lib/cosmos/gui/opengl/gl_viewer.rb in cosmos-3.5.1 vs lib/cosmos/gui/opengl/gl_viewer.rb in cosmos-3.5.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,724 +1,724 @@
-# encoding: ascii-8bit
-# Copyright 2014 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with
-# attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt
-# This file is inspired by the FOX Gui toolkit's FXGLViewer class
-require 'cosmos'
-require 'cosmos/gui/qt'
-require 'cosmos/gui/opengl/opengl'
-module Cosmos
- class GlViewer < Qt::GLWidget
- MAX_PICKBUF = 1024
- EPS = 1.0e-2
- PICK_TOL = 3
- DTOR = 0.0174532925199432957692369077
- RTOD = 57.295779513082320876798154814
- attr_accessor :projection # :PARALLEL or :PERSPECTIVE
- attr_reader :zoom
- attr_reader :fov
- attr_reader :wvt
- attr_reader :diameter
- attr_reader :distance
- attr_reader :orientation
- attr_reader :center
- attr_reader :scale
- attr_reader :transform
- attr_reader :itransform
- attr_reader :maxhits
- attr_reader :top_background
- attr_reader :bottom_background
- attr_reader :ambient
- attr_reader :light
- attr_reader :material
- attr_reader :dropped
- attr_reader :selection
- attr_reader :scene
- attr_reader :smode
- attr_reader :options
- attr_accessor :selection_callback
- attr_accessor :draw_axis
- def initialize(parent)
- super(parent)
- @defaultCursor = nil
- @dragCursor = nil
- @projection = :PERSPECTIVE
- @zoom = 1.0
- @fov = 30.0
- @wvt =
- @diameter = 2.0;
- @distance = 7.464116;
- @orientation =[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
- @center = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- @scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
- updateProjection()
- updateTransform()
- @maxhits = 512;
- @top_background = [0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0]
- @bottom_background = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
- @ambient = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0]
- @light =
- @material =
- @dial = [0, 0, 0]
- @dropped = nil
- @selection = nil
- @scene = nil
- @mode = :HOVERING
- @draw_axis = nil
- @options = []
- @selection_callback = nil
- end
- def minimumSizeHint
- return, 100)
- end
- def sizeHint
- return, 400)
- end
- def scene=(scene)
- @scene = scene
- @scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
- if @scene
- self.bounds = @scene.bounds
- @zoom = @scene.zoom
- @orientation = @scene.orientation
- @center =
- @projection = @scene.projection
- end
- updateProjection()
- updateTransform()
- updateGL()
- end
- def fov=(fov)
- fov = 2.0 if fov < 2.0
- fov = 90.0 if fov > 90.0
- @fov = fov
- tn = tan(0.5 * DTOR * @fov)
- @distance = @diameter / tn
- updateProjection()
- updateTransform()
- updateGL()
- end
- def distance=(distance)
- distance = @diameter if distance < @diameter
- distance = 114.0 * @diameter if distance > (114.0 * @diameter)
- if distance != @distance
- @distance = distance
- @fov = 2.0 * RTOD * atan2(@diameter, @distance)
- updateProjection()
- updateTransform()
- updateGL()
- end
- end
- def zoom=(zoom)
- zoom = 1.0e-30 if zoom < 1.0e-30
- if zoom != @zoom
- @zoom = zoom
- updateProjection()
- updateGL()
- end
- end
- def scale= (scale)
- scale[0] = 0.000001 if scale[0] < 0.000001
- scale[1] = 0.000001 if scale[1] < 0.000001
- scale[2] = 0.000001 if scale[2] < 0.000001
- if scale != @scale
- @scale = scale
- updateTransform()
- updateGL()
- end
- end
- def orientation= (orientation)
- if (orientation.q0 != @orientation.q0) or (orientation.q1 != @orientation.q1) or (orientation.q2 != @orientation.q2) or (orientation.q3 != @orientation.q3)
- @orientation = orientation.clone.normalize
- updateTransform()
- update()
- end
- end
- def bounds= (bounds)
- # Model center
- @center =
- # Model size
- @diameter = bounds.longest
- # Fix zero size model
