cockpit/js/instance.js in cpee-1.5.27 vs cockpit/js/instance.js in cpee-2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,28 +1,40 @@
-var ws;
+var es;
var suspended_monitoring = false;
var myid = ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16));
var paths = '#dat_details input, #dat_details textarea, #dat_details select, #dat_details button, #dat_details [contenteditable], #dat_dataelements input, #dat_dataelements textarea, #dat_dataelements select, #dat_dataelements button, #dat_dataelements [contenteditable], #dat_endpoints input, #dat_endpoints textarea, #dat_endpoints select, #dat_endpoints button, #dat_endpoints [contenteditable], #dat_attributes input, #dat_attributes textarea, #dat_attributes select, #dat_attributes button, #dat_attributes [contenteditable]';
var loading = false;
var subscription;
var subscription_state = 'less';
var graph_changed = new Event("graph:changed", {"bubbles":true, "cancelable":false});
var save = {};
- save['state']= undefined;
- save['dsl'] = undefined;
- save['graph'] = undefined;
- save['graph_theme'] = undefined;
- save['graph_adaptor'] = undefined;
save['endpoints'] = undefined;
- save['endpoints_cache'] = {};
- save['endpoints_list'] = {};
save['dataelements'] = undefined;
save['attributes'] = undefined;
- save['details'] = undefined;
- save['details_target'] = undefined;
- save['instance_pos'] = [];
var node_state = {};
+function global_init() {
+ suspended_monitoring = false;
+ loading = false;
+ subscription = undefined;
+ subscription_state = 'less';
+ save['state']= undefined;
+ save['dsl'] = undefined;
+ save['activity_states'] = {}
+ save['graph'] = undefined;
+ save['graph_theme'] = undefined;
+ save['graph_adaptor'] = undefined;
+ save['endpoints_cache'] = {};
+ save['endpoints_list'] = {};
+ save['details'] = undefined;
+ save['details_target'] = undefined;
+ save['instance_pos'] = [];
+ node_state = {};
var sub_more = 'topic' + '=' + 'activity' + '&' +// {{{
'events' + '=' + 'calling,status,manipulating,failed,done' + '&' +
'topic' + '=' + 'activity' + '&' +
'votes' + '=' + 'syncing_after' + '&' +
'topic' + '=' + 'description' + '&' +
@@ -75,20 +87,20 @@
$("button[name=loadmodeltype]").click(function(e){new CustomMenu(e).menu($('#modeltypes'),load_modeltype, $("button[name=loadmodeltype]")); });
$("button[name=savetestsetfile]").click(function(){ save_testsetfile(); });
$("button[name=savesvgfile]").click(function(){ save_svgfile(); });
- $("button[name=state_start]").click(function(){ $(this).attr("disabled","disabled");start_instance(); });
- $("button[name=state_stop]").click(function(){ $(this).attr("disabled","disabled");stop_instance(); });
- $("button[name=state_replay]").click(function(){ $(this).attr("disabled","disabled");replay_instance(); });
+ $("button[name=state_start]").click(function(){ $(this).parent().find('button').attr("disabled","disabled");start_instance(); });
+ $("button[name=state_stop]").click(function(){ $(this).parent().find('button').attr("disabled","disabled");stop_instance(); });
+ $("button[name=state_replay]").click(function(){ $(this).parent().find('button').attr("disabled","disabled");replay_instance(); });
$("button[name=state_abandon]").click(function(){ aba_instance(); });
- url: $('body').attr('current-testsets') + "testsets.xml",
+ url: $('body').attr('current-templates') + ".templates.xml",
dataType: 'xml',
success: function(res){
var ts = $(this).text();
$('#templates').append($("<div class='menuitem'></div>").text(ts));
@@ -143,11 +155,11 @@
- url: $('body').attr('current-testsets') + "transformations.xml",
+ url: $('body').attr('current-templates') + ".transformations.xml",
dataType: 'xml',
success: function(res){
var ts = $(this).text();
$('#modeltypes').append($("<div class='menuitem'></div>").text(ts));
@@ -169,31 +181,22 @@
var num = 0;
if ($("input[name=votecontinue]").is(':checked')) num += 1;
if (num > 0 && subscription_state == 'less') {
type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/" + subscription,
