app/assets/build/coco/coco.js in coveragebook_components-0.19.0 vs app/assets/build/coco/coco.js in coveragebook_components-0.19.1
- old
+ new
@@ -7278,116 +7278,10 @@
firstTime = false;
return () => release(effectReference);
- function dispatch(el, name, detail = {}) {
- el.dispatchEvent(
- new CustomEvent(name, {
- detail,
- bubbles: true,
- // Allows events to pass the shadow DOM barrier.
- composed: true,
- cancelable: true
- })
- );
- }
- function walk(el, callback) {
- if (typeof ShadowRoot === "function" && el instanceof ShadowRoot) {
- Array.from(el.children).forEach((el2) => walk(el2, callback));
- return;
- }
- let skip = false;
- callback(el, () => skip = true);
- if (skip)
- return;
- let node = el.firstElementChild;
- while (node) {
- walk(node, callback, false);
- node = node.nextElementSibling;
- }
- }
- function warn(message, ...args) {
- console.warn(`Alpine Warning: ${message}`, ...args);
- }
- var started = false;
- function start() {
- if (started)
- warn("Alpine has already been initialized on this page. Calling Alpine.start() more than once can cause problems.");
- started = true;
- if (!document.body)
- warn("Unable to initialize. Trying to load Alpine before `<body>` is available. Did you forget to add `defer` in Alpine's `<script>` tag?");
- dispatch(document, "alpine:init");
- dispatch(document, "alpine:initializing");
- startObservingMutations();
- onElAdded((el) => initTree(el, walk));
- onElRemoved((el) => destroyTree(el));
- onAttributesAdded((el, attrs) => {
- directives(el, attrs).forEach((handle) => handle());
- });
- let outNestedComponents = (el) => !closestRoot(el.parentElement, true);
- Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(allSelectors().join(","))).filter(outNestedComponents).forEach((el) => {
- initTree(el);
- });
- dispatch(document, "alpine:initialized");
- }
- var rootSelectorCallbacks = [];
- var initSelectorCallbacks = [];
- function rootSelectors() {
- return => fn());
- }
- function allSelectors() {
- return rootSelectorCallbacks.concat(initSelectorCallbacks).map((fn) => fn());
- }
- function addRootSelector(selectorCallback) {
- rootSelectorCallbacks.push(selectorCallback);
- }
- function addInitSelector(selectorCallback) {
- initSelectorCallbacks.push(selectorCallback);
- }
- function closestRoot(el, includeInitSelectors = false) {
- return findClosest(el, (element) => {
- const selectors = includeInitSelectors ? allSelectors() : rootSelectors();
- if (selectors.some((selector) => element.matches(selector)))
- return true;
- });
- }
- function findClosest(el, callback) {
- if (!el)
- return;
- if (callback(el))
- return el;
- if (el._x_teleportBack)
- el = el._x_teleportBack;
- if (!el.parentElement)
- return;
- return findClosest(el.parentElement, callback);
- }
- function isRoot(el) {
- return rootSelectors().some((selector) => el.matches(selector));
- }
- var initInterceptors = [];
- function interceptInit(callback) {
- initInterceptors.push(callback);
- }
- function initTree(el, walker = walk, intercept = () => {
- }) {
- deferHandlingDirectives(() => {
- walker(el, (el2, skip) => {
- intercept(el2, skip);
- initInterceptors.forEach((i2) => i2(el2, skip));
- directives(el2, el2.attributes).forEach((handle) => handle());
- el2._x_ignore && skip();
- });
- });
- }
- function destroyTree(root, walker = walk) {
- walker(root, (el) => {
- cleanupAttributes(el);
- cleanupElement(el);
- });
- }
var onAttributeAddeds = [];