- @diameter = 1.0 if @diameter < 1.0e-30
- # Set equal scaling initially
- @scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
- # Reset distance (and thus field of view)
- self.distance = 1.1 * @diameter
- end
- def center= (center)
- if center != @center
- @center = center
- updateTransform()
- updateGL()
- end
- end
- def selection= (shape)
- @selection = shape
- if @selection_callback
- updateGL()
- end
- def translate(vector)
- @center[0] += vector[0]
- @center[1] += vector[1]
- @center[2] += vector[2]
- updateTransform()
- updateGL()
- end
- def selectHits(x, y, w, h)
- mh = @maxhits
- nhits = 0
- makeCurrent()
- # Where to pick
- pickx = (@wvt.w - 2.0*x - w) / w.to_f
- picky = (2.0*y + h - @wvt.h) / h.to_f
- pickw = @wvt.w / w.to_f
- pickh = @wvt.h / h.to_f
- # Set pick projection matrix
- GL.MatrixMode(GL::PROJECTION);
- GL.LoadIdentity()
- GL.Translatef(pickx, picky, 0.0)
- GL.Scalef(pickw, pickh, 1.0)
- case projection
- when :PARALLEL
- GL.Ortho(@wvt.left, @wvt.right, @wvt.bottom,, @wvt.hither, @wvt.yon)
- GL.Frustum(@wvt.left, @wvt.right, @wvt.bottom,, @wvt.hither, @wvt.yon)
- end
- # Model matrix
- GL.MatrixMode(GL::MODELVIEW);
- GL.LoadMatrixf(@transform)
- # Loop until room enough to fit
- while true
- nhits = 0
- buffer = GL.SelectBuffer(mh)
- GL.RenderMode(GL::SELECT);
- GL.InitNames()
- GL.PushName(0)
- @scene.hit(self) if @scene
- GL.PopName()
- nhits = GL.RenderMode(GL::RENDER)
- mh <<= 1
- break if nhits >= 0
- end
- doneCurrent()
- return buffer.unpack("L*"), nhits
- end
- def processHits(pickbuffer, nhits)
- if nhits > 0
- zmin = 4294967295
- zmax = 4294967295
- i = 0
- while nhits > 0
- n = pickbuffer[i]
- d1 = pickbuffer[1+i]
- d2 = pickbuffer[2+i]
- if ((d1 < zmin) || ((d1 == zmin) && (d2<=zmax)))
- zmin = d1
- zmax = d2
- sel = i
- end
- i += n + 3
- nhits -= 1
- end
- return @scene.identify(pickbuffer[4 + sel])
- end
- return nil
- end
- def pick(x, y)
- obj = nil
- if @scene and @maxhits
- pickbuffer, nhits = selectHits(x-PICK_TOL, y-PICK_TOL, PICK_TOL*2, PICK_TOL*2)
- obj = processHits(pickbuffer, nhits) if nhits > 0
- end
- return obj;
- end
- def initializeGL
- GL.GetError()
- # Initialize GL context
- GL.RenderMode(GL::RENDER)
- # Fast hints
- # Z-buffer test on
- GL.DepthFunc(GL::LESS)
- GL.DepthRange(0.0, 1.0)
- GL.ClearDepth(1.0)
- GL.ClearColor(@top_background[0], @top_background[1], @top_background[2], @top_background[3])
- # No face culling
- GL.Disable(GL::CULL_FACE)
- GL.CullFace(GL::BACK)
- GL.FrontFace(GL::CCW)
- # Two sided lighting
- GL.LightModel(GL::LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, @ambient)
- # Preferred blend over background
- # Light on
- GL.Enable(GL::LIGHT0)
- GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::AMBIENT, @light.ambient)
- GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::DIFFUSE, @light.diffuse)
- GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPECULAR, @light.specular)
- GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::POSITION, @light.position)
- GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_DIRECTION, @light.direction)
- GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_EXPONENT, @light.exponent)
- GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_CUTOFF, @light.cutoff)
- GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, @light.c_attn)
- GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::LINEAR_ATTENUATION, @light.l_attn)
- GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, @light.q_attn)
- # Viewer is close
- # Material colors
- GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::AMBIENT, @material.ambient)
- GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::DIFFUSE, @material.diffuse)
- GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::SPECULAR, @material.specular)
- GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::EMISSION, @material.emission)
- GL.Materialf(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::SHININESS, @material.shininess)
- # Vertex colors change both diffuse and ambient
- # Simplest and fastest drawing is default
- GL.ShadeModel(GL::FLAT)
- GL.Disable(GL::BLEND)
- # Lighting
- GL.Disable(GL::LIGHTING)
- # No normalization of normals (it's broken on some machines anyway)
- # Dithering if needed
- GL.Disable(GL::DITHER)
- end
- def paintGL
- # Set viewport
- GL.Viewport(0, 0, @wvt.w, @wvt.h)
- # Reset important stuff
- GL.ShadeModel(GL::SMOOTH)
- GL.Disable(GL::LIGHTING)
- GL.Disable(GL::ALPHA_TEST)
- GL.Disable(GL::BLEND)
- GL.Disable(GL::DITHER)
- GL.Disable(GL::FOG)
- GL.Disable(GL::LOGIC_OP)
- GL.Disable(GL::CULL_FACE)
- # Reset matrices
- GL.LoadIdentity
- GL.MatrixMode(GL::MODELVIEW)
- GL.LoadIdentity
- # Clear to solid background
- GL.ClearDepth(1.0)
- GL.ClearColor(@top_background[0], @top_background[1], @top_background[2], @top_background[3])
- if @top_background == @bottom_background
- begin
- rescue
- # Raises false error on Mac
- end
- else # Clear to gradient background
- begin
- rescue
- # Raises false error on Mac
- end
- GL.Disable(GL::DEPTH_TEST)
- GL.DepthMask(GL::FALSE)
- GL.Color(@bottom_background); GL.Vertex3f(-1.0, -1.0, 0.0); GL.Vertex3f(1.0, -1.0, 0.0)
- GL.Color(@top_background); GL.Vertex3f(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0); GL.Vertex3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
- begin
- GL.End
- rescue
- # Raises false error on Mac
- end
- end
- # Depth test on by default
- GL.DepthMask(GL::TRUE)
- # Switch to projection matrix
- GL.LoadIdentity
- case @projection
- when :PARALLEL
- GL.Ortho(@wvt.left, @wvt.right, @wvt.bottom,, @wvt.hither, @wvt.yon)
- GL.Frustum(@wvt.left, @wvt.right, @wvt.bottom,, @wvt.hither, @wvt.yon)
- end
- # Switch to model matrix
- GL.MatrixMode(GL::MODELVIEW)
- GL.LoadIdentity
- # Set light parameters
- GL.Enable(GL::LIGHT0)
- GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::AMBIENT, @light.ambient)
- GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::DIFFUSE, @light.diffuse)
- GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPECULAR, @light.specular)
- GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::POSITION, @light.position)
- GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_DIRECTION, @light.direction)
- GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_EXPONENT, @light.exponent)
- GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_CUTOFF, @light.cutoff)
- GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, @light.c_attn)
- GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::LINEAR_ATTENUATION, @light.l_attn)
- GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, @light.q_attn)
- # Default material colors
- GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::AMBIENT, @material.ambient)
- GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::DIFFUSE, @material.diffuse)
- GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::SPECULAR, @material.specular)
- GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::EMISSION, @material.emission)
- GL.Materialf(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::SHININESS, @material.shininess)
- # Color commands change both
- # Global ambient light
- GL.LightModel(GL::LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, @ambient)
- # Enable fog
- if @options.include?(:VIEWER_FOG)
- GL.Enable(GL::FOG)
- GL.Fog(GL::FOG_COLOR, @top_background) # Disappear into the background
- GL.Fogf(GL::FOG_START, (@distance - @diameter).to_f) # Range tight around model position
- GL.Fogf(GL::FOG_END, (@distance + @diameter).to_f) # Far place same as clip plane:- clipped stuff is in the mist!