- data: (
- sub_more + '&' +
- 'message-uid' + '=' + 'xxx' + '&' +
- 'fingerprint-with-producer-secret' + '=' + 'xxx'
- )
+ url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/" + subscription + '/',
+ data: sub_more
subscription_state = 'more';
if (num == 0 && subscription_state == 'more') {
type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/" + subscription,
- data: (
- sub_less + '&' +
- 'message-uid' + '=' + 'xxx' + '&' +
- 'fingerprint-with-producer-secret' + '=' + 'xxx'
- )
+ url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/" + subscription + '/',
+ data: sub_less
subscription_state = 'less';
- format_visual_vote_clear();
}// }}}
function create_instance_from(base,url,exec) {// {{{
@@ -244,22 +247,20 @@
alert("An instance info is necessary!");
}// }}}
-function websocket() { //{{{
+function sse() { //{{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
- var Socket = "MozWebSocket" in window ? MozWebSocket : WebSocket;
- if (ws) ws.close();
- ws = new Socket(url.replace(/http/,'ws') + "/notifications/subscriptions/" + subscription + "/ws/");
- ws.onopen = function() {
+ es = new EventSource(url + "/notifications/subscriptions/" + subscription + "/sse/");
+ es.onopen = function() {
append_to_log("monitoring", "opened", "");
- ws.onmessage = function(e) {
- data = $.parseXML(;
- if ($('event > topic',data).length > 0) {
- switch($('event > topic',data).text()) {
+ es.onmessage = function(e) {
+ data = JSON.parse(;
+ if (data['type'] == 'event') {
+ switch(data['topic']) {
case 'dataelements':
case 'description':
@@ -268,43 +269,38 @@
case 'attributes':
- if (!suspended_monitoring) { // or else it would load twice, because dsl changes also
+ if (!suspended_monitoring) { // or else it would load twice, because dsl changes also trigger
case 'task':
if ($('#trackcolumn').length > 0) {
- var details = JSON.parse($('event > notification',data).text());
- $('#trackcolumn').append($('<iframe src="track.html?monitor=' + details.received['CPEE-INSTANCE-URL'].replace(/\/*$/,'/') + '"></iframe>'));
+ $('#trackcolumn').append($('<iframe src="track.html?monitor=' + data.content.received['CPEE-INSTANCE-URL'].replace(/\/*$/,'/') + '"></iframe>'));
case 'state':
- monitor_instance_state_change(JSON.parse($('event > notification',data).text()).state);
+ monitor_instance_state_change(data['content']['state']);
case 'position':
- monitor_instance_pos_change($('event > notification',data).text());
+ monitor_instance_pos_change(data['content']);
- case 'transformation':
- monitor_instance_transformation();
- break;
case 'activity':
- monitor_instance_running($('event > notification',data).text(),$('event > event',data).text());
+ monitor_instance_running(data['content'],data['name']);
- append_to_log("event", $('event > topic',data).text() + "/" + $('event > event',data).text(), $('event > notification',data).text());
- if ($('vote > topic',data).length > 0) {
- var notification = $('vote > notification',data).text();
- append_to_log("vote", $('vote > topic',data).text() + "/" + $('vote > vote',data).text(), notification);
- monitor_instance_vote_add(notification);
+ if (data['type'] == 'vote') {
+ monitor_instance_vote_add(data['content']);
+ append_to_log(data['type'], data['topic'] + '/' + data['name'], JSON.stringify(data['content']));
- ws.onclose = function() {
+ es.onerror = function() {
append_to_log("monitoring", "closed", "server down i assume.");
+ // setTimeout(sse,10000);
@@ -312,10 +308,14 @@
} //}}}
function monitor_instance(cin,rep,load,exec) {// {{{
+ global_init();
+ format_visual_clear();
+ format_visual_vote_clear();
@@ -325,11 +325,11 @@
url = $("body").attr('current-instance');
type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/schema/",
+ url: url,
success: function(res){
$("ui-tabbed.hidden, ui-rest.hidden").removeClass("hidden");
$("ui-tabbed ui-tab.hidden, ui-rest ui-tab.hidden").removeClass("hidden");
@@ -345,25 +345,19 @@
