lib/cosmos/io/json_drb.rb in cosmos-3.5.1 vs lib/cosmos/io/json_drb.rb in cosmos-3.5.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,376 +1,376 @@
-# encoding: ascii-8bit
-# Copyright 2014 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it
-# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with
-# attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt
-require 'thread'
-require 'socket'
-require 'json'
-require 'drb/acl'
-require 'drb/drb'
-require 'set'
-require 'cosmos/io/json_rpc'
-module Cosmos
- # JsonDRb implements the JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification to provide an interface
- # for both internal and external tools to access the COSMOS server. It
- # provides methods to install an access control list to control access to the
- # API. It also limits the available methods to a known list of allowable API
- # methods.
- class JsonDRb
- @@debug = false
- # @return [Integer] The number of JSON-RPC requests processed
- attr_accessor :request_count
- # @return [Array<String>] List of methods that should be allowed
- attr_accessor :method_whitelist
- # @return [ACL] The access control list
- attr_accessor :acl
- def initialize
- @listen_socket = nil
- @thread = nil
- @acl = nil
- @object = nil
- @method_whitelist = nil
- @request_count = 0
- @request_times = []
- @request_times_index = 0
- @request_mutex =
- @client_sockets = []
- @client_threads = []
- @client_mutex =
- @thread_reader, @thread_writer = IO.pipe
- end
- # Returns the number of connected clients
- # @return [Integer] The number of connected clients
- def num_clients
- @client_threads.length
- end
- # Stops the DRb service by closing the socket and the processing thread
- def stop_service
- Cosmos.kill_thread(self, @thread)
- @thread = nil
- Cosmos.close_socket(@listen_socket)
- @listen_socket = nil
- client_threads = nil
- @client_mutex.synchronize do
- @client_sockets.each do |client_socket|
- Cosmos.close_socket(client_socket)
- end
- client_threads = @client_threads.clone
- end
- # This cannot be inside of the client_mutex or the threads will not
- # be able to shutdown because they will stick on the client_mutex
- client_threads.each do |client_thread|
- Cosmos.kill_thread(self, client_thread)
- end
- @client_mutex.synchronize do
- @client_threads.clear
- @client_sockets.clear
- end
- end
- # Gracefully kill the thread
- def graceful_kill
- @thread_writer.write('.') if @thread
- end
- # @param hostname [String] The host to start the service on
- # @param port [Integer] The port number to listen for connections
- # @param object [Object] The object to send the DRb requests to. This
- # object must either include the Cosmos::Script module or be the
- # CmdTlmServer.
- def start_service(hostname = nil, port = nil, object = nil)
- if hostname and port and object
- @object = object
- hostname = ''.freeze if (hostname.to_s.upcase == 'LOCALHOST'.freeze)
- # Create a socket to accept connections from clients
- begin
- @listen_socket =, port)
- @listen_socket.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, 1) unless Kernel.is_windows?
- # The address is use error is pretty typical if an existing
- # CmdTlmServer is running so explicitly rescue this
- rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE
- raise "Error binding to port #{port}.\n" +
- "Either another application is using this port\n" +
- "or the operating system is being slow cleaning up.\n" +
- "Make sure all sockets/streams are closed in all applications,\n" +
- "wait 1 minute and try again."
- # Something else went wrong which is fatal
- rescue => error
- Logger.error "JsonDRb listen thread unable to be created.\n#{error.formatted}"
- Cosmos.handle_fatal_exception(error)
- end
- # Start the listen thread which accepts connections
- @thread = do
- begin
- while true
- begin
- socket = @listen_socket.accept_nonblock
- rescue Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::EINTR, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK
- read_ready, _ =[@listen_socket, @thread_reader])
- if read_ready and read_ready.include?(@thread_reader)
- begin
- # Thread should be killed - Cleanout thread_reader first
- # Don't let this break anything else though
- rescue Exception
- # Oh well - create a clean pipe in case we need one
- @thread_reader, @thread_writer = IO.pipe
- end
- break
- else
- retry
- end
- end
- if @acl and !@acl.allow_socket?(socket)
- Cosmos.close_socket(socket)
- next
- end
- # Create new thread for new connection
- create_client_thread(socket)
- end
- rescue Exception => error
- Logger.error "JsonDRb listen thread unexpectedly died.\n#{error.formatted}"
- Cosmos.handle_fatal_exception(error)
- end
- end
- elsif hostname or port or object
- raise "0 or 3 parameters must be given"
- else
- # Client - Noop
- end
- end
- # @return [Thread] The server thread listening for incoming requests
- def thread
- @thread
- end
- # Adds a request time to the list. A request time consists of the amount of
- # time to receive the request, process it, and send the response. These
- # times are used by the {#average_request_time} method to calculate an
- # average request time.