var onElRemoveds = [];
var onElAddeds = [];
function onElAdded(callback) {
@@ -7517,11 +7411,10 @@
for (let node of removedNodes) {
if (addedNodes.has(node))
onElRemoveds.forEach((i2) => i2(node));
- destroyTree(node);
addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
node._x_ignoreSelf = true;
node._x_ignore = true;
@@ -7596,22 +7489,22 @@
const target = objects.find(
(obj) =>, name)
) || objects[objects.length - 1];
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, name);
if ((descriptor == null ? void 0 : descriptor.set) && (descriptor == null ? void 0 : descriptor.get))
- return Reflect.set(target, name, value, thisProxy);
+ return, value) || true;
return Reflect.set(target, name, value);
function collapseProxies() {
let keys = Reflect.ownKeys(this);
return keys.reduce((acc, key) => {
acc[key] = Reflect.get(this, key);
return acc;
}, {});
- function initInterceptors2(data2) {
+ function initInterceptors(data2) {
let isObject2 = (val) => typeof val === "object" && !Array.isArray(val) && val !== null;
let recurse = (obj, basePath = "") => {
Object.entries(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(obj)).forEach(([key, { value, enumerable }]) => {
if (enumerable === false || value === void 0)
@@ -7831,10 +7724,13 @@
const pos = directiveOrder.indexOf(directive2);
directiveOrder.splice(pos >= 0 ? pos : directiveOrder.indexOf("DEFAULT"), 0, name);
+ function directiveExists(name) {
+ return Object.keys(directiveHandlers).includes(name);
+ }
function directives(el, attributes, originalAttributeOverride) {
attributes = Array.from(attributes);
if (el._x_virtualDirectives) {
let vAttributes = Object.entries(el._x_virtualDirectives).map(([name, value]) => ({ name, value }));
let staticAttributes = attributesOnly(vAttributes);
@@ -7970,10 +7866,136 @@
function byPriority(a2, b2) {
let typeA = directiveOrder.indexOf(a2.type) === -1 ? DEFAULT : a2.type;
let typeB = directiveOrder.indexOf(b2.type) === -1 ? DEFAULT : b2.type;
return directiveOrder.indexOf(typeA) - directiveOrder.indexOf(typeB);
+ function dispatch(el, name, detail = {}) {
+ el.dispatchEvent(
+ new CustomEvent(name, {
+ detail,
+ bubbles: true,
+ // Allows events to pass the shadow DOM barrier.
+ composed: true,
+ cancelable: true
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ function walk(el, callback) {
+ if (typeof ShadowRoot === "function" && el instanceof ShadowRoot) {
+ Array.from(el.children).forEach((el2) => walk(el2, callback));
+ return;
+ }
+ let skip = false;
+ callback(el, () => skip = true);
+ if (skip)
+ return;
+ let node = el.firstElementChild;
+ while (node) {
+ walk(node, callback, false);
+ node = node.nextElementSibling;
+ }
+ }
+ function warn(message, ...args) {
+ console.warn(`Alpine Warning: ${message}`, ...args);
+ }
+ var started = false;
+ function start() {
+ if (started)
+ warn("Alpine has already been initialized on this page. Calling Alpine.start() more than once can cause problems.");
+ started = true;
+ if (!document.body)
+ warn("Unable to initialize. Trying to load Alpine before `<body>` is available. Did you forget to add `defer` in Alpine's `<script>` tag?");
+ dispatch(document, "alpine:init");
+ dispatch(document, "alpine:initializing");
+ startObservingMutations();
+ onElAdded((el) => initTree(el, walk));
+ onElRemoved((el) => destroyTree(el));
+ onAttributesAdded((el, attrs) => {
+ directives(el, attrs).forEach((handle) => handle());
+ });