- GL.Fogi(GL::FOG_MODE, GL::LINEAR) # Simple linear depth cueing
- end
- # Dithering
- GL.Enable(GL::DITHER) if @options.include?(:VIEWER_DITHER)
- # Enable lighting
- GL.Enable(GL::LIGHTING) if @options.include?(:VIEWER_LIGHTING)
- # Set model matrix
- GL.LoadMatrixf(@transform)
- if (@draw_axis and @draw_axis > 0)
- # Draw axis
- GL.PushMatrix
- GL.LineWidth(2.5)
- GL.Color3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- GL.Begin(GL::LINES)
- GL.Vertex3f(-@draw_axis.to_f, 0.0, 0.0)
- GL.Vertex3f(@draw_axis.to_f, 0.0, 0.0)
- begin
- GL.End
- rescue
- # Raises false error on Mac
- end
- GL.Color3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
- GL.Begin(GL::LINES)
- GL.Vertex3f(0, -@draw_axis, 0.0)
- GL.Vertex3f(0, @draw_axis, 0)
- begin
- GL.End
- rescue
- # Raises false error on Mac
- end
- GL.Color3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- GL.Begin(GL::LINES)
- GL.Vertex3f(0, 0, -@draw_axis)
- GL.Vertex3f(0, 0, @draw_axis)
- begin
- GL.End
- rescue
- # Raises false error on Mac
- end
- GL.PopMatrix
- end
- # Draw what's visible
- @scene.draw(self) if @scene
- end
- def resizeGL(width, height)
- @wvt.w = width;
- @wvt.h = height;
- updateProjection()
- end
- def screenToEye(sx, sy, eyez)
- e = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- xp = (@worldpx*sx + @ax).to_f
- yp = (@ay - @worldpx*sy).to_f
- if @projection == :PERSPECTIVE
- if @distance != 0.0
- e.x = [((-eyez*xp) / @distance).to_f, ((-eyez*yp) / @distance).to_f, eyez]
- end
- else
- e = [xp, yp, eyez]
- end
- return e;
- end
- def screenToTarget(sx, sy)
- [@worldpx*sx.to_f + @ax, @ay - @worldpx*sy.to_f, -@distance.to_f]
- end
- def eyeToWorld(e)
- [e[0]*@itransform[0][0] + e[1]*@itransform[1][0] + e[2]*@itransform[2][0] + @itransform[3][0],
- e[0]*@itransform[0][1] + e[1]*@itransform[1][1] + e[2]*@itransform[2][1] + @itransform[3][1],
- e[0]*@itransform[0][2] + e[1]*@itransform[1][2] + e[2]*@itransform[2][2] + @itransform[3][2]]
- end
- def worldToEyeZ(w)
- w[0]*@transform[0][2] + w[1]*@transform[1][2] + w[2]*@transform[2][2] + @transform[3][2]
- end
- def calc_prime(v)
- return [v[0]*@itransform[0][0] + v[1]*@itransform[1][0] + v[2]*@itransform[2][0] + @itransform[3][0],
- v[0]*@itransform[0][1] + v[1]*@itransform[1][1] + v[2]*@itransform[2][1] + @itransform[3][1],
- v[0]*@itransform[0][2] + v[1]*@itransform[1][2] + v[2]*@itransform[2][2] + @itransform[3][2]]
- end
- def worldVector(fx, fy, tx, ty)
- wfm_prime = calc_prime(screenToTarget(fx, fy))
- wto_prime = calc_prime(screenToTarget(tx, ty))
- return [wto_prime[0] - wfm_prime[0], wto_prime[1] - wfm_prime[1], wto_prime[2] - wfm_prime[2]]
- end
- def spherePoint(x, y)
- if @wvt.w > @wvt.h
- screenmin = wvt.h.to_f
- else
- screenmin = wvt.w.to_f
- end
- v = []
- v[0] = 2.0 * (x - 0.5*@wvt.w) / screenmin
- v[1] = 2.0 * (0.5 * @wvt.h - y) / screenmin
- d = v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1]
- if d < 0.75
- v[2] = sqrt(1.0-d)
- elsif d < 3.0
- d = 1.7320508008 - sqrt(d)
- t = 1.0 - d*d
- t = 0.0 if t < 0.0
- v[2] = 1.0 - sqrt(t)
- else
- v[2] = 0.0
- end
