in csl-1.0.2 vs in csl-1.1.0

- old
+ new

@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@ ======== CSL-Ruby provides a Ruby parser and a comprehensive API for the [Citation Style Language]( (CSL), an XML-based format to describe the formatting of citations, notes and bibliographies. -[![Build Status](]( +[![Build Status](]( +[![Coverage Status](]( +[![Dependency Status](]( Styles and Locales ------------------ You can load CSL styles and locales by passing a respective XML string, file name, or URL. You can also load styles and locales by name if the @@ -29,11 +31,11 @@ hand, you can use the parser to load existing styles and locales and manipulate, query or otherwise work with them using a dedicated API: that is to say, you do not have to resort to XML-related methods of access, but can make use of a large set of library methods which are specific to CSL. This is useful, primarily, for citation processors like -[CiteProc-Ruby]( +[CiteProc-Ruby]( On the other hand, CSL-Ruby makes it easy to create new styles and locales using Ruby; this is useful, for example, if you need to change or adapt styles on-the-fly or for writing an interactive style editor. @@ -54,13 +56,13 @@ # Validate style against the CSL schema jps.valid? #-> true # Load another style amc = CSL::Style.load '' - + amc.independent? #-> false - + # Load the independent parent style parent = amc.independent_parent parent.title #-> "Elsevier (numeric, with titles)" # Load standard CSL styles and locales from csl-styles gem @@ -71,35 +73,35 @@ apa = CSL::Style.load :apa # Fetch the a macro authors = apa.macros['authors'].children[0] #-> #<CSL::Style::Names variable="author" children=[2]> - + # Load a locally installed locale fr = CSL::Locale.load :fr - + # Translate a term fr.translate 'editor' #-> "éditeur" fr.translate 'editor', plural: true #-> "éditeurs" fr.translate 'editor', form: 'short' #-> "éd." - + # Ordinalize a number fr.ordinalize 42 #=> "42ᵉ" fr.ordinalize 3, form: 'long' => "troisième" # Create a new style style = - + = '' style.title = 'My Style' # Add the default license for CSL styles style.default_license! - + # Access the style as XML style.to_xml - + # Access the style as XML (pretty printed) style.to_s Dependencies ------------ @@ -125,13 +127,20 @@ If you've found a bug or have a question, please open an issue on the [issue tracker]( Or, for extra credit, clone the CSL-Ruby repository, write a failing example, fix the bug and submit a pull request. +Credits +------- +Thanks to Rintze M. Zelle, Sebastian Karcher, Frank G. Bennett, Jr., +and Bruce D'Arcus of CSL and citeproc-js fame for their support! +Thanks to Google and the Berkman Center at Harvard University for supporting +this project as part of [Google Summer of Code]( + Copyright --------- -Copyright 2009-2013 Sylvester Keil. All rights reserved. +Copyright 2009-2014 Sylvester Keil. All rights reserved. Copyright 2012 President and Fellows of Harvard College. License -------