README.textile in crummy-1.2 vs README.textile in crummy-1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -4,36 +4,28 @@
Crummy is a simple and tasty way to add breadcrumbs to your Rails applications.
h2. Install
-The gem is hosted on gemcutter, so if you haven’t already, add it as a gem source:
+Simply add the dependency to your Gemfile:
- gem sources -a
+ gem "crummy", "~> 1.3"
-Then install the Crummy gem:
+h3. Rails 2
+In your terminal, write:
gem install crummy
-h3. Rails 3 / Bundler.
-Simply add gem dependency to your Gemfile:
- <code>
- gem "crummy", ">= 1.0.1"
- </code>
h2. Example
In your controllers you may add_crumb either like a before_filter or within a method (It is also available to views).
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add_crumb("Businesses") { |instance| instance.send :businesses_path }
add_crumb("Comments", :only => "comments") { |instance| instance.send :businesses_comments_path }
before_filter :load_comment, :only => "show"
add_crumb :comment, :only => "show"
+ # Example for nested routes:
+ add_crumb(:document) { [:account, :document] }
def show
add_crumb @business.display_name, @business
def load_comment
@@ -97,17 +92,16 @@
render_crumbs :separator => ' | ' #=> <a href="/">Home</a> | <a href="/businesses">Businesses</a>
render_crumbs :format => :xml #=> <crumb href="/">Home</crumb><crumb href="/businesses">Businesses</crumb>
render_crumbs :format => :html_list #=> <ul class="" id=""><li class=""><a href="/">Home</a></li><li class=""><a href="/">Businesses</a></li></ul>
-A crumb with a nil link will just output plain text.
+A crumb with a nil argument for the link will output an unlinked crumb.
With :format => :html_list you can specify additional params: :active_li_class, :li_class, :ul_class, :ul_id
h2. Notes
-The variable set is set to @_crumbs as to not conflict with your code.
h2. Todo
* Port over rspecs from project to plugin (Fully tested in a project)
* Accept instances of models as a single argument
* Allow for variables in names. (The workaround is to do your own before_filter for that currently)
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* "Sharad Jain":
* "Max Riveiro":
* "Kamil K. Lemański":
* "Brian Cobb":
* "Kir Shatrov":
+* "sugilog":
+* "Trond Arve Nordheim":
-*Copyright (c) 2011 Zach Inglis, released under the MIT license*
+*Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Zach Inglis, released under the MIT license*