app/assets/build/coco/app.js in coveragebook_components-0.7.1 vs app/assets/build/coco/app.js in coveragebook_components-0.7.2
- old
+ new
@@ -4589,11 +4589,11 @@
var rand = nativeRandom();
return nativeMin(lower + rand * (upper - lower + freeParseFloat("1e-" + ((rand + "").length - 1))), upper);
return baseRandom(lower, upper);
- var camelCase6 = createCompounder(function(result2, word, index) {
+ var camelCase5 = createCompounder(function(result2, word, index) {
word = word.toLowerCase();
return result2 + (index ? capitalize2(word) : word);
function capitalize2(string) {
return upperFirst(toString(string).toLowerCase());
@@ -4617,11 +4617,11 @@
function escapeRegExp(string) {
string = toString(string);
return string && reHasRegExpChar.test(string) ? string.replace(reRegExpChar, "\\$&") : string;
- var kebabCase5 = createCompounder(function(result2, word, index) {
+ var kebabCase4 = createCompounder(function(result2, word, index) {
return result2 + (index ? "-" : "") + word.toLowerCase();
var lowerCase = createCompounder(function(result2, word, index) {
return result2 + (index ? " " : "") + word.toLowerCase();
@@ -5201,11 +5201,11 @@
lodash.extend = assignIn;
lodash.extendWith = assignInWith;
mixin(lodash, lodash);
lodash.add = add2;
lodash.attempt = attempt;
- lodash.camelCase = camelCase6;
+ lodash.camelCase = camelCase5;
lodash.capitalize = capitalize2;
lodash.ceil = ceil;
lodash.clamp = clamp2;
lodash.clone = clone2;
lodash.cloneDeep = cloneDeep;
@@ -5280,11 +5280,11 @@
lodash.isTypedArray = isTypedArray;
lodash.isUndefined = isUndefined;
lodash.isWeakMap = isWeakMap;
lodash.isWeakSet = isWeakSet;
lodash.join = join;
- lodash.kebabCase = kebabCase5;
+ lodash.kebabCase = kebabCase4;
lodash.last = last;
lodash.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf;
lodash.lowerCase = lowerCase;
lodash.lowerFirst = lowerFirst; = lt2;
@@ -14030,11 +14030,11 @@
// ../../../package.json
var package_default = {
name: "coveragebook-components",
type: "module",
- version: "0.7.1",
+ version: "0.7.2",
main: "index.js",
repository: "",
author: "Mark Perkins <>",
license: "NO LICENSE",
browserslist: [
@@ -20062,12 +20062,40 @@
var M2 = l2;
- // libs/alpine/plugins/options.js
- var import_lodash = __toESM(require_lodash(), 1);
+ // helpers/alpine.js
+ function registerComponents(components) {
+ document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {
+ components.forEach((module) => {
+ if (module.default && module.default.component === true) {
+, module.default);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ return components;
+ }
+ function getComponent(el, throwOnError = false) {
+ try {
+ return Alpine.$data(el);
+ } catch (error2) {
+ if (throwOnError) {
+ throw error2;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function getData(el) {
+ const root = Alpine.closestRoot(el);
+ return root ? Alpine.$data(root) : null;
+ }
+ function setData(el, newData) {
+ const data2 = getData(el);
+ return data2 ? Object.assign(data2, newData) : null;
+ }
// helpers/lang.js
function nameFunction(name, body) {
return {
[name](...args) {
@@ -20104,10 +20132,83 @@
return bytes;
+ // libs/alpine/directives/undo.js
+ function undo_default(Alpine3) {
+ const maxHistorySize = 100;
+ Alpine3.directive("undo", (el, { expression }, { evaluate: evaluate2 }) => {
+ const data2 = getData(el);
+ const history = Alpine3.reactive({
+ stack: [],
+ stackPos: -1,
+ adding: false,
+ clear() {
+ history.stack.length = 0;
+ history.stackPos = -1;
+ },
+ add(name, newValue, oldValue) {
+ if (!history.adding && newValue !== oldValue) {
+ if (history.stackPos < history.stackSize - 1) {
+ const stack = Alpine3.raw(history.stack);
+ history.stack = stack.slice(0, history.stackPos + 1);
+ }
+ history.stack.push({ name, newValue, oldValue });
+ if (history.stackSize > maxHistorySize) {
+ history.stack.pop();
+ } else {
+ history.stackPos++;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ undo() {
+ if (!data2.undo) {
+ console.error("Missing `undo` method");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (history.undoable) {
+ history.adding = true;
+ const entry = history.stack[history.stackPos];
+ data2.undo(, entry.oldValue);
+ history.stackPos--;
+ this.$nextTick(() => history.adding = false);
+ }
+ },
+ redo() {
+ if (!data2.redo) {
+ console.error("Missing `redo` method");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (history.redoable) {
+ history.adding = true;
+ history.stackPos++;
+ const entry = history.stack[history.stackPos];
+ data2.redo(, entry.newValue);
+ this.$nextTick(() => history.adding = false);
+ }
+ },
+ get undoable() {
+ return history.stackPos >= 0;
+ },
+ get redoable() {
+ return history.stackPos < history.stackSize - 1;
+ },
+ get stackSize() {
+ return history.stack.length;
+ },
+ get stackMemoryUsage() {
+ return roughSizeOfObject(history.stack);
+ }
+ });
+ setData(el, { history });
+ });
+ }
+ // libs/alpine/directives/options.js
+ var import_lodash = __toESM(require_lodash(), 1);
// helpers/dom.js
function getHiddenElementDimensions(el, display = "block") {
let size2;
if ( === "none") { = display;
@@ -20132,42 +20233,11 @@
function isNode(o3) {
return typeof Node === "object" ? o3 instanceof Node : o3 && typeof o3 === "object" && typeof o3.nodeType === "number" && typeof o3.nodeName === "string";
- // helpers/alpine.js
- function registerComponents(components) {
- document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {
- components.forEach((module) => {
- if (module.default && module.default.component === true) {
-, module.default);
- }
- });
- });
- return components;
- }
- function getComponent(el, throwOnError = false) {
- try {
- return Alpine.$data(el);
- } catch (error2) {
- if (throwOnError) {
- throw error2;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- function getData(el) {
- const root = Alpine.closestRoot(el);
- return root ? Alpine.$data(root) : null;
- }
- function setData(el, newData) {
- const data2 = getData(el);
- return data2 ? Object.assign(data2, newData) : null;
- }
- // libs/alpine/plugins/options.js
+ // libs/alpine/directives/options.js
function options_default(Alpine3) {
(el, { expression }, { evaluate: evaluate2, effect: effect7, cleanup: cleanup2 }) => {
const optionNames = evaluate2(expression);
@@ -23335,11 +23405,11 @@
config.placement = getModifierArgument("placement");
return config;
- // libs/alpine/plugins/tooltip.js
+ // libs/alpine/directives/tooltip.js
function tooltip_default(Alpine3) {
(el, { modifiers, expression }, { evaluate: evaluate2, evaluateLater: evaluateLater2, effect: effect7 }) => {
const config = tippyModifiers(modifiers);
@@ -23391,11 +23461,22 @@
- // libs/alpine/plugins/dropdown.js
+ // libs/alpine/directives/destroy.js
+ function destroy_default(Alpine3) {
+ Alpine3.directive(
+ "destroy",
+ (el, { expression }, { evaluateLater: evaluateLater2, cleanup: cleanup2 }) => {
+ const clean2 = evaluateLater2(expression);
+ cleanup2(() => clean2());
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ // libs/alpine/directives/dropdown.js
function dropdown_default(Alpine3) {
(el, { value, modifiers, expression }, { evaluate: evaluate2, effect: effect7 }) => {
if (value)
@@ -23451,22 +23532,11 @@
- // libs/alpine/plugins/destroy.js
- function destroy_default(Alpine3) {
- Alpine3.directive(
- "destroy",
- (el, { expression }, { evaluateLater: evaluateLater2, cleanup: cleanup2 }) => {
- const clean2 = evaluateLater2(expression);
- cleanup2(() => clean2());
- }
- );
- }
- // libs/alpine/plugins/dimensions.js
+ // libs/alpine/directives/dimensions.js
function dimensions_default(Alpine3) {
(el, { value, modifiers, expression }, { evaluateLater: evaluateLater2, cleanup: cleanup2 }) => {
if (value)
@@ -23499,11 +23569,11 @@
- // libs/alpine/plugins/notification.js
+ // libs/alpine/directives/notification.js
function notification_default(Alpine3) {
let notificationId = 0;
let queuePosition = 0;
Alpine3.directive("notification", (el, { expression }, { evaluate: evaluate2 }) => {
@@ -23575,243 +23645,32 @@
// libs/alpine/index.js
- module_default.plugin(module_default2);
+ window.Alpine = module_default;
+ module_default.plugin(M2);
+ module_default.plugin(module_default6);
+ module_default.plugin(module_default2);
- module_default.plugin(module_default6);
- module_default.plugin(M2);
+ module_default.plugin(undo_default);
- module_default.plugin(dropdown_default);
+ module_default.plugin(dropdown_default);
- window.Alpine = module_default;
var alpine_default2 = module_default;
// ../../components/coco/base/button/button.js
var button_exports = {};
__export(button_exports, {
default: () => button_default
- // base/mixins/attrs.js
- function withAttrs(props = {}) {
- return function(component) {
- return Object.assign(
- component,
- Alpine.reactive({
- getAttr(name) {
- return this.$root.getAttribute(name);
- },
- setAttr(name, value) {
- this.$root.setAttribute(name, value);
- return this;
- },
- hasAttr(name) {
- return this.$root.hasAttribute(name);
- },
- removeAttr(name) {
- component.$root.removeAttribute(name);
- return this;
- },
- assertAttr(name, testValue) {
- return this.$root.getAttribute(name) === String(testValue);
- },
- refuteAttr(name, testValue) {
- return !this.assertAttr(name, testValue);
- },
- getData(name) {
- return this.getAttr(`data-${name}`);
- },
- setData(name, value) {
- return this.setAttr(`data-${name}`, value);
- },
- hasData(name) {
- return this.hasAttr(`data-${name}`);
- },
- removeData(name) {
- return this.removeAttr(`data-${name}`);
- },
- assertData(name, testValue) {
- return this.assertAttr(`data-${name}`, testValue);
- },
- refuteData(name, testValue) {
- return !this.assertData(name, testValue);
- }
- })
- );
- };
- }
- // base/mixins/options.js
- var import_lodash2 = __toESM(require_lodash(), 1);
- function withOptions(props = {}) {
- return function(component) {
- if (!component.options) {
- return component;
- }
- const el = component.$root;
- const oldDestroy = component.destroy;
- const optionsProps = component.options || {};
- const optionsAttrs = Object.keys(optionsProps).map(
- (name) => `data-${(0, import_lodash2.kebabCase)(name)}`
- );
- Object.keys(optionsProps).forEach((name) => {
- const attrName = `data-${(0, import_lodash2.kebabCase)(name)}`;
- if (el.hasAttribute(attrName)) {
- component.options[name] = el.getAttribute(attrName);
- }
- });
- let attrObserver = new MutationObserver((mutationsList) => {
- for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
- if (mutation.type !== "attributes" || !optionsAttrs.includes(mutation.attributeName)) {
- return;
- }
- const propName = (0, import_lodash2.camelCase)(mutation.attributeName.replace("data-", ""));
- let value =;
- switch (value) {
- case "true":
- value = true;
- break;
- case "false":
- value = false;
- break;
- }
- component.options[propName] = value;
- }
- });
- Object.assign(
- component,
- Alpine.reactive({
- destroy() {
- attrObserver.disconnect();
- attrObserver = null;
- if (oldDestroy) {
- }
- }
- })
- );
- attrObserver.observe(el, { attributes: true });
- component.$watch("options", (options, oldOptions) => {
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) {
- el.setAttribute(`data-${(0, import_lodash2.kebabCase)(key)}`, value);
- if (component.onOptionChange) {
- component.onOptionChange(key, value);
- }
- }
- });
- return component;
- };
- }
- // base/mixins/size-observer.js
- function withSizeObserver(props = {}) {
- return function(component) {
- const resizeTarget = || component.$root;
- const oldDestroy = component.destroy;
- const sizeObserver = Alpine.reactive({
- observer: null,
- handler(target) {
- if (component.onResize) {
- component.onResize(target.contentRect, target);
- }
- }
- });
- = new ResizeObserver(
- (entries) => sizeObserver.handler(entries[0])
- );
- Object.assign(component, {
- destroy() {
- = null;
- if (oldDestroy) {
- }
- }
- });
- return component;
- };
- }
- // base/mixins/undo.js
- function withUndo(props = {}) {
- function withUndoMixin(component) {
- const maxHistorySize = props.maxEntries || 100;
- const history = Alpine.reactive({
- stack: [],
- stackPos: -1,
- adding: false,
- clear() {
- history.stack.length = 0;
- history.stackPos = -1;
- },
- add(name, newValue, oldValue) {
- if (!history.adding && newValue !== oldValue) {
- if (history.stackPos < history.stackSize - 1) {
- const stack = Alpine.raw(history.stack);
- history.stack = stack.slice(0, history.stackPos + 1);
- }
- history.stack.push({ name, newValue, oldValue });
- if (history.stackSize > maxHistorySize) {
- history.stack.pop();
- } else {
- history.stackPos++;
- }
- }
- },
- undo() {
- if (!component.undo) {
- console.error("Missing `undo` method");
- return;
- }
- if (history.undoable) {
- history.adding = true;
- const entry = history.stack[history.stackPos];
- component.undo(, entry.oldValue);
- history.stackPos--;
- this.$nextTick(() => history.adding = false);
- }
- },
- redo() {
- if (!component.redo) {
- console.error("Missing `redo` method");
- return;
- }
- if (history.redoable) {
- history.adding = true;
- history.stackPos++;
- const entry = history.stack[history.stackPos];
- component.redo(, entry.newValue);
- this.$nextTick(() => history.adding = false);
- }
- },
- get undoable() {
- return history.stackPos >= 0;
