lib/crosstie/templates/resources.rb in crosstie-0.0.2 vs lib/crosstie/templates/resources.rb in crosstie-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,28 +1,22 @@
# scaffold resources
- "article" => [
- "name:string",
- "content:text",
- "published:boolean",
- ],
- "comment" => [
- "article:references",
- "content:text",
- "kind:string",
- ],
-}.each do |resource, fields|
- generate "scaffold", resource, *fields
- rake "db:migrate"
- inject_into_file "spec/controllers/#{resource.tableize}_controller_spec.rb", after: "RSpec.describe #{resource.pluralize.camelize}Controller, :type => :controller do\n" do
+resources_path = '/tmp/crosstie/resources.yml'
+if File.exist? resources_path
+ YAML.load( do |resource, fields|
+ generate "scaffold", resource, *fields
+ rake "db:migrate"
+ inject_into_file "spec/controllers/#{resource.tableize}_controller_spec.rb", after: "RSpec.describe #{resource.pluralize.camelize}Controller, :type => :controller do\n" do
before { sign_in_user }
+ end
+ gsub_file "spec/controllers/#{resource.tableize}_controller_spec.rb",
+ 'skip("Add a hash of attributes valid for your model")',
+ "{resource}).attributes"
- gsub_file "spec/controllers/#{resource.tableize}_controller_spec.rb",
- 'skip("Add a hash of attributes valid for your model")',
- "{resource}).attributes"
+ File.delete resources_path
-run "bundle exec annotate"
+ run "bundle exec annotate"