+ let outNestedComponents = (el) => !closestRoot(el.parentElement, true);
+ Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(allSelectors().join(","))).filter(outNestedComponents).forEach((el) => {
+ initTree(el);
+ });
+ dispatch(document, "alpine:initialized");
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ warnAboutMissingPlugins();
+ });
+ }
+ var rootSelectorCallbacks = [];
+ var initSelectorCallbacks = [];
+ function rootSelectors() {
+ return => fn());
+ }
+ function allSelectors() {
+ return rootSelectorCallbacks.concat(initSelectorCallbacks).map((fn) => fn());
+ }
+ function addRootSelector(selectorCallback) {
+ rootSelectorCallbacks.push(selectorCallback);
+ }
+ function addInitSelector(selectorCallback) {
+ initSelectorCallbacks.push(selectorCallback);
+ }
+ function closestRoot(el, includeInitSelectors = false) {
+ return findClosest(el, (element) => {
+ const selectors = includeInitSelectors ? allSelectors() : rootSelectors();
+ if (selectors.some((selector) => element.matches(selector)))
+ return true;
+ });
+ }
+ function findClosest(el, callback) {
+ if (!el)
+ return;
+ if (callback(el))
+ return el;
+ if (el._x_teleportBack)
+ el = el._x_teleportBack;
+ if (!el.parentElement)
+ return;
+ return findClosest(el.parentElement, callback);
+ }
+ function isRoot(el) {
+ return rootSelectors().some((selector) => el.matches(selector));
+ }
+ var initInterceptors2 = [];
+ function interceptInit(callback) {
+ initInterceptors2.push(callback);
+ }
+ function initTree(el, walker = walk, intercept = () => {
+ }) {
+ deferHandlingDirectives(() => {
+ walker(el, (el2, skip) => {
+ intercept(el2, skip);
+ initInterceptors2.forEach((i2) => i2(el2, skip));
+ directives(el2, el2.attributes).forEach((handle) => handle());
+ el2._x_ignore && skip();
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ function destroyTree(root, walker = walk) {
+ walker(root, (el) => {
+ cleanupAttributes(el);
+ cleanupElement(el);
+ });
+ }
+ function warnAboutMissingPlugins() {
+ let pluginDirectives = [
+ ["ui", "dialog", ["[x-dialog], [x-popover]"]],
+ ["anchor", "anchor", ["[x-anchor]"]],
+ ["sort", "sort", ["[x-sort]"]]
+ ];
+ pluginDirectives.forEach(([plugin2, directive2, selectors]) => {
+ if (directiveExists(directive2))
+ return;
+ selectors.some((selector) => {
+ if (document.querySelector(selector)) {
+ warn(`found "${selector}", but missing ${plugin2} plugin`);
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
var tickStack = [];
var isHolding = false;
function nextTick(callback = () => {
}) {
queueMicrotask(() => {
@@ -8230,11 +8252,11 @@
nextTick2(() => {
let hideAfterChildren = (el2) => {
let carry = Promise.all([
...(el2._x_hideChildren || []).map(hideAfterChildren)
- ]).then(([i2]) => i2());
+ ]).then(([i2]) => i2 == null ? void 0 : i2());
delete el2._x_hidePromise;
delete el2._x_hideChildren;
return carry;
hideAfterChildren(el).catch((e2) => {
@@ -8661,11 +8683,11 @@
stores[name] = value;
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null && value.hasOwnProperty("init") && typeof value.init === "function") {
- initInterceptors2(stores[name]);
+ initInterceptors(stores[name]);
function getStores() {
return stores;
var binds = {};
@@ -8743,11 +8765,11 @@
return effect;
get raw() {
return raw;
- version: "3.13.8",
+ version: "3.14.1",
@@ -8949,12 +8971,14 @@
mutateDom(() => {
placeInDom(clone2, target, modifiers);
- initTree(clone2);
- clone2._x_ignore = true;
