README.rdoc in coypond-0.2.1 vs README.rdoc in coypond-0.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,33 @@
= coypond
-Description goes here.
+A semantic grep-like tool for Ruby. You can use coypond to search through ruby code for class, module, or method definitions.
+== Features:
+* Search using raw string or regular expression
+* Narraw search to only module, classes, methods or any combination
+* Search through files, directories, or specify a locally installed gem (using -g option)
+== Installation:
+From the command line:
+ $ gem install coypond
+or, in your Gemfile
+ gem 'coypond'
+== Examples:
+To search for methods, classes or modules named +foo+ in the current directory:
+ $ coypond foo .
+Coypond uses the fully qualified name to index types, so to search the current directory for the +initialize+ method in the +Bar+ class under the +Foo+ module:
+ $ coypond "Foo::Bar#initialize" .
+You can also specify a gem for Coypond to search through using the _-g_ option (Coypond will try to find gems in the Ruby load path):
+ $ coypond "Thumbnail#initialize" -g paperclip
== Contributing to coypond
* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it