- length = sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2])
- if length > 0.0
- return [v[0] / length, v[1] / length, v[2] / length]
- else
- return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- end
- end
- def turn(fx, fy, tx, ty)
- return Quaternion.arc(spherePoint(fx,fy), spherePoint(tx,ty))
- end
- def mode=(mode)
- @mode = mode
- case @mode
- when :ZOOMING
- Qt::Application.setOverrideCursor(Cosmos.getCursor(Qt::SizeVerCursor))
- when :DRAGGING
- Qt::Application.setOverrideCursor(Cosmos.getCursor(Qt::ClosedHandCursor))
- when :ROTATING
- Qt::Application.setOverrideCursor(Cosmos.getCursor(Qt::CrossCursor))
- Qt::Application.setOverrideCursor(Cosmos.getCursor(Qt::SizeAllCursor))
- else
- Qt::Application.restoreOverrideCursor
- end
- end
- def mousePressEvent(event)
- case event.button
- when Qt::LeftButton
- self.mode = :PICKING
- if (event.buttons & Qt::RightButton.to_i) != 0
- self.mode = :ZOOMING
- elsif (@selection and @selection.dragable and @selection == pick(event.x, event.y))
- self.mode = :DRAGGING
- end
- when Qt::RightButton
- if (event.buttons & Qt::LeftButton.to_i) != 0
- self.mode = :ZOOMING
- else
- self.mode = :POSTING
- end
- when Qt::MidButton
- self.mode = :ZOOMING
- end
- @lastPos = event.pos
- end
- def mouseReleaseEvent(event)
- case @mode
- when :PICKING
- self.selection = pick(event.x, event.y)
- end
- if (((event.buttons & Qt::RightButton.to_i) != 0) and ((event.buttons & Qt::LeftButton.to_i) != 0)) or ((event.buttons & Qt::MidButton.to_i) != 0)
- self.mode = :ZOOMING
- elsif (event.buttons & Qt::LeftButton.to_i) != 0
- self.mode = :ROTATING
- elsif (event.buttons & Qt::RightButton.to_i) != 0
- self.mode = :TRANSLATING
- else
- self.mode = :HOVERING
- end
- end
- def mouseMoveEvent(event)
- dx = event.x - @lastPos.x
- dy = event.y - @lastPos.y
- case @mode
- if dx.abs > 0 or dy.abs > 0
- if @mode == :PICKING
- self.mode = :ROTATING
- else
- self.mode = :TRANSLATING
- end
- end
- vector = worldVector(@lastPos.x, @lastPos.y, event.x, event.y)
- translate([-vector[0], -vector[1], -vector[2]])
- when :DRAGGING
- if @selection and @selection.drag(self, @lastPos.x, @lastPos.y, event.x, event.y)
- updateGL()
- end
- when :ROTATING
- self.orientation = turn(@lastPos.x, @lastPos.y, event.x, event.y) * @orientation
- when :ZOOMING
- delta = 0.005 * dy
- self.zoom = @zoom * (2.0 ** delta)
- end
- @lastPos = event.pos
- end
- def wheelEvent(event)
- self.zoom = @zoom * (2.0 ** (-0.1 * / 120.0))
- end
- protected
- def updateProjection
- # Should be non-0 size viewport
- if @wvt.w > 0 and @wvt.h > 0
- # Aspect ratio of viewer
- aspect = @wvt.h.to_f / @wvt.w.to_f
- # Get world box
- r = 0.5 * @diameter / @zoom
- if @wvt.w <= @wvt.h
- @wvt.left = -r
- @wvt.right = r
- @wvt.bottom = -r * aspect
- = r * aspect
- else
- @wvt.left = -r / aspect
- @wvt.right = r / aspect
- @wvt.bottom = -r
- = r
- end
- @wvt.yon = @distance + @diameter
- @wvt.hither = 0.1 * @wvt.yon
- # Size of a pixel in world and model
- @worldpx = (@wvt.right - @wvt.left) / @wvt.w
- @modelpx = @worldpx * @diameter
- # Precalc stuff for view->world backmapping
