README.rdoc in csv_pirate-2.1.2 vs README.rdoc in csv_pirate-2.4.4
- old
+ new
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-== CsvPirate v2.0.1 (20091001)
+== CsvPirate
Easily create CSVs of any data that can be derived from your models.
CsvPirate is the easy way to create a CSV of essentially anything in Rails, in full pirate regalia.
It works better if you are wearing a tricorne!
CsvPirate only works for commissions of swag OR grub!
Initialize method (a.k.a new()) takes a hash of params:
- swag: the ARrr collection of swag to work on (optional)
- grub: the ARrr class that the spyglasses will be used on (optional)
- spyglasses: named scopes in your model that will refine the rows in the CSV according to conditions of the spyglass,
- and order them according to the order of the spyglass (only used with grub, not swag)
- booty: booty on your model that you want printed in the CSV
- chart: name of directory where you want to hide your loot
- waggoner: name of document where you will give detailed descriptions of the loot
- chronometer: keeps track of when you hunt for treasure
- gibbet: filename spacer after the date, and before the iterative counter/timestamp. MuST contain a '.'
- swab: can be :counter, :timestamp, or :none
- :counter - default, each successive run will create a new file using a counter
- :timestamp - each successive run will create a new file using a HHMMSS time stamp
- :none - no iterative file naming convention, just use waggoner and aft
- mop: can be :clean or :dirty (:overwrite or :append) (only has an effect if :swab is :none) since overwriting is irrelevant for a new file
- :clear - do not use :counter or :timestamp, and instead overwrite the file
- :dirty - do not use :counter, or :timestamp, or :overwrite. Just keep adding on.
+ # CsvPirate only works for commissions of swag OR grub!
+ # :swag the ARrr collection of swag to work on (optional)
+ # :grub the ARrr class that the spyglasses will be used on (optional)
+ # :spyglasses named scopes in your model that will refine the rows in the CSV according to conditions of the spyglasses,
+ # and order them according to the order of the spyglasses (optional)
+ # :booty booty (columns/methods) on your model that you want printed in the CSV, also used to create the figurehead (CSV header)
+ # :chart name of directory where you want to hide your loot
+ # :wagonner name of document where you will give detailed descriptions of the loot
+ # :aft filename extention ('.csv')
+ # :shrouds CSV column separator, default is ','. For tsv, tab-delimited, "\t"
+ # :chronometer keeps track of when you hunt for treasure
+ # :gibbet filename spacer after the date, and before the iterative counter/timestamp. MuST contain a '.'
+ # :swab can be :counter, :timestamp, or :none
+ # :counter - default, each successive run will create a new file using a counter
+ # :timestamp - each successive run will create a new file using a HHMMSS time stamp
+ # :none - no iterative file naming convention, just use waggoner and aft
+ # :mop can be :clean or :dirty (:overwrite or :append) (only has an effect if :swab is :none) since overwriting is irrelevant for a new file
+ # :clear - do not use :counter or :timestamp, and instead overwrite the file
+ # :dirty - do not use :counter, or :timestamp, or :overwrite. Just keep adding on.
+ # There are others too, check the source for a complete picture!
The create method has the same parameters, and actually creates the CSV.
Avast! Here be pirates! To brush up on pirate coding naming conventions:
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has_csv_pirate_ship :spyglasses => [:factory_in_germany],
:booty => [:id, :name]
-To create a csv of the names and ids of makes with factories in germany:
+To create a csv of the names and ids of makes with factories in germany and return the text of the export:
Make.walk_the_plank # Get it? HA! If you can't believe I wrote this whole thing JUST to be able to make jokes like that... check ma sources :)
The name of the csv that comes out will be (by defualt located in log directory):
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All of those filename parts are customizable to a degree.