var q = $.parseQuerySimple();
history.replaceState({}, '', '?' + (q.min || q.min=="" ? "min&" : "") + 'monitor='+url);
// Change url to return to current instance when reloading (because new subscription is made)
$("input[name=votecontinue]").prop( "checked", false );
- subscription_state = 'less';
type: "POST",
url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/",
data: sub_less,
success: function(res){
- res = res.unserialize();
- $.each(res,function(a,b){
- if (b[0] == 'key') {
- subscription = b[1];
- }
- });
+ subscription = res;
append_to_log("monitoring", "id", subscription);
- websocket();
+ sse();
if (load || exec) {
@@ -380,17 +374,17 @@
var rep = $('body').attr('current-resources');
var bas = $('body').attr('current-base');
type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/" + val + "/",
+ url: url + "/properties/" + val + "/",
success: function(res){
if (val == "endpoints") {
save['endpoints_list'] = {};
var tmp = {};
- $(res).find(" > value > *").each(function(k,v) {
+ $(res).find(" > endpoints > *").each(function(k,v) {
save['endpoints_list'][v.localName] = v.lastChild.nodeValue;
url: rep + encodeURIComponent($(v).text()),
success: function() {
tmp[v.tagName] = {};
@@ -427,11 +421,11 @@
} else if(val == "attributes") {
- var text = $(" > value > info",res).text() + " (" + url.replace(/\/$/,'').split(/[\\/]/).pop() + ")";
+ var text = $(" > attributes > info",res).text() + " (" + url.replace(/\/$/,'').split(/[\\/]/).pop() + ")";
document.title = text;
@@ -509,16 +503,25 @@
graphrealization.set_description($(dslx), true);
graphrealization.notify = function(svgid) {
var g = graphrealization.get_description();
save['graph'] = $X(g);
- save['graph'].find('[xmlns]').removeAttr('xmlns');
+ save['graph'].removeAttr('svg-id');
+ save['graph'].removeAttr('svg-type');
+ save['graph'].removeAttr('svg-subtype');
+ save['graph'].removeAttr('svg-label');
type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/description/",
- data: ({'content': '<content>' + g + '</content>'})
+ url: url + "/properties/description/",
+ contentType: 'text/xml',
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-ID': 'description',
+ 'CPEE-Event-Source': myid
+ },
+ data: g,
+ error: report_failure
if (manifestation.selected() == "unknown") { // nothing selected
@@ -542,18 +545,18 @@
function monitor_graph_change(force) { //{{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/dslx/",
+ url: url + "/properties/dslx/",
success: function(dslx){
- if (force || !save['graph'] || (save['graph'] && save['graph'].serializePrettyXML() != $(dslx).serializePrettyXML())) {
+ if (force || !save['graph'] || (save['graph'] && save['graph'].serializePrettyXML() != $(dslx.documentElement).serializePrettyXML())) {
type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/attributes/theme/",
+ url: url + "/properties/attributes/theme/",
success: function(res){
- adaptor_init(url,$('value',res).text(),dslx);
+ adaptor_init(url,res,dslx);
error: function() {
@@ -565,11 +568,11 @@
function monitor_instance_dsl() {// {{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
type: "GET",
dataType: "text",
- url: url + "/properties/values/dsl/",
+ url: url + "/properties/dsl/",
success: function(res){
if (res != save['dsl']) {
save['dsl'] = res;
var ctv = $("#areadsl");
@@ -587,24 +590,24 @@
function monitor_instance_state() {// {{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/state/",
+ url: url + "/properties/state/",
dataType: "text",
success: function(res){
}// }}}
function monitor_instance_transformation() {// {{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/attributes/modeltype",
+ url: url + "/properties/attributes/modeltype",
success: function(res){
- $("#currentmodel").text($(res.documentElement).text());
+ $("#currentmodel").text(res);
error: function() {
@@ -612,26 +615,34 @@
function monitor_instance_pos() {// {{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/positions/",
+ url: url + "/properties/positions/",