- @ax = @wvt.left
- @ay = - @worldpx
- # Correction for perspective
- if @projection == :PERSPECTIVE
- hither_fac= @wvt.hither / @distance
- @wvt.left *= hither_fac
- @wvt.right *= hither_fac
- *= hither_fac
- @wvt.bottom *= hither_fac
- end
- end
- end
- def updateTransform
- @transform = Matrix.identity(4)
- @transform.trans4(0.0, 0.0, -@distance.to_f)
- @transform.rot4(@orientation);
- @transform.scale4(@scale[0], @scale[1], @scale[2]);
- @transform.trans4(-@center[0], -@center[1], -@center[2]);
- @itransform = @transform.inverse
- end
- end # class OpenGLViewer
-end # module Cosmos
+# encoding: ascii-8bit
+# Copyright 2014 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with
+# attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt
+# This file is inspired by the FOX Gui toolkit's FXGLViewer class
+require 'cosmos'
+require 'cosmos/gui/qt'
+require 'cosmos/gui/opengl/opengl'
+module Cosmos
+ class GlViewer < Qt::GLWidget
+ MAX_PICKBUF = 1024
+ EPS = 1.0e-2
+ PICK_TOL = 3
+ DTOR = 0.0174532925199432957692369077
+ RTOD = 57.295779513082320876798154814
+ attr_accessor :projection # :PARALLEL or :PERSPECTIVE
+ attr_reader :zoom
+ attr_reader :fov
+ attr_reader :wvt
+ attr_reader :diameter
+ attr_reader :distance
+ attr_reader :orientation
+ attr_reader :center
+ attr_reader :scale
+ attr_reader :transform
+ attr_reader :itransform
+ attr_reader :maxhits
+ attr_reader :top_background
+ attr_reader :bottom_background
+ attr_reader :ambient
+ attr_reader :light
+ attr_reader :material
+ attr_reader :dropped
+ attr_reader :selection
+ attr_reader :scene
+ attr_reader :smode
+ attr_reader :options
+ attr_accessor :selection_callback
+ attr_accessor :draw_axis
+ def initialize(parent)
+ super(parent)
+ @defaultCursor = nil
+ @dragCursor = nil
+ @projection = :PERSPECTIVE
+ @zoom = 1.0
+ @fov = 30.0
+ @wvt =
+ @diameter = 2.0;
+ @distance = 7.464116;
+ @orientation =[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
+ @center = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+ @scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ updateProjection()
+ updateTransform()
+ @maxhits = 512;
+ @top_background = [0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0]
+ @bottom_background = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ @ambient = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0]
+ @light =
+ @material =
+ @dial = [0, 0, 0]
+ @dropped = nil
+ @selection = nil
+ @scene = nil
+ @mode = :HOVERING
+ @draw_axis = nil
+ @options = []
+ @selection_callback = nil
+ end
+ def minimumSizeHint
+ return, 100)
+ end
+ def sizeHint
+ return, 400)
+ end
+ def scene=(scene)
+ @scene = scene
+ @scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ if @scene
+ self.bounds = @scene.bounds
+ @zoom = @scene.zoom
+ @orientation = @scene.orientation
+ @center =
+ @projection = @scene.projection
+ end
+ updateProjection()
+ updateTransform()
+ updateGL()
+ end
+ def fov=(fov)
+ fov = 2.0 if fov < 2.0
+ fov = 90.0 if fov > 90.0
+ @fov = fov
+ tn = tan(0.5 * DTOR * @fov)
+ @distance = @diameter / tn
+ updateProjection()
+ updateTransform()