You can also customize the CSV, for example if you want to add a column to the csv:
Make.walk_the_plank({:booty => [:id, :name, :sales]})
+Youw want a timestamp file counter instead of the integer default:
Make.walk_the_plank({:booty => [:id, :name, :sales], :spyglasses => [:all], :swab => :timestamp})
+If you want to append each export to the end of the same file (on a per day basis):
Make.walk_the_plank({:booty => [:id, :name, :sales], :spyglasses => [:all], :swab => :none, :mop => :dirty})
+If you want to restrict the csv to a particular set of named scopes:
+ Make.walk_the_plank({:booty => [:id, :name, :sales], :spyglasses => [:with_abs, :with_esc, :with_heated_seats]})
+If you want to create a tsv (tab-delimited) or psv (pipe-delimited) instead of a csv:
+ Make.walk_the_plank({:booty => [:id, :name, :sales], :shrouds => '\t'})
+ Make.walk_the_plank({:booty => [:id, :name, :sales], :shrouds => '|'})
If you have a method in the Make class like this:
def to_slug
getting it in the CSV is easy peasy:
Make.walk_the_plank({:booty => [:id, :name, :to_slug]})
-Add whatever methods you want to the :booty array. Write new methods, and add them! Make lots of glorious CSVs full of data to impress the pointy ones in the office.
+If you want to traverse Active Record Associations, or call a method on the return value of another method (unlimited nesting):
-You can also use the raw CsvPirate class itself directly wherever you want. These are the available options to methods:
-new, create, or walk_the_plank
+ Make.walk_the_plank({:booty => [:id, :name, :to_slug, {:to_slug => :hash}]}) #will call .hash on the result of make.to_slug
+ Make.walk_the_plank({:booty => [:id, :name, :to_slug, {:to_slug => {:hash => :abs}}]}) #returns make.to_slug.hash.abs
- # CsvPirate only works for commissions of swag OR grub!
- # :swag the ARrr collection of swag to work on (optional)
- # :grub the ARrr class that the spyglasses will be used on (optional)
- # :spyglasses named scopes in your model that will refine the rows in the CSV according to conditions of the spyglasses,
- # and order them according to the order of the spyglasses (optional)
- # :booty booty (columns/methods) on your model that you want printed in the CSV, also used to create the figurehead (CSV header)
- # :chart name of directory where you want to hide your loot
- # :wagonner name of document where you will give detailed descriptions of the loot
- # :aft filename extention ('.csv')
- # :chronometer keeps track of when you hunt for treasure
- # :gibbet filename spacer after the date, and before the iterative counter/timestamp. MuST contain a '.'
- # :swab can be :counter, :timestamp, or :none
- # :counter - default, each successive run will create a new file using a counter
- # :timestamp - each successive run will create a new file using a HHMMSS time stamp
- # :none - no iterative file naming convention, just use waggoner and aft
- # :mop can be :clean or :dirty (:overwrite or :append) (only has an effect if :swab is :none) since overwriting is irrelevant for a new file
- # :clear - do not use :counter or :timestamp, and instead overwrite the file
- # :dirty - do not use :counter, or :timestamp, or :overwrite. Just keep adding on.
+Add whatever methods you want to the :booty array. Write new methods, and add them! Make lots of glorious CSVs full of data to impress the pointy ones in the office.
+You can also use the raw CsvPirate class itself directly wherever you want.
The following two sets of code are identical:
csv_pirate ={
:grub => User,
:spyglasses => [:active,:logged_in],
@@ -180,9 +184,38 @@
csv_pirate ={:grub => User,:spyglasses => [:active,:logged_in],:waggoner => 'active_users_logged_in',:booty => ["id","number","login","created_at"],:chart => 'log/csv/'})
csv_pirate ={:swag => users,:waggoner => 'inactive_users_not_logged_in',:booty => ["id","number","login","created_at"],:chart => 'log/csv/'})
+== Downloading the CSV
+You have the same Make class as above, and you have a MakeController:
+ class MakeController < ApplicationController
+ def download_csv
+ send_data Make.say_your_last_words # "utf-8" is default, and uses options from has_csv_pirate_ship
+ end
+ # OR you can customize it just like walk_the_plank
+ def download_csv
+ send_data Make.say_your_last_words("iso-8859-1", {:booty => [:id, :name]})
+ end
+ end
+Too easy? I wrote this for two reasons... pirate jokes and to make my life easier. If you need more flexibility then:
+ def download_csv
+ csv_pirate = Make.blindfold
+ send_data csv_pirate.maroon,
+ :type => 'text/csv; charset=iso-8859-1; header=present',
+ :disposition => "attachment; filename=#{csv_pirate.nocturnal}"
+ end
== Advanced Example with Nested Methods
You have a VehicleModel class and the same Make class as up above: