README.markdown in couchpillow-0.3.7 vs README.markdown in couchpillow-0.3.8
- old
+ new
@@ -101,9 +101,20 @@
rename :username, :nickname
u = { :username => 'jdoe' } )
u.nickname # 'jdoe'
+Using `whitelist` to whitelist keys. Also useful to maintain document integrity
+and keeping other fields from being saved. Keep in mind that when loading
+existing documents and if they have keys that are not listed on the whitelist,
+those keys will be dropped upon `save!`.
+ class User < CouchPillow::Document
+ whitelist :name
+ end
+ u = { :age => 10, :name => 'John' } )
+ u.has?(:age) # false
## Design Docs and Views
What about Design Docs and Views? They are outside the scope of CouchPillow.
However, given a design doc named `my_design_doc` and a View named `by_email`,