lib/csrmatrix/operations.rb in csrmatrix-1.0.1 vs lib/csrmatrix/operations.rb in csrmatrix-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,75 +1,123 @@
require "csrmatrix/exceptions"
module CsrMatrix
- module Operations
- include Contracts::Core
- C = Contracts
+ module Operations
+ include Contracts::Core
+ C = Contracts
- Contract C::Nat => C::Num
- def get_value(index)
- # gets the value off of the index of matrix
- is_invariant?
- return @val[index]
- end # get_value
+ Contract C::Num, C::Nat, C::Nat => C::Bool
+ def insert(value, row, column)
+ # gets the value off of the index of matrix
+ is_invariant?
+ # post value inserted or updated in the given row and column
+ # insert if the value exists
+ for i in self.row_ptr[row-1]..self.row_ptr[row]-1
+ if column-1 == self.col_ind[i]
+ self.val[i] = value
+ return true
+ end
+ end
- Contract C::Nat, C::Or[C::Nat, nil] => C::Num
- def index(row, col=nil)
- # gets the index in the matrix at row, col
- is_invariant?
- if col == nil
- if @val.count < row
- raise, "Index out of Bounds"
- return false
- end
+ # add value if it does not exist
+ for i in self.columns-1..0
+ index = self.row_ptr[row]-1 + i
+ if self.col_ind[index] < column-1
+ #add value
+ self.col_ind.insert(index+1, column-1)
+ self.val.insert(index+1, value)
+ #increment row pointers
+ for j in row..self.row_ptr.count()-1
+ self.row_ptr[j] += 1
+ end
- return @val[row-1]
- else
- if !checkInputBounds(row, col)
- raise, "Index out of Bounds"
- return false
- end
+ return true
+ end
+ end
- num_elm_in_prev = row_ptr[row-1]
- num_elm_in_row = row_ptr[row] - num_elm_in_prev
- (0...num_elm_in_row).each do | x |
- if ( col-1 == @col_ind[num_elm_in_prev+x] )
- return @val[num_elm_in_prev+x]
- end
- end
- return 0
+ #add value
+ self.col_ind.insert(self.row_ptr[row]-1, column-1)
+ self.val.insert(self.row_ptr[row]-1, value)
+ #increment row pointers
+ for j in row..self.row_ptr.count()-1
+ self.row_ptr[j] += 1
+ end
+ return true
+ #post
+ if self.index(row, column) != value
+ raise "index not as expected"
+ end
+ end # insert
+ Contract C::Nat => C::Num
+ def get_value(index)
+ # gets the value off of the index of matrix
+ is_invariant?
+ return @val[index]
+ end # get_value
+ Contract C::Nat, C::Or[C::Nat, nil] => C::Num
+ def index(row, col=nil)
+ # gets the index in the matrix at row, col
+ is_invariant?
+ if col == nil
+ if @val.count < row
+ raise, "Index out of Bounds"
+ return false
- end # index
- Contract C::None => C::Any
- def print_full()
- # prints the full matrix for user
- is_invariant?
- full_matrix = self.decompose()
- full_matrix.each do | row |
- row.each do | val |
- print "#{val} "
- end
- puts ""
+ return @val[row-1]
+ else
+ if !checkInputBounds(row, col)
+ raise, "Index out of Bounds"
+ return false
+ end
+ num_elm_in_prev = row_ptr[row-1]
+ num_elm_in_row = row_ptr[row] - num_elm_in_prev
+ (0...num_elm_in_row).each do | x |
+ if ( col-1 == @col_ind[num_elm_in_prev+x] )
+ return @val[num_elm_in_prev+x]
- end # print_full
+ end
+ return 0
+ end
+ end # index
- Contract C::None => C::Any
- def print_sparse()
- # prints all nonzero values of matrix for user
- is_invariant?
- full_matrix = self.decompose()
- full_matrix.each do | row |
- row.each do | val |
- if val == 0
- print "---"
- else
- print " #{val} "
- end
+ Contract C::None => C::Any
+ def print_full()
+ # prints the full matrix for user
+ is_invariant?
+ full_matrix = self.decompose()
+ full_matrix.each do | row |
+ row.each do | val |
+ print "#{val} "
+ end
+ puts ""
+ end
+ puts ""
+ end # print_full
+ Contract C::None => C::Any
+ def print_sparse()
+ # prints all nonzero values of matrix for user
+ is_invariant?
+ full_matrix = self.decompose()
+ full_matrix.each do | row |
+ row.each do | val |
+ if val == 0
+ print "---"
+ else
+ print " #{val} "
- puts ""
- end # print_sparse
- end # Operations
+ puts ""
+ end
+ end # print_sparse
+ end # Operations
end # CsrMatrix