- #
- # @param request_time [Float] Time in seconds for the data transmission
- def add_request_time(request_time)
- @request_mutex.synchronize do
- request_time = MINIMUM_REQUEST_TIME if request_time < MINIMUM_REQUEST_TIME
- @request_times[@request_times_index] = request_time
- @request_times_index += 1
- @request_times_index = 0 if @request_times_index >= 100
- end
- end
- # @return [Float] The average time in seconds for a JSON DRb request to be
- # processed and the response sent.
- def average_request_time
- avg = 0
- @request_mutex.synchronize do
- avg = @request_times.mean
- end
- avg
- end
- # @param socket [Socket] The socket to the client
- # @param data [String] Binary data which has already been read from the
- # socket.
- # @return [String] The request message
- def self.receive_message(socket, data)
- self.get_at_least_x_bytes_of_data(socket, data, 4)
- if data.length >= 4
- length = data[0..3].unpack('N'.freeze)[0]
- data.replace(data[4..-1])
- else
- return nil
- end
- self.get_at_least_x_bytes_of_data(socket, data, length)
- if data.length >= length
- message = data[0..(length - 1)]
- data.replace(data[length..-1])
- return message
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- # @param socket [Socket] The socket to the client
- # @param current_data [String] Binary data read from the socket
- # @param required_num_bytes [Integer] The minimum number of bytes to read
- # before returning
- def self.get_at_least_x_bytes_of_data(socket, current_data, required_num_bytes)
- while (current_data.length < required_num_bytes)
- begin
- data = socket.recv_nonblock(65535)
- if data.length == 0
- current_data.replace('')
- return
- end
- current_data << data
- rescue IO::WaitReadable
- IO.fast_select([socket], nil, nil, nil)
- retry
- end
- end
- end
- # @param socket [Socket] The socket to the client
- # @param data [String] Binary data to send to the socket
- # @param send_timeout [Float] The number of seconds to wait for the send to
- # complete
- def self.send_data(socket, data, send_timeout = 10.0)
- num_bytes_to_send = data.length + 4
- total_bytes_sent = 0
- bytes_sent = 0
- data_to_send = [data.length].pack('N'.freeze) << data.clone
- loop do
- begin
- bytes_sent = socket.write_nonblock(data_to_send[total_bytes_sent..-1])
- rescue Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK
- result = IO.fast_select(nil, [socket], nil, send_timeout)
- if result
- retry
- else
- raise Timeout::Error, "Send Timeout"
- end
- end
- total_bytes_sent += bytes_sent
- break if total_bytes_sent >= num_bytes_to_send
- end
- end
- # @return [Boolean] Whether debug messages are enabled
- def self.debug?
- @@debug
- end
- # @param value [Boolean] Whether to enable debug messages
- def self.debug=(value)
- @@debug = value
- end
- protected
- # Creates a new Thread to service the JSON DRb requests from the client.
- #
- # @param socket [Socket] The socket which the server accepted from the
- # client.
- def create_client_thread(socket)
- socket.setsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1)
- socket.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)
- do |my_socket|
- @client_mutex.synchronize do
- @client_sockets << my_socket
- @client_threads << Thread.current
- end
- data = ''
- begin
- while true
- begin
- request_data = JsonDRb.receive_message(my_socket, data)
- start_time =
- @request_count += 1
- # Socket was closed
- break
- end
- if request_data
- break unless process_request(request_data, my_socket, start_time)
- else
- # Socket was closed by client
- break
- end
- end
- rescue Exception => error
- Logger.error "JsonDrb client thread unexpectedly died.\n#{error.formatted}"
- end
- @client_mutex.synchronize do
- Cosmos.close_socket(my_socket)
- @client_sockets.delete(my_socket)
- @client_threads.delete(Thread.current)
- end
- end
- end
- # Process the JSON request data, execute the method, and send the response.
- #
- # @param request_data [String] The JSON encoded request
- # @param my_socket [Socket] The socket to send the response out on
- # @param start_time [Time] The time when the initial request was received
- def process_request(request_data, my_socket, start_time)
- STDOUT.puts request_data if JsonDRb.debug?
- begin
- request = JsonRpcRequest.from_json(request_data)
- response = nil
- if (@method_whitelist and @method_whitelist.include?(request.method)) or
- (!@method_whitelist and !JsonRpcRequest::DANGEROUS_METHODS.include?(request.method))
- begin
- result = @object.send(request.method.intern, *request.params)
- if
- response =,
- end
- rescue Exception => error
- if
- if NoMethodError === error
- response =
-, "Method not found", error),
- elsif ArgumentError === error
- response =
-, "Invalid params", error),
- else
- response =
-, error.message, error),
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if
- response =
-, "Cannot call unauthorized methods"),
- end
- end
- process_response(response, my_socket, start_time) if response
- rescue => error
- response =, "Invalid Request", error), nil)
- process_response(response, my_socket, start_time)
- end
- true
- end
- def process_response(response, socket, start_time)
- response_data = response.to_json(:allow_nan => true)
- STDOUT.puts response_data if JsonDRb.debug?
- JsonDRb.send_data(socket, response_data)
- end_time =
- request_time = end_time - start_time
- add_request_time(request_time)
- rescue
- # Socket was closed?
- return false
- end
- end
+# encoding: ascii-8bit
+# Copyright 2014 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it
+# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with
+# attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt
+require 'thread'
+require 'socket'
+require 'json'
+require 'drb/acl'
+require 'drb/drb'
+require 'set'
+require 'cosmos/io/json_rpc'
+module Cosmos
+ # JsonDRb implements the JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification to provide an interface
+ # for both internal and external tools to access the COSMOS server. It
+ # provides methods to install an access control list to control access to the
+ # API. It also limits the available methods to a known list of allowable API
+ # methods.
+ class JsonDRb
+ @@debug = false
+ # @return [Integer] The number of JSON-RPC requests processed
+ attr_accessor :request_count
+ # @return [Array<String>] List of methods that should be allowed
+ attr_accessor :method_whitelist
+ # @return [ACL] The access control list
+ attr_accessor :acl
+ def initialize
+ @listen_socket = nil
+ @thread = nil
+ @acl = nil
+ @object = nil
+ @method_whitelist = nil
+ @request_count = 0
+ @request_times = []
+ @request_times_index = 0
+ @request_mutex =
+ @client_sockets = []
+ @client_threads = []
+ @client_mutex =
+ @thread_reader, @thread_writer = IO.pipe
+ end
+ # Returns the number of connected clients
+ # @return [Integer] The number of connected clients
+ def num_clients
+ @client_threads.length
+ end
+ # Stops the DRb service by closing the socket and the processing thread
+ def stop_service
+ Cosmos.kill_thread(self, @thread)
+ @thread = nil
+ Cosmos.close_socket(@listen_socket)
+ @listen_socket = nil
+ client_threads = nil
+ @client_mutex.synchronize do
+ @client_sockets.each do |client_socket|
+ Cosmos.close_socket(client_socket)
+ end
+ client_threads = @client_threads.clone
+ end
+ # This cannot be inside of the client_mutex or the threads will not
+ # be able to shutdown because they will stick on the client_mutex
+ client_threads.each do |client_thread|
+ Cosmos.kill_thread(self, client_thread)
+ end
+ @client_mutex.synchronize do
+ @client_threads.clear
+ @client_sockets.clear
+ end
+ end
+ # Gracefully kill the thread
+ def graceful_kill
+ @thread_writer.write('.') if @thread
+ end
+ # @param hostname [String] The host to start the service on
+ # @param port [Integer] The port number to listen for connections
+ # @param object [Object] The object to send the DRb requests to. This
+ # object must either include the Cosmos::Script module or be the
+ # CmdTlmServer.
+ def start_service(hostname = nil, port = nil, object = nil)
+ if hostname and port and object
+ @object = object
+ hostname = ''.freeze if (hostname.to_s.upcase == 'LOCALHOST'.freeze)
+ # Create a socket to accept connections from clients
+ begin
+ @listen_socket =, port)
+ @listen_socket.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, 1) unless Kernel.is_windows?
+ # The address is use error is pretty typical if an existing
+ # CmdTlmServer is running so explicitly rescue this
+ rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE
+ raise "Error binding to port #{port}.\n" +
+ "Either another application is using this port\n" +
+ "or the operating system is being slow cleaning up.\n" +
+ "Make sure all sockets/streams are closed in all applications,\n" +
+ "wait 1 minute and try again."
+ # Something else went wrong which is fatal
+ rescue => error
+ Logger.error "JsonDRb listen thread unable to be created.\n#{error.formatted}"
+ Cosmos.handle_fatal_exception(error)
+ end
+ # Start the listen thread which accepts connections
+ @thread = do
+ begin
+ while true
+ begin
+ socket = @listen_socket.accept_nonblock
+ rescue Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::EINTR, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK
+ read_ready, _ =[@listen_socket, @thread_reader])
+ if read_ready and read_ready.include?(@thread_reader)
+ begin
+ # Thread should be killed - Cleanout thread_reader first
+ # Don't let this break anything else though
+ rescue Exception
+ # Oh well - create a clean pipe in case we need one
+ @thread_reader, @thread_writer = IO.pipe
+ end
+ break
+ else
+ retry
+ end
+ end
+ if @acl and !@acl.allow_socket?(socket)
+ Cosmos.close_socket(socket)
+ next
+ end
+ # Create new thread for new connection
+ create_client_thread(socket)
+ end
+ rescue Exception => error
+ Logger.error "JsonDRb listen thread unexpectedly died.\n#{error.formatted}"
+ Cosmos.handle_fatal_exception(error)
+ end
+ end
+ elsif hostname or port or object
+ raise "0 or 3 parameters must be given"
+ else
+ # Client - Noop
+ end
+ end
+ # @return [Thread] The server thread listening for incoming requests
+ def thread
+ @thread
+ end
+ # Adds a request time to the list. A request time consists of the amount of
+ # time to receive the request, process it, and send the response. These
+ # times are used by the {#average_request_time} method to calculate an
+ # average request time.
+ #
+ # @param request_time [Float] Time in seconds for the data transmission
+ def add_request_time(request_time)
+ @request_mutex.synchronize do
+ request_time = MINIMUM_REQUEST_TIME if request_time < MINIMUM_REQUEST_TIME
+ @request_times[@request_times_index] = request_time
+ @request_times_index += 1
+ @request_times_index = 0 if @request_times_index >= 100
+ end
+ end
+ # @return [Float] The average time in seconds for a JSON DRb request to be
+ # processed and the response sent.
+ def average_request_time
+ avg = 0
+ @request_mutex.synchronize do
+ avg = @request_times.mean
+ end
+ avg
+ end
+ # @param socket [Socket] The socket to the client
+ # @param data [String] Binary data which has already been read from the
+ # socket.
