app/assets/build/coco/app.js in coveragebook_components-0.8.3 vs app/assets/build/coco/app.js in coveragebook_components-0.8.4
- old
+ new
@@ -6354,11 +6354,11 @@
return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
function __spreadArray(to, from, pack2) {
if (pack2 || arguments.length === 2)
- for (var i4 = 0, l3 = from.length, ar; i4 < l3; i4++) {
+ for (var i4 = 0, l2 = from.length, ar; i4 < l2; i4++) {
if (ar || !(i4 in from)) {
if (!ar)
ar =, 0, i4);
ar[i4] = from[i4];
@@ -7994,17 +7994,17 @@
var hsl = function(context, args) {
var tokens2 = args.filter(nonFunctionArgSeparator);
var hue = tokens2[0], saturation = tokens2[1], lightness = tokens2[2], alpha = tokens2[3];
var h3 = (hue.type === 17 ? deg(hue.number) : angle.parse(context, hue)) / (Math.PI * 2);
var s3 = isLengthPercentage(saturation) ? saturation.number / 100 : 0;
- var l3 = isLengthPercentage(lightness) ? lightness.number / 100 : 0;
+ var l2 = isLengthPercentage(lightness) ? lightness.number / 100 : 0;
var a4 = typeof alpha !== "undefined" && isLengthPercentage(alpha) ? getAbsoluteValue(alpha, 1) : 1;
if (s3 === 0) {
- return pack(l3 * 255, l3 * 255, l3 * 255, 1);
+ return pack(l2 * 255, l2 * 255, l2 * 255, 1);
- var t22 = l3 <= 0.5 ? l3 * (s3 + 1) : l3 + s3 - l3 * s3;
- var t1 = l3 * 2 - t22;
+ var t22 = l2 <= 0.5 ? l2 * (s3 + 1) : l2 + s3 - l2 * s3;
+ var t1 = l2 * 2 - t22;
var r3 = hue2rgb(t1, t22, h3 + 1 / 3);
var g3 = hue2rgb(t1, t22, h3);
var b3 = hue2rgb(t1, t22, h3 - 1 / 3);
return pack(r3 * 255, g3 * 255, b3 * 255, a4);
@@ -14042,58 +14042,55 @@
// ../../../package.json
var package_default = {
name: "coveragebook-components",
type: "module",
- version: "0.8.3",
+ version: "0.8.4",
main: "index.js",
repository: "",
author: "Mark Perkins <>",
license: "NO LICENSE",
browserslist: [
dependencies: {
- "@alpinejs/collapse": "^3.13.2",
- "@alpinejs/focus": "^3.13.2",
- "@alpinejs/intersect": "^3.13.2",
- "@alpinejs/mask": "^3.13.2",
- "@alpinejs/morph": "^3.11.1",
+ "@alpinejs/collapse": "3.12.1",
+ "@alpinejs/focus": "3.12.1",
+ "@alpinejs/intersect": "3.12.1",
+ "@alpinejs/mask": "3.12.1",
+ "@alpinejs/morph": "3.12.1",
"@jaames/iro": "^5.5.2",
"@tailwindcss/container-queries": "^0.1.0",
- "@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.5.3",
- alpinejs: "^3.11.1",
+ "@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.5.6",
+ alpinejs: "3.12.2",
"container-query-polyfill": "^1.0.2",
del: "^7.1.0",
html2canvas: "^1.4.1",
"js-cookie": "^3.0.5",
lodash: "^4.17.21",
"lucide-static": "^0.290.0",
- tailwindcss: "^3.3.0",
+ tailwindcss: "^3.3.5",
"tippy.js": "^6.3.7"
devDependencies: {
"@percy/cli": "^1.27.3",
- "alias-hq": "^6.1.0",
- "alpinejs-tash": "^1.0.9",
+ "alias-hq": "^6.2.2",
autoprefixer: "^10.4.16",
esbuild: "^0.17.10",
"esbuild-plugin-copy": "^2.0.2",
"fast-glob": "^3.3.1",
"fast-sort": "^3.2.1",
husky: "^8.0.3",
jest: "^29.4.3",
"jest-environment-jsdom": "^29.4.3",
- "lint-staged": "^13.1.2",
+ "lint-staged": "^15.0.2",
postcss: "^8.4.31",
"postcss-cli": "^10.1.0",
"postcss-value-parser": "^4.2.0",
prettier: "^2.8.4",
"release-it": "^15.10.3",
- svgo: "^3.0.2",
- vite: "^4.1.4",
- "vite-plugin-ruby": "^3.1.3"
+ svgo: "^3.0.2"
scripts: {
"js:build": "node esbuild.config.js",
"js:dev": "node esbuild.config.js --watch",
"js:test": "node --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js",
@@ -14250,21 +14247,21 @@
function i(e3, t3) {
switch (e3.type) {
case 4:
return function(e4, t4) {
- const o3 = n(e4.left, t4), s3 = n(e4.right, t4), l3 = e4.operator;
+ const o3 = n(e4.left, t4), s3 = n(e4.right, t4), l2 = e4.operator;
if (4 === o3.type && 4 === s3.type || 5 === o3.type && 5 === s3.type)
return function(e5, t5, n3) {
return 1 === n3 ? r(e5.value === t5.value) : { type: 1 };
- }(o3, s3, l3);
+ }(o3, s3, l2);
if (3 === o3.type || 3 === s3.type) {
const e5 = c(o3, t4), n3 = c(s3, t4);
if (null != e5 && null != n3)
- return u(e5, n3, l3);
+ return u(e5, n3, l2);
} else if (2 === o3.type && 2 === s3.type)
- return u(o3.value, s3.value, l3);
+ return u(o3.value, s3.value, l2);
return { type: 1 };
}(e3, t3);
case 2:
return function(e4, t4) {
const n3 = i(e4.left, t4);
@@ -14328,11 +14325,11 @@
let n3 = false;
for (const r4 of e3) {
const e4 = r4.codePointAt(0);
n3 && 10 !== e4 && (n3 = false, t3.push(10)), 0 === e4 || e4 >= 55296 && e4 <= 57343 ? t3.push(65533) : 13 === e4 ? n3 = true : t3.push(e4);
- const r3 = q(t3, -1), { at: u3, consume: o3, error: s3, reconsume: l3 } = r3;
+ const r3 = q(t3, -1), { at: u3, consume: o3, error: s3, reconsume: l2 } = r3;
function c3() {
return String.fromCodePoint(r3.value);
function i3() {
return { type: 13, value: c3() };
@@ -14408,11 +14405,11 @@
for (; ; ) {
const n4 = o3(1);
if (-1 === n4 || n4 === e4)
return -1 === n4 && s3(), { type: 2, value: t4 };
if (E(n4))
- return s3(), l3(), { type: 3 };
+ return s3(), l2(), { type: 3 };
if (92 === n4) {
const e5 = u3(1);
if (-1 === e5)
E(e5) ? o3(1) : t4 += v3();
@@ -14448,11 +14445,11 @@
const t4 = o3(1);
if (M(t4))
e4 += c3();
else {
if (!j(t4, u3(1)))
- return l3(), e4;
+ return l2(), e4;
e4 += v3();
function g3() {
@@ -14479,18 +14476,18 @@
else if (40 === e4)
yield { type: 4 };
else if (41 === e4)
yield { type: 5 };
else if (43 === e4)
- m3(e4, u3(1), u3(2)) ? (l3(), yield p2()) : yield i3();
+ m3(e4, u3(1), u3(2)) ? (l2(), yield p2()) : yield i3();
else if (44 === e4)
yield { type: 6 };
else if (45 === e4) {
const t4 = u3(1), n4 = u3(2);
- m3(e4, t4, n4) ? (l3(), yield p2()) : 45 === t4 && 62 === n4 ? (o3(2), yield { type: 19 }) : d3(e4, t4, n4) ? (l3(), yield y3()) : yield i3();
+ m3(e4, t4, n4) ? (l2(), yield p2()) : 45 === t4 && 62 === n4 ? (o3(2), yield { type: 19 }) : d3(e4, t4, n4) ? (l2(), yield y3()) : yield i3();
} else if (46 === e4)
- m3(e4, u3(1), u3(2)) ? (l3(), yield p2()) : yield i3();
+ m3(e4, u3(1), u3(2)) ? (l2(), yield p2()) : yield i3();
else if (58 === e4)
yield { type: 7 };
else if (59 === e4)
yield { type: 8 };
else if (60 === e4)
@@ -14502,21 +14499,21 @@
} else
yield i3();
else if (91 === e4)
yield { type: 9 };
else if (92 === e4)
- j(e4, u3(1)) ? (l3(), yield y3()) : (s3(), yield i3());
+ j(e4, u3(1)) ? (l2(), yield y3()) : (s3(), yield i3());
else if (93 === e4)
yield { type: 10 };
else if (123 === e4)
yield { type: 11 };
else if (125 === e4)
yield { type: 12 };
else if (k(e4))
- l3(), yield p2();
+ l2(), yield p2();
else if (L(e4))
- l3(), yield y3();
+ l2(), yield y3();
else {
if (-1 === e4)
return yield { type: 0 }, r3.errorIndices;
yield { type: 13, value: c3() };
@@ -15047,12 +15044,12 @@
return r5 !== x ? { type: 2, feature: r5, bounds: [[u3, n5], null] } : x;
const s3 = J(e5);
if (s3 === x || !(X(u3) && X(s3) || K(u3) && K(s3)))
return x;
- const l3 = Y(e5, false), c3 = Z(o3, t5);
- return c3 !== x ? { type: 2, feature: c3, bounds: [[u3, n5], [s3, l3]] } : x;
+ const l2 = Y(e5, false), c3 = Z(o3, t5);
+ return c3 !== x ? { type: 2, feature: c3, bounds: [[u3, n5], [s3, l2]] } : x;
}(e4, ie);
if (n4 === x)
return x;
const r3 = ce[n4.feature];
if (null == r3)
@@ -15225,18 +15222,18 @@
case "container":
return function(t4, n4) {
if (t4.value) {
const r3 = $e(t4.prelude);
if (r3 !== x) {
- const u3 = { rule: r3, selector: null, parent: n4.parent, uid: "c" + Ae++ }, o3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), s3 = [], l3 = Oe(P(t4.value.value.value), { descriptors: n4.descriptors, parent: u3, transformStyleRule: (t5) => {
+ const u3 = { rule: r3, selector: null, parent: n4.parent, uid: "c" + Ae++ }, o3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), s3 = [], l2 = Oe(P(t4.value.value.value), { descriptors: n4.descriptors, parent: u3, transformStyleRule: (t5) => {
const [n5, r4] = function(e3, t6, n6) {
const r5 = C(e3), u4 = [], o4 = [];
for (; ; ) {
if (0 ===
return [u4, o4];
const n7 = Math.max(0, r5.index);
- for (; l5 =, c3 =, !(Fe(l5) || 7 === l5.type && (7 === c3.type || 24 === c3.type && Me.has(c3.value.toLowerCase()))); )
+ for (; l4 =, c3 =, !(Fe(l4) || 7 === l4.type && (7 === c3.type || 24 === c3.type && Me.has(c3.value.toLowerCase()))); )
const i3 = r5.index + 1, a3 = e3.slice(n7, i3), f3 = a3.length > 0 ? Ue(a3) : [ee("*")];
for (; !Fe(; )
const p2 = e3.slice(i3, Math.max(0, r5.index + 1));
@@ -15247,17 +15244,17 @@
const e4 ="");
e4.endsWith(Le) ? y3 = N(Array.from($(e4.substring(0, e4.length - Le.length)))) : s3.push({ actual: e4, expected: e4 + Le });
u4.push(...f3), o4.push(...y3), o4.push(...h3), o4.push(...p2), r5.consume(1);
- var l5, c3;
+ var l4, c3;
}(t5.prelude, u3.uid);
if (s3.length > 0)
return t5;
- const l4 ="");
+ const l3 ="");
try {
- je.matches(l4), o3.add(l4);
+ je.matches(l3), o3.add(l3);
} catch (e3) {
return e({}, t5, { prelude: r4 });
} }).value;
if (s3.length > 0) {
@@ -15270,11 +15267,11 @@
e3.has(u4) || (t5.push(`${u4}${r4.substring(0, n5 - u4.length)} => ${o4}`), e3.add(u4));
console.warn(`The :where() pseudo-class is not supported by this browser. To use the Container Query Polyfill, you must modify the selectors under your @container rules:
- return o3.size > 0 && (u3.selector = Array.from(o3).join(", ")), n4.descriptors.push(u3), { type: 25, name: "media", prelude: [ne("all")], value: e({}, t4.value, { value: { type: 3, value: l3 } }) };
+ return o3.size > 0 && (u3.selector = Array.from(o3).join(", ")), n4.descriptors.push(u3), { type: 25, name: "media", prelude: [ne("all")], value: e({}, t4.value, { value: { type: 3, value: l2 } }) };
return t4;
}(t3, n3);
@@ -15339,12 +15336,12 @@
var e3 = this;
const t3 = this.node;
if ("stylesheet" === t3.rel) {
const n3 = new URL(t3.href, document.baseURI);
n3.origin === location.origin && (this.controller = rt(async function(r3) {
- const u3 = await fetch(n3.toString(), { signal: r3 }), o3 = await u3.text(), s3 = e3.styleSheet = await e3.context.registerStyleSheet({ source: o3, url: n3, signal: r3 }), l3 = new Blob([s3.source], { type: "text/css" }), c3 = new Image();
- c3.onload = c3.onerror = s3.refresh, c3.src = t3.href = URL.createObjectURL(l3);
+ const u3 = await fetch(n3.toString(), { signal: r3 }), o3 = await u3.text(), s3 = e3.styleSheet = await e3.context.registerStyleSheet({ source: o3, url: n3, signal: r3 }), l2 = new Blob([s3.source], { type: "text/css" }), c3 = new Image();
+ c3.onload = c3.onerror = s3.refresh, c3.src = t3.href = URL.createObjectURL(l2);
disconnected() {
var e3, t3;
@@ -15456,11 +15453,11 @@
null == t4 || t4.disconnect();
} !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE && !== Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE && null === || "attributes" === t3.type && t3.attributeName && (t3.attributeName === v || t3.attributeName === d || instanceof Element && === t3.oldValue) || (A3(, S2());
}).observe(u3, { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true });
- const l3 = new ResizeObserver((e3) => {
+ const l2 = new ResizeObserver((e3) => {
for (const t3 of e3)
}), c3 = new Xe(u3);
async function a3(e3, { source: t3, url: n4, signal: r4 }) {
@@ -15482,22 +15479,22 @@
} catch (t5) {
return console.warn("An error occurred while transpiling stylesheet: " + t5), { source: e4, descriptors: [] };
}(t3, n4 ? n4.toString() : void 0);
let s4 = () => {
- }, l4 = () => {
+ }, l3 = () => {
const c4 = A3(u3);
let i3 = false;
- return null != r4 && r4.aborted || (l4 = () => {
+ return null != r4 && r4.aborted || (l3 = () => {
if (!i3) {
const { sheet: t4 } = e3;
null != t4 && (pt(t4, o4.descriptors), i3 = true, s4 = () => {
pt(t4), c4.mutate(), S2();
}, c4.mutate(), S2());
- }), { source: o4.source, dispose: s4, refresh: l4 };
+ }), { source: o4.source, dispose: s4, refresh: l3 };
const p2 = { cqw: null, cqh: null };
function y3({ width: e3, height: t3 }) {
p2.cqw = e3, p2.cqh = t3;
@@ -15510,11 +15507,11 @@
r4.length > 0 ? e3.setAttribute(n4, r4) : e3.removeAttribute(n4);
function S2() {
- l3.unobserve(u3), l3.observe(u3);
+ l2.unobserve(u3), l2.observe(u3);
const x3 = () => {
const e3 = [];
for (const t3 of document.styleSheets)
for (const n4 of ft(t3))
@@ -15536,18 +15533,18 @@
return function(n6) {
let u4 = null;
return (...n7) => {
if (null == u4 || !De(u4[0], n7)) {
const o4 = ((n8, u5) => {
- const { context: o5, conditions: s4 } = n8, l4 = (e3) => r5.getPropertyValue(e3), c4 = it(l4), a4 = e({}, o5, { writingAxis: c4.writingAxis });
+ const { context: o5, conditions: s4 } = n8, l3 = (e3) => r5.getPropertyValue(e3), c4 = it(l3), a4 = e({}, o5, { writingAxis: c4.writingAxis });
let f4 = s4, p4 = false, y4 = c4.displayFlags;
0 == (1 & n8.displayFlags) && (y4 = 0);
const { containerType: h4, containerNames: v3 } = c4;
if (h4 > 0) {
const e3 = h4 > 0 && 2 == (2 & y4), n9 = new Map( => [e4[0].value, e4[1]]));
if (f4 = [], p4 = true, e3) {
- const e4 = ct(l4);
+ const e4 = ct(l3);
a4.fontSize = e4.fontSize;
const r6 = function(e5, t3) {
const n10 = { value: t3.width }, r7 = { value: t3.height };
let u7 = n10, o6 = r7;
if (1 === e5.writingAxis) {
@@ -15565,12 +15562,12 @@
r8.set(n11, e7);
const o7 = i(e6.condition, { sizeFeatures: r8, treeContext: n10.treeContext });
return 5 === o7.type ? o7.value : null;
}(r7, u6) : null;
- var l5;
- return null == s5 ? 1 === ((null != (l5 = n9.get(e5)) ? l5 : 0) && 1) : true === s5;
+ var l4;
+ return null == s5 ? 1 === ((null != (l4 = n9.get(e5)) ? l4 : 0) && 1) : true === s5;
}, y5 = (e5, t3) => {
let n10 = e5.get(t3);
if (null == n10) {
const r7 = p5(t3);
n10 = (r7 ? 1 : 0) | (true !== r7 || null != t3.parent && 1 != (1 & y5(e5, t3.parent)) ? 0 : 2), e5.set(t3, n10);
@@ -15602,27 +15599,27 @@
f3 = { connect() {
for (let e3 = n4.firstChild; null != e3; e3 = e3.nextSibling)
}, disconnect() {
- n4 instanceof Element && (l3.unobserve(n4), n4.removeAttribute(v), n4.removeAttribute(d)), z3 && (z3.removeProperty(g), z3.removeProperty(b), z3.removeProperty(m), z3.removeProperty(w));
+ n4 instanceof Element && (l2.unobserve(n4), n4.removeAttribute(v), n4.removeAttribute(d)), z3 && (z3.removeProperty(g), z3.removeProperty(b), z3.removeProperty(m), z3.removeProperty(w));
for (let e3 = n4.firstChild; null != e3; e3 = e3.nextSibling) {
const t3 = r3(e3);
null == t3 || t3.disconnect();
p3.disconnected(), delete n4[We];
}, update(e3) {
const [t3, r4] = E2(e3);
if (r4) {
if (h3(n4, e3, d), h3(n4, t3, v), n4 instanceof Element) {
const e4 = x4 || t3.isQueryContainer;
- e4 && !L2 ? (l3.observe(n4), L2 = true) : !e4 && L2 && (l3.unobserve(n4), L2 = false);
+ e4 && !L2 ? (l2.observe(n4), L2 = true) : !e4 && L2 && (l2.unobserve(n4), L2 = false);
if (z3) {
const n5 = t3.context, r5 = n5.writingAxis;
- let u4 = null, o4 = null, s4 = null, l4 = null;
- (r5 !== e3.context.writingAxis || t3.isQueryContainer) && (u4 = `var(${0 === r5 ? m : w})`, o4 = `var(${1 === r5 ? m : w})`), e3 && !t3.isQueryContainer || (n5.cqw && (s4 = n5.cqw + "px"), n5.cqh && (l4 = n5.cqh + "px")), at(z3, g, u4), at(z3, b, o4), at(z3, m, s4), at(z3, w, l4);
+ let u4 = null, o4 = null, s4 = null, l3 = null;
+ (r5 !== e3.context.writingAxis || t3.isQueryContainer) && (u4 = `var(${0 === r5 ? m : w})`, o4 = `var(${1 === r5 ? m : w})`), e3 && !t3.isQueryContainer || (n5.cqw && (s4 = n5.cqw + "px"), n5.cqh && (l3 = n5.cqh + "px")), at(z3, g, u4), at(z3, b, o4), at(z3, m, s4), at(z3, w, l3);
for (let e4 = n4.firstChild; null != e4; e4 = e4.nextSibling)
@@ -17365,11 +17362,11 @@
var arrayInstrumentations = {};
["includes", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf"].forEach((key) => {
const method = Array.prototype[key];
arrayInstrumentations[key] = function(...args) {
const arr = toRaw(this);
- for (let i3 = 0, l3 = this.length; i3 < l3; i3++) {
+ for (let i3 = 0, l2 = this.length; i3 < l2; i3++) {
track(arr, "get", i3 + "");
const res = method.apply(arr, args);
if (res === -1 || res === false) {
return method.apply(arr,;
@@ -19043,11 +19040,11 @@
function src_default4(Alpine3) {
Alpine3.directive("intersect", (el, { value, expression, modifiers }, { evaluateLater: evaluateLater2, cleanup: cleanup2 }) => {
let evaluate2 = evaluateLater2(expression);
let options = {
rootMargin: getRootMargin(modifiers),
- threshold: getThreshold(modifiers)
+ threshold: getThreshhold(modifiers)
let observer2 = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
entries.forEach((entry) => {
if (entry.isIntersecting === (value === "leave"))
@@ -19059,11 +19056,11 @@
cleanup2(() => {
- function getThreshold(modifiers) {
+ function getThreshhold(modifiers) {
if (modifiers.includes("full"))
return 0.99;
if (modifiers.includes("half"))
return 0.5;
if (!modifiers.includes("threshold"))
@@ -19221,13 +19218,11 @@
function formatMoney(input, delimiter = ".", thousands, precision = 2) {
if (input === "-")
return "-";
if (/^\D+$/.test(input))
return "9";
- if (thousands === null || thousands === void 0) {
- thousands = delimiter === "," ? "." : ",";
- }
+ thousands = thousands != null ? thousands : delimiter === "," ? "." : ",";
let addThousands = (input2, thousands2) => {
let output = "";
let counter = 0;
for (let i3 = input2.length - 1; i3 >= 0; i3--) {
if (input2[i3] === thousands2)
@@ -19257,11 +19252,11 @@
return template;
var module_default5 = src_default5;
- // ../../../node_modules/@alpinejs/focus/dist/module.esm.js
+ // ../../../node_modules/tabbable/dist/index.esm.js
var candidateSelectors = ["input", "select", "textarea", "a[href]", "button", "[tabindex]:not(slot)", "audio[controls]", "video[controls]", '[contenteditable]:not([contenteditable="false"])', "details>summary:first-of-type", "details"];
var candidateSelector = /* @__PURE__ */ candidateSelectors.join(",");
var NoElement = typeof Element === "undefined";
var matches = NoElement ? function() {
} : Element.prototype.matches || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;
@@ -19531,10 +19526,12 @@
if (, focusableCandidateSelector) === false) {
return false;
return isNodeMatchingSelectorFocusable(options, node);
+ // ../../../node_modules/focus-trap/dist/focus-trap.esm.js
function ownKeys2(object, enumerableOnly) {
var keys = Object.keys(object);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object);
enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) {
@@ -20052,10 +20049,12 @@
return trap;
+ // ../../../node_modules/@alpinejs/focus/dist/module.esm.js
function src_default6(Alpine3) {
let lastFocused;
let currentFocused;
window.addEventListener("focusin", () => {
lastFocused = currentFocused;
@@ -20255,26 +20254,10 @@ = paddingRight;
var module_default6 = src_default6;
- // ../../../node_modules/alpinejs-tash/dist/tash.esm.js
- function l2(s3) {
- s3.directive("tash", (r3, { modifiers: c3, expression: a3 }, { evaluate: u3, effect: m3 }) => {
- let p2 = (e3) => new RegExp(`${d3}${e3}${f3}`, "g"), i3 = c3.includes("vue"), o3 = c3.includes("angular"), d3 = i3 ? "{{ " : o3 ? "{{" : "{", f3 = i3 ? " }}" : o3 ? "}}" : "}", g3 = a3.split(",").map((e3) => e3.trim()), t3 = document.createElement("template");
- t3.innerHTML = r3.innerHTML;
- let n3 = `${t3.innerHTML}`;
- m3(() => {
- g3.forEach((e3) => {
- let H3 = u3(e3), h3 = p2(e3);
- n3 = n3.replace(h3, H3);
- }), r3.innerHTML = n3, n3 = t3.innerHTML;
- });
- });
- }
- var M2 = l2;
// helpers/alpine.js
function registerComponents(components) {
document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {
components.forEach((module) => {
if (module.default && module.default.component === true) {
@@ -23865,11 +23848,10 @@
// libs/alpine/index.js
window.Alpine = module_default;
- module_default.plugin(M2);
@@ -23882,11 +23864,11 @@
var alpine_default2 = module_default;
// helpers/location.js
function navigateTo(url, options = {}) {
- if (window.Turbo && options.turbo !== false) {
+ if (window.Turbo && options.turbo === true) {
delete options.turbo;
turboOptions = Object.assign({ action: "advance" }, options);
window.Turbo.visit(url, turboOptions);
} else {
@@ -24408,45 +24390,69 @@
default: () => item_default
var item_default = CocoComponent("appSidebarNavItem", () => {
return {
menu: null,
+ menuObserver: null,
active: false,
init() {
- if (this.$ {
- = tippy_default(this.$el, {
- theme: "coco-naked-dropdown",
- placement: this.menuPlacement,
- arrow: false,
- offset: [0, 0],
- trigger: "click",
- interactive: true,
- maxWidth: null,
- onShow: () => {
- = true;
- },
- onHide: () => {
- = false;
- },
- content: () => this.$
- });
+ if (this.menuTemplate) {
+ this.initMenu();
+ this.observeMenuForChanges();
- this.$watch("mobileLayout", () => {
- this.onOrientationChange();
+ this.$watch("mobileLayout", () => this.onOrientationChange());
+ },
+ initMenu() {
+ = tippy_default(this.$root, {
+ theme: "coco-naked-dropdown",
+ placement: this.menuPlacement,
+ arrow: false,
+ offset: [0, 0],
+ trigger: "click",
+ interactive: true,
+ maxWidth: null,
+ onShow: () => {
+ = true;
+ },
+ onHide: () => {
+ = false;
+ },
+ content: () => this.menuTemplate.innerHTML
+ observeMenuForChanges() {
+ this.menuObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
+ this.$nextTick(() =>;
+ });
+ this.menuObserver.observe(this.$root, {
+ subtree: true,
+ childList: true
+ });
+ },
onOrientationChange() {
if ( {{
placement: this.menuPlacement
+ destroy() {
+ if (this.menuObserver) {
+ this.menuObserver.disconnect();
+ }
+ },
root: {
- "@click": "if (menu) $event.preventDefault()",
+ ["@turbo:load.document"]() {
+ if ( {
+ }
+ },
":class": "{active}"
+ get menuTemplate() {
+ return this.$root.querySelector("template");
+ },
get menuPlacement() {
return this.mobileLayout ? "top" : "right-start";
@@ -24933,36 +24939,36 @@
var r2;
var o2;
var f2 = {};
var e2 = [];
var c2 = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|^--/i;
- function s2(n3, l3) {
- for (var u3 in l3) {
- n3[u3] = l3[u3];
+ function s2(n3, l2) {
+ for (var u3 in l2) {
+ n3[u3] = l2[u3];
return n3;
function a2(n3) {
- var l3 = n3.parentNode;
- l3 && l3.removeChild(n3);
+ var l2 = n3.parentNode;
+ l2 && l2.removeChild(n3);
- function h2(n3, l3, u3) {
+ function h2(n3, l2, u3) {
var t3, i3, r3, o3, f3 = arguments;
- if (l3 = s2({}, l3), arguments.length > 3) {
+ if (l2 = s2({}, l2), arguments.length > 3) {
for (u3 = [u3], t3 = 3; t3 < arguments.length; t3++) {
- if (null != u3 && (l3.children = u3), null != n3 && null != n3.defaultProps) {
+ if (null != u3 && (l2.children = u3), null != n3 && null != n3.defaultProps) {
for (i3 in n3.defaultProps) {
- void 0 === l3[i3] && (l3[i3] = n3.defaultProps[i3]);
+ void 0 === l2[i3] && (l2[i3] = n3.defaultProps[i3]);
- return o3 = l3.key, null != (r3 = l3.ref) && delete l3.ref, null != o3 && delete l3.key, v2(n3, l3, o3, r3);
+ return o3 = l2.key, null != (r3 = l2.ref) && delete l2.ref, null != o3 && delete l2.key, v2(n3, l2, o3, r3);
- function v2(l3, u3, t3, i3) {
- var r3 = { type: l3, props: u3, key: t3, ref: i3, __k: null, __p: null, __b: 0, __e: null, l: null, __c: null, constructor: void 0 };
+ function v2(l2, u3, t3, i3) {
+ var r3 = { type: l2, props: u3, key: t3, ref: i3, __k: null, __p: null, __b: 0, __e: null, l: null, __c: null, constructor: void 0 };
return n2.vnode && n2.vnode(r3), r3;
function d2(n3) {
return n3.children;
@@ -24972,57 +24978,57 @@
if ("string" == typeof n3 || "number" == typeof n3) {
return v2(null, n3, null, null);
if (null != n3.__e || null != n3.__c) {
- var l3 = v2(n3.type, n3.props, n3.key, null);
- return l3.__e = n3.__e, l3;
+ var l2 = v2(n3.type, n3.props, n3.key, null);
+ return l2.__e = n3.__e, l2;
return n3;
- function m2(n3, l3) {
- this.props = n3, this.context = l3;
+ function m2(n3, l2) {
+ this.props = n3, this.context = l2;
- function w2(n3, l3) {
- if (null == l3) {
+ function w2(n3, l2) {
+ if (null == l2) {
return n3.__p ? w2(n3.__p, n3.__p.__k.indexOf(n3) + 1) : null;
- for (var u3; l3 < n3.__k.length; l3++) {
- if (null != (u3 = n3.__k[l3]) && null != u3.__e) {
+ for (var u3; l2 < n3.__k.length; l2++) {
+ if (null != (u3 = n3.__k[l2]) && null != u3.__e) {
return u3.__e;
return "function" == typeof n3.type ? w2(n3) : null;
function g2(n3) {
- var l3, u3;
+ var l2, u3;
if (null != (n3 = n3.__p) && null != n3.__c) {
- for (n3.__e = n3.__c.base = null, l3 = 0; l3 < n3.__k.length; l3++) {
- if (null != (u3 = n3.__k[l3]) && null != u3.__e) {
+ for (n3.__e = n3.__c.base = null, l2 = 0; l2 < n3.__k.length; l2++) {
+ if (null != (u3 = n3.__k[l2]) && null != u3.__e) {
n3.__e = n3.__c.base = u3.__e;
return g2(n3);
- function k2(l3) {
- (!l3.__d && (l3.__d = true) && 1 === u2.push(l3) || i2 !== n2.debounceRendering) && (i2 = n2.debounceRendering, (n2.debounceRendering || t2)(_2));
+ function k2(l2) {
+ (!l2.__d && (l2.__d = true) && 1 === u2.push(l2) || i2 !== n2.debounceRendering) && (i2 = n2.debounceRendering, (n2.debounceRendering || t2)(_2));
function _2() {
- var n3, l3, t3, i3, r3, o3, f3, e3;
- for (u2.sort(function(n4, l4) {
- return l4.__v.__b - n4.__v.__b;
+ var n3, l2, t3, i3, r3, o3, f3, e3;
+ for (u2.sort(function(n4, l3) {
+ return l3.__v.__b - n4.__v.__b;
}); n3 = u2.pop(); ) {
- n3.__d && (t3 = void 0, i3 = void 0, o3 = (r3 = (l3 = n3).__v).__e, f3 = l3.__P, e3 = l3.u, l3.u = false, f3 && (t3 = [], i3 = $2(f3, r3, s2({}, r3), l3.__n, void 0 !== f3.ownerSVGElement, null, t3, e3, null == o3 ? w2(r3) : o3), j2(t3, r3), i3 != o3 && g2(r3)));
+ n3.__d && (t3 = void 0, i3 = void 0, o3 = (r3 = (l2 = n3).__v).__e, f3 = l2.__P, e3 = l2.u, l2.u = false, f3 && (t3 = [], i3 = $2(f3, r3, s2({}, r3), l2.__n, void 0 !== f3.ownerSVGElement, null, t3, e3, null == o3 ? w2(r3) : o3), j2(t3, r3), i3 != o3 && g2(r3)));
- function b2(n3, l3, u3, t3, i3, r3, o3, c3, s3) {
+ function b2(n3, l2, u3, t3, i3, r3, o3, c3, s3) {
var h3, v3, p2, d3, y3, m3, g3, k3 = u3 && u3.__k || e2, _3 = k3.length;
- if (c3 == f2 && (c3 = null != r3 ? r3[0] : _3 ? w2(u3, 0) : null), h3 = 0, l3.__k = x2(l3.__k, function(u4) {
+ if (c3 == f2 && (c3 = null != r3 ? r3[0] : _3 ? w2(u3, 0) : null), h3 = 0, l2.__k = x2(l2.__k, function(u4) {
if (null != u4) {
- if (u4.__p = l3, u4.__b = l3.__b + 1, null === (p2 = k3[h3]) || p2 && u4.key == p2.key && u4.type === p2.type) {
+ if (u4.__p = l2, u4.__b = l2.__b + 1, null === (p2 = k3[h3]) || p2 && u4.key == p2.key && u4.type === p2.type) {
k3[h3] = void 0;
} else {
for (v3 = 0; v3 < _3; v3++) {
if ((p2 = k3[v3]) && u4.key == p2.key && u4.type === p2.type) {
k3[v3] = void 0;
@@ -25044,17 +25050,17 @@
break n;
n3.insertBefore(d3, c3);
- "option" == l3.type && (n3.value = "");
+ "option" == l2.type && (n3.value = "");
- c3 = d3.nextSibling, "function" == typeof l3.type && (l3.l = d3);
+ c3 = d3.nextSibling, "function" == typeof l2.type && (l2.l = d3);
return h3++, u4;
- }), l3.__e = m3, null != r3 && "function" != typeof l3.type) {
+ }), l2.__e = m3, null != r3 && "function" != typeof l2.type) {
for (h3 = r3.length; h3--; ) {
null != r3[h3] && a2(r3[h3]);
for (h3 = _3; h3--; ) {
@@ -25064,39 +25070,39 @@
for (h3 = 0; h3 < g3.length; h3++) {
A2(g3[h3], g3[++h3], g3[++h3]);
- function x2(n3, l3, u3) {
+ function x2(n3, l2, u3) {
if (null == u3 && (u3 = []), null == n3 || "boolean" == typeof n3) {
- l3 && u3.push(l3(null));
+ l2 && u3.push(l2(null));
} else if (Array.isArray(n3)) {
for (var t3 = 0; t3 < n3.length; t3++) {
- x2(n3[t3], l3, u3);
+ x2(n3[t3], l2, u3);
} else {
- u3.push(l3 ? l3(y2(n3)) : n3);
+ u3.push(l2 ? l2(y2(n3)) : n3);
return u3;
- function C2(n3, l3, u3, t3, i3) {
+ function C2(n3, l2, u3, t3, i3) {
var r3;
for (r3 in u3) {
- r3 in l3 || N2(n3, r3, null, u3[r3], t3);
+ r3 in l2 || N2(n3, r3, null, u3[r3], t3);
- for (r3 in l3) {
- i3 && "function" != typeof l3[r3] || "value" === r3 || "checked" === r3 || u3[r3] === l3[r3] || N2(n3, r3, l3[r3], u3[r3], t3);
+ for (r3 in l2) {
+ i3 && "function" != typeof l2[r3] || "value" === r3 || "checked" === r3 || u3[r3] === l2[r3] || N2(n3, r3, l2[r3], u3[r3], t3);
- function P2(n3, l3, u3) {
- "-" === l3[0] ? n3.setProperty(l3, u3) : n3[l3] = "number" == typeof u3 && false === c2.test(l3) ? u3 + "px" : null == u3 ? "" : u3;
+ function P2(n3, l2, u3) {
+ "-" === l2[0] ? n3.setProperty(l2, u3) : n3[l2] = "number" == typeof u3 && false === c2.test(l2) ? u3 + "px" : null == u3 ? "" : u3;
- function N2(n3, l3, u3, t3, i3) {
+ function N2(n3, l2, u3, t3, i3) {
var r3, o3, f3, e3, c3;
- if ("key" === (l3 = i3 ? "className" === l3 ? "class" : l3 : "class" === l3 ? "className" : l3) || "children" === l3)
+ if ("key" === (l2 = i3 ? "className" === l2 ? "class" : l2 : "class" === l2 ? "className" : l2) || "children" === l2)
- else if ("style" === l3) {
+ else if ("style" === l2) {
if (r3 =, "string" == typeof u3) {
r3.cssText = u3;
} else {
if ("string" == typeof t3 && (r3.cssText = "", t3 = null), t3) {
for (o3 in t3) {
@@ -25108,17 +25114,17 @@
t3 && u3[f3] === t3[f3] || P2(r3, f3, u3[f3]);
} else {
- "o" === l3[0] && "n" === l3[1] ? (e3 = l3 !== (l3 = l3.replace(/Capture$/, "")), c3 = l3.toLowerCase(), l3 = (c3 in n3 ? c3 : l3).slice(2), u3 ? (t3 || n3.addEventListener(l3, T2, e3), (n3.t || (n3.t = {}))[l3] = u3) : n3.removeEventListener(l3, T2, e3)) : "list" !== l3 && "tagName" !== l3 && "form" !== l3 && !i3 && l3 in n3 ? n3[l3] = null == u3 ? "" : u3 : "function" != typeof u3 && "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" !== l3 && (l3 !== (l3 = l3.replace(/^xlink:?/, "")) ? null == u3 || false === u3 ? n3.removeAttributeNS("", l3.toLowerCase()) : n3.setAttributeNS("", l3.toLowerCase(), u3) : null == u3 || false === u3 ? n3.removeAttribute(l3) : n3.setAttribute(l3, u3));
+ "o" === l2[0] && "n" === l2[1] ? (e3 = l2 !== (l2 = l2.replace(/Capture$/, "")), c3 = l2.toLowerCase(), l2 = (c3 in n3 ? c3 : l2).slice(2), u3 ? (t3 || n3.addEventListener(l2, T2, e3), (n3.t || (n3.t = {}))[l2] = u3) : n3.removeEventListener(l2, T2, e3)) : "list" !== l2 && "tagName" !== l2 && "form" !== l2 && !i3 && l2 in n3 ? n3[l2] = null == u3 ? "" : u3 : "function" != typeof u3 && "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" !== l2 && (l2 !== (l2 = l2.replace(/^xlink:?/, "")) ? null == u3 || false === u3 ? n3.removeAttributeNS("", l2.toLowerCase()) : n3.setAttributeNS("", l2.toLowerCase(), u3) : null == u3 || false === u3 ? n3.removeAttribute(l2) : n3.setAttribute(l2, u3));
- function T2(l3) {
- return this.t[l3.type](n2.event ? n2.event(l3) : l3);
+ function T2(l2) {
+ return this.t[l2.type](n2.event ? n2.event(l2) : l2);
- function $2(l3, u3, t3, i3, r3, o3, f3, e3, c3, a3) {
+ function $2(l2, u3, t3, i3, r3, o3, f3, e3, c3, a3) {
var h3, v3, p2, y3, w3, g3, k3, _3, C3, P3, N3 = u3.type;
if (void 0 !== u3.constructor) {
return null;
(h3 = n2.__b) && h3(u3);
@@ -25134,104 +25140,104 @@
break n;
null != v3.componentWillUpdate && v3.componentWillUpdate(_3, v3.__s, P3);
- for (y3 = v3.props, w3 = v3.state, v3.context = P3, v3.props = _3, v3.state = v3.__s, (h3 = n2.__r) && h3(u3), v3.__d = false, v3.__v = u3, v3.__P = l3, h3 = v3.render(v3.props, v3.state, v3.context), u3.__k = x2(null != h3 && h3.type == d2 && null == h3.key ? h3.props.children : h3), null != v3.getChildContext && (i3 = s2(s2({}, i3), v3.getChildContext())), p2 || null == v3.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (g3 = v3.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(y3, w3)), b2(l3, u3, t3, i3, r3, o3, f3, c3, a3), v3.base = u3.__e; h3 = v3.__h.pop(); ) {
+ for (y3 = v3.props, w3 = v3.state, v3.context = P3, v3.props = _3, v3.state = v3.__s, (h3 = n2.__r) && h3(u3), v3.__d = false, v3.__v = u3, v3.__P = l2, h3 = v3.render(v3.props, v3.state, v3.context), u3.__k = x2(null != h3 && h3.type == d2 && null == h3.key ? h3.props.children : h3), null != v3.getChildContext && (i3 = s2(s2({}, i3), v3.getChildContext())), p2 || null == v3.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (g3 = v3.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(y3, w3)), b2(l2, u3, t3, i3, r3, o3, f3, c3, a3), v3.base = u3.__e; h3 = v3.__h.pop(); ) {
v3.__s && (v3.state = v3.__s),;
p2 || null == y3 || null == v3.componentDidUpdate || v3.componentDidUpdate(y3, w3, g3), k3 && (v3.__E = v3.__p = null);
} else {
u3.__e = z2(t3.__e, u3, t3, i3, r3, o3, f3, a3);
(h3 = n2.diffed) && h3(u3);
- } catch (l4) {
- n2.__e(l4, u3, t3);
+ } catch (l3) {
+ n2.__e(l3, u3, t3);
return u3.__e;
- function j2(l3, u3) {
- for (var t3; t3 = l3.pop(); ) {
+ function j2(l2, u3) {
+ for (var t3; t3 = l2.pop(); ) {
try {
- } catch (l4) {
- n2.__e(l4, t3.__v);
+ } catch (l3) {
+ n2.__e(l3, t3.__v);
n2.__c && n2.__c(u3);
- function z2(n3, l3, u3, t3, i3, r3, o3, c3) {
- var s3, a3, h3, v3, p2 = u3.props, d3 = l3.props;
- if (i3 = "svg" === l3.type || i3, null == n3 && null != r3) {
+ function z2(n3, l2, u3, t3, i3, r3, o3, c3) {
+ var s3, a3, h3, v3, p2 = u3.props, d3 = l2.props;
+ if (i3 = "svg" === l2.type || i3, null == n3 && null != r3) {
for (s3 = 0; s3 < r3.length; s3++) {
- if (null != (a3 = r3[s3]) && (null === l3.type ? 3 === a3.nodeType : a3.localName === l3.type)) {
+ if (null != (a3 = r3[s3]) && (null === l2.type ? 3 === a3.nodeType : a3.localName === l2.type)) {
n3 = a3, r3[s3] = null;
if (null == n3) {
- if (null === l3.type) {
+ if (null === l2.type) {
return document.createTextNode(d3);
- n3 = i3 ? document.createElementNS("", l3.type) : document.createElement(l3.type), r3 = null;
+ n3 = i3 ? document.createElementNS("", l2.type) : document.createElement(l2.type), r3 = null;
- return null === l3.type ? p2 !== d3 && (null != r3 && (r3[r3.indexOf(n3)] = null), = d3) : l3 !== u3 && (null != r3 && (r3 =, h3 = (p2 = u3.props || f2).dangerouslySetInnerHTML, v3 = d3.dangerouslySetInnerHTML, c3 || (v3 || h3) && (v3 && h3 && v3.__html == h3.__html || (n3.innerHTML = v3 && v3.__html || "")), C2(n3, d3, p2, i3, c3), l3.__k = l3.props.children, v3 || b2(n3, l3, u3, t3, "foreignObject" !== l3.type && i3, r3, o3, f2, c3), c3 || ("value" in d3 && void 0 !== d3.value && d3.value !== n3.value && (n3.value = null == d3.value ? "" : d3.value), "checked" in d3 && void 0 !== d3.checked && d3.checked !== n3.checked && (n3.checked = d3.checked))), n3;
+ return null === l2.type ? p2 !== d3 && (null != r3 && (r3[r3.indexOf(n3)] = null), = d3) : l2 !== u3 && (null != r3 && (r3 =, h3 = (p2 = u3.props || f2).dangerouslySetInnerHTML, v3 = d3.dangerouslySetInnerHTML, c3 || (v3 || h3) && (v3 && h3 && v3.__html == h3.__html || (n3.innerHTML = v3 && v3.__html || "")), C2(n3, d3, p2, i3, c3), l2.__k = l2.props.children, v3 || b2(n3, l2, u3, t3, "foreignObject" !== l2.type && i3, r3, o3, f2, c3), c3 || ("value" in d3 && void 0 !== d3.value && d3.value !== n3.value && (n3.value = null == d3.value ? "" : d3.value), "checked" in d3 && void 0 !== d3.checked && d3.checked !== n3.checked && (n3.checked = d3.checked))), n3;
- function A2(l3, u3, t3) {
+ function A2(l2, u3, t3) {
try {
- "function" == typeof l3 ? l3(u3) : l3.current = u3;
- } catch (l4) {
- n2.__e(l4, t3);
+ "function" == typeof l2 ? l2(u3) : l2.current = u3;
+ } catch (l3) {
+ n2.__e(l3, t3);
- function D2(l3, u3, t3) {
+ function D2(l2, u3, t3) {
var i3, r3, o3;
- if (n2.unmount && n2.unmount(l3), (i3 = l3.ref) && A2(i3, null, u3), t3 || "function" == typeof l3.type || (t3 = null != (r3 = l3.__e)), l3.__e = l3.l = null, null != (i3 = l3.__c)) {
+ if (n2.unmount && n2.unmount(l2), (i3 = l2.ref) && A2(i3, null, u3), t3 || "function" == typeof l2.type || (t3 = null != (r3 = l2.__e)), l2.__e = l2.l = null, null != (i3 = l2.__c)) {
if (i3.componentWillUnmount) {
try {
- } catch (l4) {
- n2.__e(l4, u3);
+ } catch (l3) {
+ n2.__e(l3, u3);
i3.base = i3.__P = null;
- if (i3 = l3.__k) {
+ if (i3 = l2.__k) {
for (o3 = 0; o3 < i3.length; o3++) {
i3[o3] && D2(i3[o3], u3, t3);
null != r3 && a2(r3);
- function H2(n3, l3, u3) {
+ function H2(n3, l2, u3) {
return this.constructor(n3, u3);
- function I2(l3, u3, t3) {
+ function I2(l2, u3, t3) {
var i3, o3, c3;
- n2.__p && n2.__p(l3, u3), o3 = (i3 = t3 === r2) ? null : t3 && t3.__k || u3.__k, l3 = h2(d2, null, [l3]), c3 = [], $2(u3, i3 ? u3.__k = l3 : (t3 || u3).__k = l3, o3 || f2, f2, void 0 !== u3.ownerSVGElement, t3 && !i3 ? [t3] : o3 ? null :, c3, false, t3 || f2, i3), j2(c3, l3);
+ n2.__p && n2.__p(l2, u3), o3 = (i3 = t3 === r2) ? null : t3 && t3.__k || u3.__k, l2 = h2(d2, null, [l2]), c3 = [], $2(u3, i3 ? u3.__k = l2 : (t3 || u3).__k = l2, o3 || f2, f2, void 0 !== u3.ownerSVGElement, t3 && !i3 ? [t3] : o3 ? null :, c3, false, t3 || f2, i3), j2(c3, l2);
- n2 = {}, m2.prototype.setState = function(n3, l3) {
+ n2 = {}, m2.prototype.setState = function(n3, l2) {
var u3 = this.__s !== this.state && this.__s || (this.__s = s2({}, this.state));
- ("function" != typeof n3 || (n3 = n3(u3, this.props))) && s2(u3, n3), null != n3 && this.__v && (this.u = false, l3 && this.__h.push(l3), k2(this));
+ ("function" != typeof n3 || (n3 = n3(u3, this.props))) && s2(u3, n3), null != n3 && this.__v && (this.u = false, l2 && this.__h.push(l2), k2(this));
}, m2.prototype.forceUpdate = function(n3) {
this.__v && (n3 && this.__h.push(n3), this.u = true, k2(this));
- }, m2.prototype.render = d2, u2 = [], t2 = "function" == typeof Promise ? Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve()) : setTimeout, i2 = n2.debounceRendering, n2.__e = function(n3, l3, u3) {
- for (var t3; l3 = l3.__p; ) {
- if ((t3 = l3.__c) && !t3.__p) {
+ }, m2.prototype.render = d2, u2 = [], t2 = "function" == typeof Promise ? Promise.prototype.then.bind(Promise.resolve()) : setTimeout, i2 = n2.debounceRendering, n2.__e = function(n3, l2, u3) {
+ for (var t3; l2 = l2.__p; ) {
+ if ((t3 = l2.__c) && !t3.__p) {
try {
if (t3.constructor && null != t3.constructor.getDerivedStateFromError) {
} else {
if (null == t3.componentDidCatch) {
return k2(t3.__E = t3);
- } catch (l4) {
- n3 = l4;
+ } catch (l3) {
+ n3 = l3;
throw n3;
}, r2 = f2, o2 = 0;
@@ -25408,27 +25414,27 @@
IroColor2.hsvToHsl = function hsvToHsl(hsv) {
var s3 = hsv.s / 100;
var v3 = hsv.v / 100;
- var l3 = (2 - s3) * v3;
- var divisor = l3 <= 1 ? l3 : 2 - l3;
+ var l2 = (2 - s3) * v3;
+ var divisor = l2 <= 1 ? l2 : 2 - l2;
var saturation = divisor < 1e-9 ? 0 : s3 * v3 / divisor;
return {
h: hsv.h,
s: clamp(saturation * 100, 0, 100),
- l: clamp(l3 * 50, 0, 100)
+ l: clamp(l2 * 50, 0, 100)
IroColor2.hslToHsv = function hslToHsv(hsl) {
- var l3 = hsl.l * 2;
- var s3 = hsl.s * (l3 <= 100 ? l3 : 200 - l3) / 100;
- var saturation = l3 + s3 < 1e-9 ? 0 : 2 * s3 / (l3 + s3);
+ var l2 = hsl.l * 2;
+ var s3 = hsl.s * (l2 <= 100 ? l2 : 200 - l2) / 100;
+ var saturation = l2 + s3 < 1e-9 ? 0 : 2 * s3 / (l2 + s3);
return {
h: hsl.h,
s: clamp(saturation * 100, 0, 100),
- v: clamp((l3 + s3) / 2, 0, 100)
+ v: clamp((l2 + s3) / 2, 0, 100)
IroColor2.kelvinToRgb = function kelvinToRgb(kelvin) {
var temp = kelvin / 100;
var r3, g3, b3;
@@ -25610,15 +25616,15 @@
this.rgb = value;
}, {
key: "hsl",
get: function get3() {
- var _IroColor$hsvToHsl = IroColor2.hsvToHsl(this.$), h3 = _IroColor$hsvToHsl.h, s3 = _IroColor$hsvToHsl.s, l3 = _IroColor$hsvToHsl.l;
+ var _IroColor$hsvToHsl = IroColor2.hsvToHsl(this.$), h3 = _IroColor$hsvToHsl.h, s3 = _IroColor$hsvToHsl.s, l2 = _IroColor$hsvToHsl.l;
return {
h: round2(h3),
s: round2(s3),
- l: round2(l3)
+ l: round2(l2)
set: function set3(value) {
this.hsv = _extends({}, IroColor2.hslToHsv(value), {
a: value.a === void 0 ? 1 : value.a
@@ -25727,26 +25733,26 @@
var hsl = this.hsl;
return "hsl(" + hsl.h + ", " + hsl.s + "%, " + hsl.l + "%)";
set: function set3(value) {
var match;
- var h3, s3, l3, a3 = 1;
+ var h3, s3, l2, a3 = 1;
if (match = REGEX_FUNCTIONAL_HSL.exec(value)) {
h3 = parseUnit(match[1], 360);
s3 = parseUnit(match[2], 100);
- l3 = parseUnit(match[3], 100);
+ l2 = parseUnit(match[3], 100);
} else if (match = REGEX_FUNCTIONAL_HSLA.exec(value)) {
h3 = parseUnit(match[1], 360);
s3 = parseUnit(match[2], 100);
- l3 = parseUnit(match[3], 100);
+ l2 = parseUnit(match[3], 100);
a3 = parseUnit(match[4], 1);
if (match) {
this.hsl = {
h: h3,
s: s3,
- l: l3,
+ l: l2,
a: a3
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid hsl string");
@@ -27212,23 +27218,19 @@
***************************************************************************** *)
- (*! Bundled license information:
- tabbable/dist/index.esm.js:
- (*!
- * tabbable 5.3.3
- * @license MIT,
- *)
- focus-trap/dist/focus-trap.esm.js:
- (*!
- * focus-trap 6.9.4
- * @license MIT,
- *)
+ (*!
+ * tabbable 5.3.3
+ * @license MIT,
+ *)
+ (*!
+ * focus-trap 6.9.4
+ * @license MIT,
* iro.js v5.5.2