+ updateGL()
+ end
+ def distance=(distance)
+ distance = @diameter if distance < @diameter
+ distance = 114.0 * @diameter if distance > (114.0 * @diameter)
+ if distance != @distance
+ @distance = distance
+ @fov = 2.0 * RTOD * atan2(@diameter, @distance)
+ updateProjection()
+ updateTransform()
+ updateGL()
+ end
+ end
+ def zoom=(zoom)
+ zoom = 1.0e-30 if zoom < 1.0e-30
+ if zoom != @zoom
+ @zoom = zoom
+ updateProjection()
+ updateGL()
+ end
+ end
+ def scale= (scale)
+ scale[0] = 0.000001 if scale[0] < 0.000001
+ scale[1] = 0.000001 if scale[1] < 0.000001
+ scale[2] = 0.000001 if scale[2] < 0.000001
+ if scale != @scale
+ @scale = scale
+ updateTransform()
+ updateGL()
+ end
+ end
+ def orientation= (orientation)
+ if (orientation.q0 != @orientation.q0) or (orientation.q1 != @orientation.q1) or (orientation.q2 != @orientation.q2) or (orientation.q3 != @orientation.q3)
+ @orientation = orientation.clone.normalize
+ updateTransform()
+ update()
+ end
+ end
+ def bounds= (bounds)
+ # Model center
+ @center =
+ # Model size
+ @diameter = bounds.longest
+ # Fix zero size model
+ @diameter = 1.0 if @diameter < 1.0e-30
+ # Set equal scaling initially
+ @scale = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
+ # Reset distance (and thus field of view)
+ self.distance = 1.1 * @diameter
+ end
+ def center= (center)
+ if center != @center
+ @center = center
+ updateTransform()
+ updateGL()
+ end
+ end
+ def selection= (shape)
+ @selection = shape
+ if @selection_callback
+ updateGL()
+ end
+ def translate(vector)
+ @center[0] += vector[0]
+ @center[1] += vector[1]
+ @center[2] += vector[2]
+ updateTransform()
+ updateGL()
+ end
+ def selectHits(x, y, w, h)
+ mh = @maxhits
+ nhits = 0
+ makeCurrent()
+ # Where to pick
+ pickx = (@wvt.w - 2.0*x - w) / w.to_f
+ picky = (2.0*y + h - @wvt.h) / h.to_f
+ pickw = @wvt.w / w.to_f
+ pickh = @wvt.h / h.to_f
+ # Set pick projection matrix
+ GL.MatrixMode(GL::PROJECTION);
+ GL.LoadIdentity()
+ GL.Translatef(pickx, picky, 0.0)
+ GL.Scalef(pickw, pickh, 1.0)
+ case projection
+ when :PARALLEL
+ GL.Ortho(@wvt.left, @wvt.right, @wvt.bottom,, @wvt.hither, @wvt.yon)
+ GL.Frustum(@wvt.left, @wvt.right, @wvt.bottom,, @wvt.hither, @wvt.yon)
+ end
+ # Model matrix
+ GL.MatrixMode(GL::MODELVIEW);
+ GL.LoadMatrixf(@transform)
+ # Loop until room enough to fit
+ while true
+ nhits = 0
+ buffer = GL.SelectBuffer(mh)
+ GL.RenderMode(GL::SELECT);
+ GL.InitNames()
+ GL.PushName(0)
+ @scene.hit(self) if @scene
+ GL.PopName()
+ nhits = GL.RenderMode(GL::RENDER)
+ mh <<= 1
+ break if nhits >= 0
+ end
+ doneCurrent()
+ return buffer.unpack("L*"), nhits
+ end
+ def processHits(pickbuffer, nhits)
+ if nhits > 0
+ zmin = 4294967295
+ zmax = 4294967295
+ i = 0
+ while nhits > 0
+ n = pickbuffer[i]
+ d1 = pickbuffer[1+i]
+ d2 = pickbuffer[2+i]
+ if ((d1 < zmin) || ((d1 == zmin) && (d2<=zmax)))
+ zmin = d1
+ zmax = d2
+ sel = i
+ end
+ i += n + 3
+ nhits -= 1
+ end
+ return @scene.identify(pickbuffer[4 + sel])
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ def pick(x, y)
+ obj = nil
+ if @scene and @maxhits
