test/createsend_test.rb in createsend-3.0.0 vs test/createsend_test.rb in createsend-3.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -71,11 +71,37 @@
lambda { access_token, expires_in, refresh_token = CreateSend::CreateSend.exchange_token(
client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, code) }.should raise_error(
Exception, 'Error exchanging code for access token: invalid_grant - Specified code was invalid or expired')
FakeWeb.last_request.body.should == "grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=8998879&client_secret=iou0q9wud0q9wd0q9wid0q9iwd0q9wid0q9wdqwd&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fauth&code=invalidcode"
+ should "refresh an access token given a refresh token" do
+ refresh_token = 'tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA'
+ options = {
+ :body => fixture_file("refresh_oauth_token.json"),
+ :content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8" }
+ FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "https://api.createsend.com/oauth/token", options)
+ new_access_token, new_expires_in, new_refresh_token = CreateSend::CreateSend.refresh_access_token refresh_token
+ FakeWeb.last_request.body.should == "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=#{refresh_token}"
+ new_access_token.should == "SlAV32hkKG2e12e"
+ new_expires_in.should == 1209600
+ new_refresh_token.should == "tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA"
+ end
+ should "raise an error when an attempt to refresh an access token fails" do
+ refresh_token = 'invalidrefreshtoken'
+ options = {
+ :body => fixture_file("oauth_refresh_token_error.json"),
+ :content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8" }
+ FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "https://api.createsend.com/oauth/token", options)
+ lambda { access_token, expires_in, refresh_token = CreateSend::CreateSend.refresh_access_token(
+ refresh_token) }.should raise_error(
+ Exception, 'Error refreshing access token: invalid_grant - Specified refresh_token was invalid or expired')
+ FakeWeb.last_request.body.should == "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=#{refresh_token}"
+ end
should "get a person's api key" do
base_uri = "https://api.createsend.com/api/v3"
uri = URI.parse(base_uri)
site_url = "http://iamadesigner.createsend.com/"
username = "myusername"
@@ -132,10 +158,40 @@
should "raise an error when an attempt to refresh the access token is made but no there was no auth hash passed in" do
cs = CreateSend::CreateSend.new
lambda { new_access_token, new_refresh_token = cs.refresh_token }.should raise_error(
Exception, '@auth_details[:refresh_token] does not contain a refresh token.')
+ should "raise an error when an attempt to refresh the access token is made but the refresh token is invalid" do
+ refresh_token = 'invalidrefreshtoken'
+ cs = CreateSend::CreateSend.new :access_token => 'any token', :refresh_token => refresh_token
+ options = {
+ :body => fixture_file("oauth_refresh_token_error.json"),
+ :content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8" }
+ FakeWeb.register_uri(:post, "https://api.createsend.com/oauth/token", options)
+ lambda { access_token, expires_in, refresh_token = cs.refresh_token }.should raise_error(
+ Exception, 'Error refreshing access token: invalid_grant - Specified refresh_token was invalid or expired')
+ end
+ should "raise a CreateSend::InvalidOAuthToken error when an access token is invalid" do
+ cs = CreateSend::CreateSend.new @auth
+ stub_get(@auth, "countries.json", "invalid_oauth_token_api_error.json", ["401", "Unauthorized"])
+ lambda { c = cs.countries }.should raise_error(CreateSend::InvalidOAuthToken)
+ end
+ should "raise a CreateSend::ExpiredOAuthToken error when an access token is expired" do
+ cs = CreateSend::CreateSend.new @auth
+ stub_get(@auth, "countries.json", "expired_oauth_token_api_error.json", ["401", "Unauthorized"])
+ lambda { c = cs.countries }.should raise_error(CreateSend::ExpiredOAuthToken)
+ end
+ should "raise a CreateSend::RevokedOAuthToken error when an access token is revoked" do
+ cs = CreateSend::CreateSend.new @auth
+ stub_get(@auth, "countries.json", "revoked_oauth_token_api_error.json", ["401", "Unauthorized"])
+ lambda { c = cs.countries }.should raise_error(CreateSend::RevokedOAuthToken)
+ end
multiple_contexts "authenticated_using_oauth_context", "authenticated_using_api_key_context" do
setup do
@cs = CreateSend::CreateSend.new @auth
@@ -216,10 +272,11 @@
{ ["400", "Bad Request"] => CreateSend::BadRequest,
["401", "Unauthorized"] => CreateSend::Unauthorized,
["404", "Not Found"] => CreateSend::NotFound,
+ ["418", "I'm a teapot"] => CreateSend::ClientError,
["500", "Server Error"] => CreateSend::ServerError
}.each do |status, exception|
context "#{status.first}, a get" do
should "raise a #{exception.name} error" do
stub_get(@auth, "countries.json", (status.first == '400' or status.first == '401') ? 'custom_api_error.json' : nil, status)
@@ -227,11 +284,11 @@
context "#{status.first}, a post" do
should "raise a #{exception.name} error" do
- stub_post(@auth, "clients.json", (status.first == '400' or status.first == '401') ? 'custom_api_error.json' : nil, status)
+ stub_post(@auth, "clients.json", (status.first == '400' or status.first == '401') ? 'custom_api_error.json' : nil, status)
lambda { CreateSend::Client.create @auth, "Client Company Name",
"(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney", "Australia" }.should raise_error(exception)
@@ -247,26 +304,9 @@
should "raise a #{exception.name} error" do
stub_delete(@auth, "templates/#{@template.template_id}.json", (status.first == '400' or status.first == '401') ? 'custom_api_error.json' : nil, status)
lambda { @template.delete }.should raise_error(exception)
- end
- end
- context "when authenticated using oauth and the access token has expired" do
- setup do
- @access_token = '98y98u98u98ue212'
- @refresh_token = 'kj9wud09wi0qi0w'
- @auth = {
- :access_token => @access_token,
- :refresh_token => @refresh_token
- }
- @cs = CreateSend::CreateSend.new @auth
- end
- should "raise a CreateSend::ExpiredOAuthToken error" do
- stub_get(@auth, "countries.json", "expired_oauth_token_api_error.json", ["401", "Unauthorized"])
- lambda { c = @cs.countries }.should raise_error(CreateSend::ExpiredOAuthToken)