success: function(res){
- save['instance_pos'] = $("value > *",res);
+ save['instance_pos'] = $("positions > *",res);
}// }}}
-function monitor_instance_running(notification,event) {// {{{
+function monitor_instance_running(content,event) {// {{{
if (save['state'] == "stopping") return;
- var parts = JSON.parse(notification);
- if (event == "calling")
- format_visual_add(parts.activity,"active")
- if (event == "done")
- format_visual_remove(parts.activity,"active")
+ if (event == "calling") {
+ save['activity_states'][content.activity_uuid] = true
+ format_visual_add(content.activity,"active")
+ }
+ if (event == "manipulating") {
+ if (!save['activity_states'][content.activity_uuid]) {
+ format_visual_add(content.activity,"active")
+ }
+ }
+ if (event == "done") {
+ delete save['activity_states'][content.activity_uuid];
+ format_visual_remove(content.activity,"active")
+ }
} // }}}
function monitor_instance_state_change(notification) { //{{{
if ($('#trackcolumn').length > 0) {
if (notification == "finished") {
@@ -666,53 +677,58 @@
+ } else {
+ $('#state_extended').hide();
+ $("button[name=state_start]").hide();
+ $("button[name=state_stop]").hide();
+ $("button[name=state_replay]").hide();
+ $("button[name=state_abandon]").hide();
// disable all input, also check themes
// remove all markings with state change
if (save['graph_adaptor'] && save['graph_adaptor'].illustrator) {
- if (notification == "finished" || notification == "abandoned") {
+ if (notification != "ready" && notification != "stopped" && notification != "running") {
$('.tabbehind button').hide();
} else {
$('#parameters .tabbehind button').show();
+ $('#state_any').show();
} //}}}
-function monitor_instance_pos_change(notification) {// {{{
- var parts = JSON.parse(notification);
- if (parts['unmark']) {
- $.each(parts['unmark'],function(a,b){
+function monitor_instance_pos_change(content) {// {{{
+ if (content['unmark']) {
+ $.each(content['unmark'],function(a,b){
- if (parts['at']) {
- $.each(parts['at'],function(a,b){
- format_visual_add(b.position,"passive")
+ if (content['at']) {
+ $.each(content['at'],function(a,b){
+ format_visual_add(b.position,"passive");
- if (!parts['at'] && !parts['unmark'] && !parts['after'] && !parts['wait']) {
+ if (!content['at'] && !content['unmark'] && !content['after'] && !content['wait']) {
} // }}}
-function monitor_instance_vote_add(notification) {// {{{
- var parts = JSON.parse(notification);
+function monitor_instance_vote_add(parts) {// {{{
var ctv = $("#votes");
astr = '';
if ($("input[name=votecontinue]").is(':checked'))
- astr += "<button id='vote_to_continue-" + parts.activity + "-" + parts.callback + "' onclick='$(this).attr(\"disabled\",\"disabled\");monitor_instance_vote_remove(\"" + parts.activity + "\",\"" + parts.callback + "\",\"true\");'>" + parts.activity + "</button>";
+ astr += "<button id='vote_to_continue-" + parts.activity + "-" + parts.key + "' onclick='$(this).attr(\"disabled\",\"disabled\");monitor_instance_vote_remove(\"" + parts.activity + "\",\"" + parts.key + "\",\"true\");'>" + parts.activity + "</button>";
}// }}}
function monitor_instance_vote_remove(activity,callback,value) {//{{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
@@ -728,39 +744,39 @@
function start_instance() {// {{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/state",
+ url: url + "/properties/state",
data: ({value: "running"}),
error: report_failure
}// }}}
function replay_instance() {// {{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/state",
+ url: url + "/properties/state",
data: ({value: "replaying"}),
error: report_failure
}// }}}
function aba_instance() {// {{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/state",
+ url: url + "/properties/state",
data: ({value: "abandoned"}),
error: report_failure
}// }}}
function stop_instance() {// {{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/state",
+ url: url + "/properties/state",
data: ({value: "stopping"}),
