lib/cotcube-bardata/eods.rb in cotcube-bardata- vs lib/cotcube-bardata/eods.rb in cotcube-bardata-
- old
+ new
@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
module Cotcube
# Missing top level documentation
module Bardata
def most_liquid_for(symbol: nil, id: nil, date: last_trade_date, config: init)
- id = get_id_set(symbol: symbol, id: id, config: config)[:id]
+ id = Cotcube::Helpers.get_id_set(symbol: symbol, id: id, config: config)[:id]
provide_eods(id: id, dates: date, contracts_only: true).first
# the following method seems to be garbage. It is not used anywhere. It seems it's purpose
# was to retrieve a list of quarters that have not been fetched recently (--> :age)
def provide_most_liquids_by_eod(symbol: nil, id: nil, # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
config: init,
date: last_trade_date,
filter: :volume_part,
age: 1.hour)
- sym = get_id_set(symbol: symbol, id: id) if symbol || id
+ sym = Cotcube::Helpers.get_id_set(symbol: symbol, id: id) if symbol || id
# noinspection RubyScope
eods = provide_eods(id: sym.nil? ? nil : sym[:id], config: config, dates: date, filter: filter)
result = [] do |eod|
symbol = eod[0..1]
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@
unless contract.nil? || (contract.is_a?(String) && [3, 5].include?(contract.size))
raise ArgumentError, "Contract '#{contract}' is bogus, should be like 'M21' or 'ESM21'"
symbol = contract[0..1] if contract.to_s.size == 5
- sym = get_id_set(symbol: symbol, id: id, config: config) if symbol || id
+ sym = Cotcube::Helpers.get_id_set(symbol: symbol, id: id, config: config) if symbol || id
# if no id can be clarified from given arguments, return all matching contracts from all available symbols
# raise ArgumentError, "Could not guess :id or :symbol from 'contract: #{contract}', please clarify." if id.nil?
raise ArgumentError, ':filter must be in [:volume_part, :oi_part]' unless %i[volume_part oi_part].include? filter
# noinspection RubyScope