+ skipDuringClone(() => {
+ initTree(clone2);
+ clone2._x_ignore = true;
+ })();
el._x_teleportPutBack = () => {
let target2 = getTarget(expression);
mutateDom(() => {
placeInDom(el._x_teleport, target2, modifiers);
@@ -9020,14 +9044,16 @@
if (modifiers.includes("stop"))
handler4 = wrapHandler(handler4, (next, e2) => {
- if (modifiers.includes("self"))
+ if (modifiers.includes("once")) {
handler4 = wrapHandler(handler4, (next, e2) => {
- === el && next(e2);
+ next(e2);
+ listenerTarget.removeEventListener(event, handler4, options);
+ }
if (modifiers.includes("away") || modifiers.includes("outside")) {
listenerTarget = document;
handler4 = wrapHandler(handler4, (next, e2) => {
if (el.contains(
@@ -9038,24 +9064,22 @@
if (el._x_isShown === false)
- if (modifiers.includes("once")) {
+ if (modifiers.includes("self"))
handler4 = wrapHandler(handler4, (next, e2) => {
- next(e2);
- listenerTarget.removeEventListener(event, handler4, options);
+ === el && next(e2);
- }
- handler4 = wrapHandler(handler4, (next, e2) => {
- if (isKeyEvent(event)) {
+ if (isKeyEvent(event) || isClickEvent(event)) {
+ handler4 = wrapHandler(handler4, (next, e2) => {
if (isListeningForASpecificKeyThatHasntBeenPressed(e2, modifiers)) {
- }
- next(e2);
- });
+ next(e2);
+ });
+ }
listenerTarget.addEventListener(event, handler4, options);
return () => {
listenerTarget.removeEventListener(event, handler4, options);
@@ -9076,13 +9100,16 @@
return subject.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").replace(/[_\s]/, "-").toLowerCase();
function isKeyEvent(event) {
return ["keydown", "keyup"].includes(event);
+ function isClickEvent(event) {
+ return ["contextmenu", "click", "mouse"].some((i2) => event.includes(i2));
+ }
function isListeningForASpecificKeyThatHasntBeenPressed(e2, modifiers) {
let keyModifiers = modifiers.filter((i2) => {
- return !["window", "document", "prevent", "stop", "once", "capture"].includes(i2);
+ return !["window", "document", "prevent", "stop", "once", "capture", "self", "away", "outside", "passive"].includes(i2);
if (keyModifiers.includes("debounce")) {
let debounceIndex = keyModifiers.indexOf("debounce");
keyModifiers.splice(debounceIndex, isNumeric2((keyModifiers[debounceIndex + 1] || "invalid-wait").split("ms")[0]) ? 2 : 1);
@@ -9102,10 +9129,12 @@
if (modifier === "cmd" || modifier === "super")
modifier = "meta";
return e2[`${modifier}Key`];
if (activelyPressedKeyModifiers.length === selectedSystemKeyModifiers.length) {
+ if (isClickEvent(e2.type))
+ return false;
if (keyToModifiers(e2.key).includes(keyModifiers[0]))
return false;
return true;
@@ -9124,10 +9153,11 @@
"up": "arrow-up",
"down": "arrow-down",
"left": "arrow-left",
"right": "arrow-right",
"period": ".",
+ "comma": ",",
"equal": "=",
"minus": "-",
"underscore": "_"
modifierToKeyMap[key] = key;
@@ -9178,11 +9208,11 @@
let removeListener = isCloning ? () => {
} : on(el, event, modifiers, (e2) => {
setValue(getInputValue(el, modifiers, e2, getValue()));
if (modifiers.includes("fill")) {
- if ([void 0, null, ""].includes(getValue()) || el.type === "checkbox" && Array.isArray(getValue())) {
+ if ([void 0, null, ""].includes(getValue()) || el.type === "checkbox" && Array.isArray(getValue()) || el.tagName.toLowerCase() === "select" && el.multiple) {
getInputValue(el, modifiers, { target: el }, getValue())
@@ -9190,11 +9220,11 @@
el._x_removeModelListeners = {};
el._x_removeModelListeners["default"] = removeListener;
