make.column_names # Array of symbols/strings or nested hashes of symbols/strings: Methods to call on each object in :swag. These become the columns of the CSV. The method names become the CSV column headings. Methods can be chained to dig deep (e.g. traverse several ActiveRecord associations) to get at a value for the CSV. To call instance methods that include arguments, pass a booty element of an array such as [:method_name, arg1, arg2...].
- :swab => :counter # Symbol: What kind of file counter to use to avoid overwtiting the CSV file, :counter is Integer, :timestamp is HHMMSS, :none is no file counter, increasing the liklihood of duplicate filenames on successive csv exports.
+ :swab => :counter # Symbol: What kind of file counter to use to avoid overwriting the CSV file, :counter is Integer, :timestamp is HHMMSS, :none is no file counter, increasing the likelihood of duplicate filenames on successive csv exports.
:mop => :clean # Symbol: If we DO end up writing to a preexisting file (by design or accident) should we overwrite (:clean) or append (:dirty)?
:shrouds => ',' # String: Delimiter for CSV. '\t' will create a tab delimited file (tsv), '|' will create a pipe delimited file.
:bury_treasure => true # Boolean: Should the array of objects in :swag be stored in the CsvPirate object for later inspection?
:blackjack => {:humanize => '-'} # Hash: Specify how you want your CSV header
# {:join => '-'} joins the method names called to get hte data for that column with '_' underscores.
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What if you want the file name to be always the same and to always append to the end of it?
#Example: I want the file to be named "data", with no extension, both of the following accomplish that:
Make.walk_the_plank({:chronometer => false, :gibbet => "", :aft => "", :swab => :none, :waggoner => 'data'})
Make.blindfold(:chronometer => false, :gibbet => "", :aft => "", :swab => :none, :waggoner => 'data')
-All of the options to has_csv_pirate_ship are available to walk_the_plank, land_ho, and blindfold, as well as to the raw class methods and CsvPirate.create, but not neccessarily the other way around.
+All of the options to has_csv_pirate_ship are available to walk_the_plank, land_ho, and blindfold, as well as to the raw class methods and CsvPirate::TheCapn.create, but not necessarily the other way around.
You can also customize the CSV, for example if you want to customize which columns are in the csv:
Make.walk_the_plank({:booty => [:id, :name, :sales]})
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You can also use the raw CsvPirate class itself directly wherever you want.
The following two sets of code are identical:
- csv_pirate ={
+ csv_pirate ={
:grub => User,
:spyglasses => [:active,:logged_in],
:waggoner => 'active_users_logged_in',
:booty => ["id","number","login","created_at"],
:chart => ['log','csv']
csv_pirate.hoist_mainstay() # creates CSV file and writes out the rows
- CsvPirate.create({
+ CsvPirate::TheCapn.create({
:grub => User,
:spyglasses => [:active,:logged_in],
:waggoner => 'active_users_logged_in',
:booty => ["id","number","login","created_at"],
:chart => ['log','csv']
})# creates CSV file and writes out the rows
Another example using swag instead of grub:
users = User.logged_out.inactive
- csv_pirate ={
+ csv_pirate ={
:swag => users,
:waggoner => 'inactive_users_not_logged_in',
:booty => ["id","number","login","created_at"],
:chart => ['log','csv']
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For those who can't help but copy/paste into console and then edit:
- csv_pirate ={:grub => User,:spyglasses => [:active,:logged_in],:waggoner => 'active_users_logged_in',:booty => ["id","number","login","created_at"],:chart => ['log','csv']})
+ csv_pirate ={:grub => User,:spyglasses => [:active,:logged_in],:waggoner => 'active_users_logged_in',:booty => ["id","number","login","created_at"],:chart => ['log','csv']})
- csv_pirate ={:swag => users,:waggoner => 'inactive_users_not_logged_in',:booty => ["id","number","login","created_at"],:chart => ['log','csv']})
+ csv_pirate ={:swag => users,:waggoner => 'inactive_users_not_logged_in',:booty => ["id","number","login","created_at"],:chart => ['log','csv']})
== Downloading the CSV
You have the same Make class as above, and you have a MakeController: