lib/countries/data/countries/GS.yaml in countries-4.1.3 vs lib/countries/data/countries/GS.yaml in countries-4.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,41 +1,16 @@
- continent: Antarctica
alpha2: GS
alpha3: SGS
+ continent: Antarctica
country_code: '500'
- international_prefix: ''
- ioc:
+ currency_code: GBP
gec: SX
- name: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
- national_destination_code_lengths: []
- national_number_lengths: []
- national_prefix: ''
- number: '239'
- region: Americas
- subregion: South America
- world_region: AMER
- un_locode: GS
- nationality: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islander
- postal_code: true
- postal_code_format: SIQQ 1ZZ
- unofficial_names:
- - South Georgia
- - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
- - Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln
- - サウスジョージア・サウスサンドウィッチ諸島
- - Zuid-Georgia en Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden
- languages_official:
- - en
- languages_spoken:
- - en
latitude: -54.429579
- latitude_dec: "-54.459922790527344"
longitude: -36.587909
- longitude_dec: "-36.354618072509766"
max_latitude: -53.8525267
max_longitude: -25.4663085
min_latitude: -59.91097600000001
min_longitude: -38.4301758
@@ -43,7 +18,31 @@
lat: -53.8525267
lng: -25.4663085
lat: -59.91097600000001
lng: -38.4301758
- currency_code: GBP
+ international_prefix: ''
+ ioc:
+ iso_long_name: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
+ iso_short_name: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
+ languages_official:
+ - en
+ languages_spoken:
+ - en
+ national_destination_code_lengths: []
+ national_number_lengths: []
+ national_prefix: ''
+ nationality: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islander
+ number: '239'
+ postal_code: true
+ postal_code_format: SIQQ 1ZZ
+ region: Americas
start_of_week: monday
+ subregion: South America
+ un_locode: GS
+ unofficial_names:
+ - South Georgia
+ - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
+ - Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln
+ - サウスジョージア・サウスサンドウィッチ諸島
+ - Zuid-Georgia en Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden
+ world_region: AMER