error: report_failure
}// }}}
@@ -775,63 +791,29 @@
}// }}}
function get_testset(deferred) {// {{{
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
- var testset = $X('<testset/>');
type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/dataelements/",
+ url: url + "/properties/",
success: function(res){
- var pars = $X('<dataelements/>');
- pars.append($(res.documentElement).children());
- testset.append(pars);
- $.ajax({
- type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/handlerwrapper/",
- success: function(res){
- var pars = $X('<handlerwrapper>' + res + '</handlerwrapper>');
- testset.append(pars);
- $.ajax({
- type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/endpoints/",
- success: function(res){
- var pars = $X('<endpoints/>');
- pars.append($(res.documentElement).children());
- testset.append(pars);
- $.ajax({
- type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/dslx/",
- success: function(res){
- var pars = $X('<description/>');
- pars.append($(res.documentElement));
- testset.append(pars);
- pars = $X("<transformation><description type='copy'/><dataelements type='none'/><endpoints type='none'/></transformation>");
- testset.append(pars);
- $.ajax({
- type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/attributes/",
- success: function(res){
- var name = $("value > info",res).text();
- var pars = $X('<attributes/>');
- pars.append($(res.documentElement).children());
- pars.find('uuid').remove();
- testset.append(pars);
- deferred.resolve(name,testset);
- },
- error: function() { deferred.reject(); report_failure(); }
- });
- },
- error: function() { deferred.reject(); report_failure(); }
- });
- },
- error: function() { deferred.reject(); report_failure(); }
- });
- },
- error: function() { deferred.reject(); report_failure(); }
- });
+ var testset = $X('<testset xmlns=""/>');
+ testset.append($(res.documentElement).children());
+ $('testset > state',testset).remove();
+ $('testset > status',testset).remove();
+ $('testset > positions',testset).remove();
+ $('testset > dsl',testset).remove();
+ $('testset > description > *',testset).remove();
+ $('testset > description',testset).append($('testset > dslx',testset).children());
+ $('testset > transformation',testset).remove();
+ $('testset > dsl',testset).remove();
+ $('testset > dslx',testset).remove();
+ testset.append($X('<transformation xmlns=""><description type="copy"/><dataelements type="none"/><endpoints type="none"/></transformation>'));
+ var name = $('testset > attributes > info',testset).text();
+ deferred.resolve(name,testset);
error: function() { deferred.reject(); report_failure(); }
}// }}}
function save_svgfile() {// {{{
@@ -868,11 +850,11 @@
loc.attr('style',loc.attr('style') + ' display: none');
type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/attributes/info/",
+ url: url + "/properties/attributes/info/",
success: function(res){
var name = $(res.documentElement).text();
$('#savesvgfile').attr('download',name + '.svg');
$('#savesvgfile').attr('href','data:application/xml;charset=utf-8;base64,' + $B64(gc.serializeXML()));
@@ -887,10 +869,19 @@
var url = $('body').attr('current-instance');
suspended_monitoring = true;
var promises = [];
+ var tset = $X('<properties xmlns=""/>');
+ tset.append($("testset > handlerwrapper",testset));
+ tset.append($("testset > positions",testset));
+ tset.append($("testset > dataelements",testset));
+ tset.append($("testset > endpoints",testset));
+ tset.append($("testset > attributes",testset));
+ tset.append($("testset > description",testset));
+ tset.append($("testset > transformation",testset));
type: "GET",
url: url + "/notifications/subscriptions/",
error: report_failure
@@ -901,48 +892,36 @@
await load_testset_handlers(url,testset,vals);
- )
- promises.push(load_testset_dataelements(url,testset));
- promises.push(load_testset_attributes(url,testset));
- promises.push(load_testset_endpoints(url,testset));
- promises.push(load_testset_pos(url,testset));
