lib/created_id.rb in created_id-1.0.1 vs lib/created_id.rb in created_id-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -22,13 +22,12 @@
included do
unless defined?(ActiveRecord) && self < ActiveRecord::Base
raise ArgmentError, "CreatedId can only be included in ActiveRecord models"
- scope :created_after, ->(time) { where(arel_table[:created_at].gteq(time).and(arel_table[primary_key].gteq(CreatedId::IdRange.min_id(self, time)))) }
- scope :created_before, ->(time) { where(arel_table[:created_at].lt(time).and(arel_table[primary_key].lteq(CreatedId::IdRange.max_id(self, time)))) }
- scope :created_between, ->(time_1, time_2) { created_after(time_1).created_before(time_2) }
+ scope :created_after, ->(time) { created_between(time, nil) }
+ scope :created_before, ->(time) { created_between(nil, time) }
before_save :verify_created_at_created_id!, if: :created_at_changed?
class_methods do
@@ -39,9 +38,27 @@
def index_ids_for(time)
min_id, max_id = CreatedId::IdRange.id_range(self, time)
if min_id && max_id
CreatedId::IdRange.save_created_id(self, time, min_id, max_id)
+ end
+ # Get records created in the given time range. The time range is based on the
+ # created_at column and is inclusive of the start time and exclusive of the end time.
+ #
+ # @param start_time [Time, nil] The start of the time range. If nil, the range is open-ended.
+ # @param end_time [Time, nil] The end of the time range. If nil, the range is open-ended.
+ # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] The records created in the given time range.
+ def created_between(start_time, end_time)
+ finder = where(created_at: start_time...end_time)
+ min_id = CreatedId::IdRange.min_id(self, start_time, allow_nil: true)
+ max_id = CreatedId::IdRange.max_id(self, end_time, allow_nil: true)
+ if min_id || max_id
+ finder = finder.where(primary_key => min_id..max_id)
+ end
+ finder