+ # @return [String] The request message
+ def self.receive_message(socket, data)
+ self.get_at_least_x_bytes_of_data(socket, data, 4)
+ if data.length >= 4
+ length = data[0..3].unpack('N'.freeze)[0]
+ data.replace(data[4..-1])
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ self.get_at_least_x_bytes_of_data(socket, data, length)
+ if data.length >= length
+ message = data[0..(length - 1)]
+ data.replace(data[length..-1])
+ return message
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ # @param socket [Socket] The socket to the client
+ # @param current_data [String] Binary data read from the socket
+ # @param required_num_bytes [Integer] The minimum number of bytes to read
+ # before returning
+ def self.get_at_least_x_bytes_of_data(socket, current_data, required_num_bytes)
+ while (current_data.length < required_num_bytes)
+ begin
+ data = socket.recv_nonblock(65535)
+ if data.length == 0
+ current_data.replace('')
+ return
+ end
+ current_data << data
+ rescue IO::WaitReadable
+ IO.fast_select([socket], nil, nil, nil)
+ retry
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # @param socket [Socket] The socket to the client
+ # @param data [String] Binary data to send to the socket
+ # @param send_timeout [Float] The number of seconds to wait for the send to
+ # complete
+ def self.send_data(socket, data, send_timeout = 10.0)
+ num_bytes_to_send = data.length + 4
+ total_bytes_sent = 0
+ bytes_sent = 0
+ data_to_send = [data.length].pack('N'.freeze) << data.clone
+ loop do
+ begin
+ bytes_sent = socket.write_nonblock(data_to_send[total_bytes_sent..-1])
+ rescue Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK
+ result = IO.fast_select(nil, [socket], nil, send_timeout)
+ if result
+ retry
+ else
+ raise Timeout::Error, "Send Timeout"
+ end
+ end
+ total_bytes_sent += bytes_sent
+ break if total_bytes_sent >= num_bytes_to_send
+ end
+ end
+ # @return [Boolean] Whether debug messages are enabled
+ def self.debug?
+ @@debug
+ end
+ # @param value [Boolean] Whether to enable debug messages
+ def self.debug=(value)
+ @@debug = value
+ end
+ protected
+ # Creates a new Thread to service the JSON DRb requests from the client.
+ #
+ # @param socket [Socket] The socket which the server accepted from the
+ # client.
+ def create_client_thread(socket)
+ socket.setsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1)
+ socket.setsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)
+ do |my_socket|
+ @client_mutex.synchronize do
+ @client_sockets << my_socket
+ @client_threads << Thread.current
+ end
+ data = ''
+ begin
+ while true
+ begin
+ request_data = JsonDRb.receive_message(my_socket, data)
+ start_time =
+ @request_count += 1
+ # Socket was closed
+ break
+ end
+ if request_data
+ break unless process_request(request_data, my_socket, start_time)
+ else
+ # Socket was closed by client
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Exception => error
+ Logger.error "JsonDrb client thread unexpectedly died.\n#{error.formatted}"
+ end
+ @client_mutex.synchronize do
+ Cosmos.close_socket(my_socket)
+ @client_sockets.delete(my_socket)
+ @client_threads.delete(Thread.current)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Process the JSON request data, execute the method, and send the response.
+ #
+ # @param request_data [String] The JSON encoded request
+ # @param my_socket [Socket] The socket to send the response out on
+ # @param start_time [Time] The time when the initial request was received
+ def process_request(request_data, my_socket, start_time)
+ STDOUT.puts request_data if JsonDRb.debug?
+ begin
+ request = JsonRpcRequest.from_json(request_data)
+ response = nil
+ if (@method_whitelist and @method_whitelist.include?(request.method)) or
+ (!@method_whitelist and !JsonRpcRequest::DANGEROUS_METHODS.include?(request.method))
+ begin
+ result = @object.send(request.method.intern, *request.params)
+ if
+ response =,
+ end
+ rescue Exception => error
+ if
+ if NoMethodError === error
+ response =
+, "Method not found", error),
+ elsif ArgumentError === error
+ response =
+, "Invalid params", error),
+ else
+ response =
+, error.message, error),
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if
+ response =
+, "Cannot call unauthorized methods"),
+ end
+ end
+ process_response(response, my_socket, start_time) if response
+ rescue => error
+ response =, "Invalid Request", error), nil)
+ process_response(response, my_socket, start_time)
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def process_response(response, socket, start_time)
+ response_data = response.to_json(:allow_nan => true)
+ STDOUT.puts response_data if JsonDRb.debug?
+ JsonDRb.send_data(socket, response_data)
+ end_time =
+ request_time = end_time - start_time
+ add_request_time(request_time)
+ rescue
+ # Socket was closed?
+ return false
+ end
+ end