+ );
+ promises.push(
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'PATCH',
+ url: url + "/properties/",
+ contentType: 'text/xml',
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-ID': 'properties',
+ 'CPEE-Event-Source': myid
+ },
+ data: tset.serializeXML(),
+ error: report_failure
+ })
+ );
- if ($("testset > transformation",testset).length > 0) {
- var ser = '';
- $("testset > transformation > *",testset).each(function(){
- ser += $(this).serializeXML() + "\n";
- });
- var val = "<content>" + ser + "</content>";
- promises.push(
- $.ajax({
- type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/transformation",
- data: ({content: val}),
- error: report_failure
- }).then(async function(){
- await load_testset_des(url,testset);
- })
- );
- } else {
- promises.push(load_testset_des(url,testset));
- }
- promises.push(load_testset_hw(url,testset));
await Promise.all(promises);
suspended_monitoring = false;
type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/state/",
+ url: url + "/properties/state/",
dataType: "text",
success: function(res){
type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/state",
+ url: url + "/properties/state",
data: ({value: res}),
error: report_failure,
success: function(res){
if (exec) start_instance();
@@ -1002,11 +981,11 @@
loading = true;
var name = $("#templates div.menuitem[data-selected=selected]").text();
var url;
if (name) {
- url = $('body').attr('current-testsets') + name + ".xml";
+ url = $('body').attr('current-templates') + name + ".xml";
} else {
if ($('body').attr('load-testset').length > 0) {
url = $('body').attr('load-testset');
@@ -1036,15 +1015,15 @@
var name = $("#modeltypes div.menuitem[data-selected=selected]").text();
cache: false,
dataType: 'xml',
- url: $('body').attr('current-testsets') + "." + name + ".xml",
+ url: $('body').attr('current-templates') + "." + name + ".xml",
success: function(res){
type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/attributes/modeltype",
+ url: url + "/properties/attributes/modeltype",
data: ({value: name}),
success: function(){
error: report_failure
@@ -1055,120 +1034,29 @@
}// }}}
async function load_des(url,model) { //{{{
- model = model.replace(/<\?[^\?]+\?>/,'');
- var val = "<content>" + model + "</content>";
return $.ajax({
type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/description",
- data: ({content: val}),
+ url: url + "/properties/description/",
+ contentType: 'text/xml',
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-ID': 'description',
+ 'CPEE-Event-Source': myid
+ },
+ data: model,
error: report_failure
} //}}}
-async function load_testset_des(url,testset) {// {{{
- if ($("testset > description",testset).length == 0) { return; }
- var ser = '';
- $("testset > description > *",testset).each(function(){
- ser += $(this).serializeXML() + "\n";
- });
- return load_des(url,ser);
-} // }}}
-async function load_testset_hw(url,testset) {// {{{
- var promises = [];
- $("testset > handlerwrapper",testset).each(function(){
- var val = $(this).text();
- promises.push(
- $.ajax({
- type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/handlerwrapper",
- data: ({value: val}),
- error: report_failure
- })
- );
- });
- return Promise.all(promises);
-} // }}}
-async function load_testset_dataelements(url,testset) {// {{{
- if ($("testset > dataelements",testset).length == 0) { return; }
- var ser = '';
- $("testset > dataelements > *",testset).each(function(){
- ser += $(this).serializeXML() + "\n";
- });
- var val = "<content>" + ser + "</content>";
- return $.ajax({
- type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/dataelements",
- data: ({content: val}),
- error: report_failure
- });
-}// }}}
-async function load_testset_attributes(url,testset) {// {{{
- var promises = [];
- if ($("testset > attributes",testset).length == 0) { return; }
- var ser = '';
- $.ajax({
- type: "GET",
- url: url + "/properties/values/attributes/uuid",
- success: function(res){