- },
- get redoable() {
- return history.stackPos < history.stackSize - 1;
- },
- get stackSize() {
- return history.stack.length;
- },
- get stackMemoryUsage() {
- return roughSizeOfObject(history.stack);
- }
- });
- return Object.assign(component, { history });
- }
- withUndoMixin.props = ["history"];
- return withUndoMixin;
- }
// coco.js
function CocoComponent(name, fn3) {
const func = nameFunction(name, (...args) => {
const data2 = fn3(...args);
Object.defineProperties(data2, {
@@ -23820,41 +23679,20 @@
return getData(this.$root.parentElement);
data2.$options = {};
- if (data2.use === false)
- return data2;
- const originalInit = data2.init;
- const mixins = [withAttrs(), withOptions(), ...data2.use || []];
- mixins.forEach((mixin) => {
- if (mixin.props) {
- mixin.props.forEach((prop) => {
- if (!data2[prop]) {
- data2[prop] = null;
- }
- });
- }
- });
- return Object.assign(data2, {
- init() {
- mixins.forEach((mixin) => mixin(this));
- if (originalInit) {
- }
- }
- });
+ return data2;
func.component = true;
return func;
// ../../components/coco/base/button/button.js
- var import_lodash3 = __toESM(require_lodash(), 1);
+ var import_lodash2 = __toESM(require_lodash(), 1);
var button_default = CocoComponent("button", (data2 = {}) => {
return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({
- use: false,
options: ["state", "confirm", "size", "disabled", "collapsible"],
isCollapsed: false,
approving: false,
confirmed: true,
lastState: null,
@@ -23948,11 +23786,11 @@
set loading(value) {
this.$options.state = value === true ? "loading" : "default";
setState(name) {
this.lastState = this.state;
- this.$options.state = (0, import_lodash3.camelCase)(name);
+ this.$options.state = (0, import_lodash2.camelCase)(name);
resetState() {
this.$options.state = this.lastState || "default";
this.lastState = this.$options.state;
@@ -24002,13 +23840,11 @@
var dropdown_exports = {};
__export(dropdown_exports, {
default: () => dropdown_default2
var dropdown_default2 = CocoComponent("dropdown", () => {
- return {
- use: false
- };
+ return {};
// ../../components/coco/base/icon/icon.js
var icon_exports = {};
__export(icon_exports, {
@@ -24357,13 +24193,11 @@
image2: {
name: data2.image2,
data: data2.image2
- return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({
- use: [withUndo()]
- }, initialData), {
+ return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, initialData), {
saved: __spreadValues({}, initialData),
saving: false,
ready: false,
dragging: false,
errors: [],
@@ -26377,11 +26211,10 @@
var iro_es_default = iro$1;
// ../../components/coco/app/elements/color_picker/color_picker.js
var color_picker_default = CocoComponent("appColorPicker", ({ selected }) => {
return {
- use: false,
selectedColor: selected,
display: selected,
updating: false,
invalid: false,
colorWheel: {
@@ -26498,11 +26331,10 @@
__export(image_picker_exports, {
default: () => image_picker_default
var image_picker_default = CocoComponent("appImagePicker", ({ src }) => {
return {
- use: [],
image: {
name: basename(src),
file: null,
data: src
@@ -26637,11 +26469,10 @@
__export(seamless_textarea_exports, {
default: () => seamless_textarea_default
var seamless_textarea_default = CocoComponent("appSeamlessTextarea", () => {
return {
- use: [withSizeObserver()],
height: null,
observer: null,
value: null,
options: ["multiline", "focus"],
init() {
@@ -26655,14 +26486,12 @@
onResize() {
const textarea = this.$refs.textarea;
if (textarea) {
- const styles = window.getComputedStyle(textarea);
- const fontSize = styles.getPropertyValue("font-size"); = "4px";
- let newHeight = textarea.scrollHeight;
+ const newHeight = textarea.scrollHeight; = `${newHeight}px`;
if (this.height !== newHeight) {
this.height = newHeight;
@@ -26675,11 +26504,10 @@
__export(snackbar_exports, {
default: () => snackbar_default
var snackbar_default = CocoComponent("appSnackbar", () => {
return {
- use: false,
notificationType: "snackbar",
options: ["show", "dismiss", "showDelay", "dismissDelay", "position"],
root: {
"x-options": "options",
"x-notification": "notificationType",
@@ -26711,10 +26539,9 @@
__export(toast_exports, {
default: () => toast_default
var toast_default = CocoComponent("appToast", () => {
return {
- use: false,
notificationType: "toast",
options: ["show", "dismiss", "showDelay", "dismissDelay", "position"],
root: {
"x-options": "options",
"x-notification": "notificationType",