cleanup(() => el._x_removeModelListeners["default"]());
if (el.form) {
let removeResetListener = on(el.form, "reset", [], (e2) => {
- nextTick(() => el._x_model && el._x_model.set(el.value));
+ nextTick(() => el._x_model && el._x_model.set(getInputValue(el, modifiers, { target: el }, getValue())));
cleanup(() => removeResetListener());
el._x_model = {
get() {
@@ -9230,11 +9260,11 @@
} else if (modifiers.includes("boolean")) {
newValue = safeParseBoolean(;
} else {
newValue =;
- return ? currentValue.concat([newValue]) : currentValue.filter((el2) => !checkedAttrLooseCompare2(el2, newValue));
+ return ? currentValue.includes(newValue) ? currentValue : currentValue.concat([newValue]) : currentValue.filter((el2) => !checkedAttrLooseCompare2(el2, newValue));
} else {
} else if (el.tagName.toLowerCase() === "select" && el.multiple) {
if (modifiers.includes("number")) {
@@ -9369,11 +9399,11 @@
let data2 = evaluate(el, expression, { scope: dataProviderContext });
if (data2 === void 0 || data2 === true)
data2 = {};
injectMagics(data2, el);
let reactiveData = reactive(data2);
- initInterceptors2(reactiveData);
+ initInterceptors(reactiveData);
let undo = addScopeToNode(el, reactiveData);
reactiveData["init"] && evaluate(el, reactiveData["init"]);
cleanup(() => {
reactiveData["destroy"] && evaluate(el, reactiveData["destroy"]);
@@ -15294,11 +15324,11 @@
var alpine_default = import_alpinejs.default;
// ../../../package.json
var package_default = {
name: "coveragebook-components",
- version: "0.19.0",
+ version: "0.19.1",
repository: "",
license: "NO LICENSE",
author: "Mark Perkins <>",
main: "app/assets/build/coco/coco.js",
engines: {
@@ -15309,13 +15339,14 @@
"build:tailwind-preset": "esbuild ./config/tailwind.preset.js --bundle --format=cjs --outdir=./app/assets/build/coco --log-level=error",
"build:dev": "npm run js:dev && npm run css:dev",
"css:build": "postcss ./app/assets/css/coco.css -d ./app/assets/build/coco",
"css:dev": "postcss ./app/assets/css/coco.css -d ./app/assets/build/coco/dev",
"css:watch": "postcss ./app/assets/css/coco.css -d ./app/assets/build/coco/dev --watch",
- "js:build": "node esbuild.config.mjs",
- "js:dev": "node esbuild.config.mjs --dev",
- "js:watch": "node esbuild.config.mjs --watch",
+ "js:build": "node esbuild.mjs",
+ "js:dev": "node esbuild.mjs --dev",
+ "js:watch": "node esbuild.mjs --watch",
+ "js:analyse": "node lib/scripts/esbuild-meta.mjs",
"lint:fix": "bundle exec standardrb --fix && prettier --write .",
"lookbook:build": "cd lookbook && npm run build",
prepare: "husky install",
release: "release-it"
@@ -15336,18 +15367,18 @@
tabWidth: 2,
trailingComma: "es5"
dependencies: {
"@alpinejs/focus": "^3.13.2",
- "@alpinejs/mask": "^3.13.5",
+ "@alpinejs/mask": "^3.14.1",
"@alpinejs/morph": "^3.13.5",
"@jaames/iro": "^5.5.2",
"@percy/cli": "^1.28.8",
"@tailwindcss/container-queries": "^0.1.0",
"@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.5.6",
"alias-hq": "^6.2.2",
- alpinejs: "^3.13.8",
+ alpinejs: "^3.14.1",
autoprefixer: "^10.4.16",
"container-query-polyfill": "^1.0.2",
del: "^7.1.0",
esbuild: "^0.23.0",
"esbuild-plugin-copy": "^2.0.2",
@@ -15362,10 +15393,10 @@
"lodash.mapvalues": "^4.6.0",
"lucide-static": "^0.303.0",
postcss: "^8.4.38",
"postcss-cli": "^11.0.0",
"postcss-value-parser": "^4.2.0",
- prettier: "^3.2.5",
+ prettier: "^3.3.3",
"release-it": "^17.2.1",
svgo: "^3.0.2",
tailwindcss: "^3.4.3",
"tippy.js": "^6.3.7"