- var uuid = $X('<uuid xmlns=""/>');
- uuid.text($('value',res).text());
- $("testset > attributes",testset).prepend(uuid);
- $("testset > attributes > *",testset).each(function(){
- ser += $(this).serializeXML() + "\n";
- });
- var val = "<content>" + ser + "</content>";
- promises.push(
- $.ajax({
- type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/attributes",
- data: ({content: val}),
- error: report_failure
- })
- );
- }
- });
- return Promise.all(promises);
-}// }}}
-async function load_testset_endpoints(url,testset) {// {{{
- if ($("testset > endpoints",testset).length == 0) { return; }
- var ser = '';
- $("testset > endpoints > *",testset).each(function(){
- ser += $(this).serializeXML() + "\n";
- });
- var val = "<content>" + ser + "</content>";
- return $.ajax({
- type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/endpoints/",
- data: ({content: val}),
- error: report_failure
- });
-}// }}}
-async function load_testset_pos(url,testset) {// {{{
- if ($("testset > positions",testset).length == 0) { return; }
- var ser = '';
- $("testset > positions > *",testset).each(function(){
- ser += $(this).serializeXML() + "\n";
- });
- var val = "<content>" + ser + "</content>";
- return $.ajax({
- type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/positions/",
- data: ({content: val}),
- success: monitor_instance_pos,
- error: report_failure
- });
-}// }}}
async function load_testset_handlers(url,testset,vals) {// {{{
var promises = [];
$("testset > handlers > *",testset).each(async function(){
var han = this;
var suburl = $(han).attr('url');
if ($.inArray(suburl,vals) == -1) {
- var inp = "url="+encodeURIComponent(suburl);
+ var inp = "url="+encodeURIComponent(suburl).replace(/~/,'%7E');
inp += "&topic=" + $(this).attr('topic');
inp += "&" + this.nodeName + "=" + $(this).text();
@@ -1195,10 +1083,12 @@
if (node_state[what] == undefined)
node_state[what] = {};
if (node_state[what][cls] == undefined)
node_state[what][cls] = 0;
node_state[what][cls] -= 1;
+ if (node_state[what][cls] < 0)
+ node_state[what][cls] = 0;
function scroll_into_view(what) { //{{{
var tcontainer = $('#graphcanvas').parent()[0];
@@ -1278,10 +1168,11 @@
} else {
function format_visual_vote_clear() {//{{{
node_state = {};
$('.super .vote').each(function(a,b){b.setAttribute("class","vote");});
@@ -1369,11 +1260,17 @@
message = message.replace(/,\{/g,', {');
message = message.replace(/,\[/g,', [');
message = message.replace(/:\"/g,': "');
message = message.replace(/:\{/g,': {');
message = message.replace(/:\[/g,': [');
- $("#dat_log").append("<tr><td class='fixed top'><a title=\"" + d.strftime("[%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S]") + "\">D</a></td><td class='fixed'> - </td><td class='fixed'><a title=\"" + what + "\">T</a></td><td class='fixed'> - </td><td class='fixed'>" + type + "</td><td class='fixed'> - </td><td class='long'>" + message + "</td></tr>");
+ $("#dat_log").prepend("<tr><td class='fixed'><a title=\"" + d.strftime("[%d/%b/%Y %H:%M:%S]") + "\">D</a></td><td class='fixed'> - </td><td class='fixed'><a title=\"" + what + "\">T</a></td><td class='fixed'> - </td><td class='fixed'>" + type + "</td><td class='fixed'> - </td><td class='long'>" + message + "</td></tr>");
+ var dle = $("#dat_log").children();
+ if (dle.length > 100) {
+ dle.slice(100).each((k,ele) => {
+ $(ele).remove();
+ });
+ }
function report_failure(){}
function ui_pos(e,bl) {
@@ -1385,14 +1282,19 @@
coll = bl(coll);
var vals = "";
vals += "<" + ele + ">at</" + ele + ">";
- vals = "<content>" + vals + "</content>";
+ vals = "<positions xmlns=''>" + vals + "</positions>";
type: "PUT",
- url: url + "/properties/values/positions/",
- data: ({content: vals}),
+ url: url + "/properties/positions/",
+ contentType: 'application/xml',
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-ID': 'positions',
+ 'CPEE-Event-Source': myid
+ },
+ data: vals,
success: monitor_instance_pos,
error: report_failure
function del_ui_pos(e) {