in cryptum-0.0.368 vs in cryptum-0.0.369
- old
+ new
@@ -55,17 +55,57 @@
$ vi ~/cryptum/etc/open_ai.yaml
### **Usage** ###
$ rvm use ruby-<VERSION>@cryptum
$ cryptum --help
+USAGE: cryptum [opts]
+ -s, --symbol=SYMBOL <Required - Crypto Symbol.(e.g. btc-usd, eth-usd, etc.)
+ -A, --[no-]autotrade <Optional - Automatically Buy and Sell Crypto>
+ -l, --[no-]list-products <Optional - List Supported Crypto Currency Products and Exit>
+ -p, --proxy=PROXY <Optional - HTTP Proxy e.g. "">
+ -R <Optional - Reset Timers / Market Trend Stats at Session Init (Defaults to false)>
+ --[no-]reset-session-countdown
+ -r, --session-root=PATH <Optional - Directory with etc && order_books (Defaults to ~/cryptum)>
+ -S, --[no-]sandbox <Optional - Use Coinbase Sandbox Environment for Testing Ideas>
+ -tSECONDS, <Optional - Seconds Between Market Trend Reset (Default 60 i.e. 1 hour)>
+ --time-between-market-trend-reset
$ cryptum --symbol btc-usd \
--autotrade \
- --session-root ~/cryptum
+ --session-root ~/cryptum \
+ --time-between-market-trend-reset 86_400
+By default, cryptum resets the market trend (i.e. number of buys vs number of sells) every day (i.e. 86400 seconds). As Maker & Taker fees drop in value, it may be useful to change the market trend reset value to something lower:
+$ cryptum --symbol btc-usd \
+ --autotrade \
+ --session-root ~/cryptum \
+ --time-between-market-trend-reset 14_400
+Possible values for market trend reset are:
+604_800 => 1 week
+86_400 => 1 day
+14_400 => 4 hours
+10_800 => 3 hours
+7_200 => 2 hours
+3_600 => 1 hour
+2_700 => 45 minutes
+1_800 => 30 minutes
+900 => 15 minutes
+300 => 5 minutes
+180 => 3 minutes
+60 => 1 minute
+If you choose a lower value than the default, the target profit margin's (i.e. TPM) will also be reduced (assuming the TPM is still higher than Maker + Taker fees). This may be desireable - although TPM is reduced, trading volume should increase resulting in better Maker & Taker fee tiers (i.e. lower cost / trade).
+Another option (particularly useful with smaller balances) is bumping the market trend reset to 604800 (i.e. 1 week) which will immediately increase the TPM %'s. The downside to this approach is trading volume is reduced, resulting in higher maker & taker fee tiers (i.e. higher cost / trade).
From an error monitoring perspective, they can be monitored via:
tail -f /tmp/cryptum-errors.txt