+ pickbuffer, nhits = selectHits(x-PICK_TOL, y-PICK_TOL, PICK_TOL*2, PICK_TOL*2)
+ obj = processHits(pickbuffer, nhits) if nhits > 0
+ end
+ return obj;
+ end
+ def initializeGL
+ GL.GetError()
+ # Initialize GL context
+ GL.RenderMode(GL::RENDER)
+ # Fast hints
+ # Z-buffer test on
+ GL.DepthFunc(GL::LESS)
+ GL.DepthRange(0.0, 1.0)
+ GL.ClearDepth(1.0)
+ GL.ClearColor(@top_background[0], @top_background[1], @top_background[2], @top_background[3])
+ # No face culling
+ GL.Disable(GL::CULL_FACE)
+ GL.CullFace(GL::BACK)
+ GL.FrontFace(GL::CCW)
+ # Two sided lighting
+ GL.LightModel(GL::LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, @ambient)
+ # Preferred blend over background
+ # Light on
+ GL.Enable(GL::LIGHT0)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::AMBIENT, @light.ambient)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::DIFFUSE, @light.diffuse)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPECULAR, @light.specular)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::POSITION, @light.position)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_DIRECTION, @light.direction)
+ GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_EXPONENT, @light.exponent)
+ GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_CUTOFF, @light.cutoff)
+ GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, @light.c_attn)
+ GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::LINEAR_ATTENUATION, @light.l_attn)
+ GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, @light.q_attn)
+ # Viewer is close
+ # Material colors
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::AMBIENT, @material.ambient)
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::DIFFUSE, @material.diffuse)
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::SPECULAR, @material.specular)
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::EMISSION, @material.emission)
+ GL.Materialf(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::SHININESS, @material.shininess)
+ # Vertex colors change both diffuse and ambient
+ # Simplest and fastest drawing is default
+ GL.ShadeModel(GL::FLAT)
+ GL.Disable(GL::BLEND)
+ # Lighting
+ GL.Disable(GL::LIGHTING)
+ # No normalization of normals (it's broken on some machines anyway)
+ # Dithering if needed
+ GL.Disable(GL::DITHER)
+ end
+ def paintGL
+ # Set viewport
+ GL.Viewport(0, 0, @wvt.w, @wvt.h)
+ # Reset important stuff
+ GL.ShadeModel(GL::SMOOTH)
+ GL.Disable(GL::LIGHTING)
+ GL.Disable(GL::ALPHA_TEST)
+ GL.Disable(GL::BLEND)
+ GL.Disable(GL::DITHER)
+ GL.Disable(GL::FOG)
+ GL.Disable(GL::LOGIC_OP)
+ GL.Disable(GL::CULL_FACE)
+ # Reset matrices
+ GL.LoadIdentity
+ GL.MatrixMode(GL::MODELVIEW)
+ GL.LoadIdentity
+ # Clear to solid background
+ GL.ClearDepth(1.0)
+ GL.ClearColor(@top_background[0], @top_background[1], @top_background[2], @top_background[3])
+ if @top_background == @bottom_background
+ begin
+ rescue
+ # Raises false error on Mac
+ end
+ else # Clear to gradient background
+ begin
+ rescue
+ # Raises false error on Mac
+ end
+ GL.Disable(GL::DEPTH_TEST)
+ GL.DepthMask(GL::FALSE)
+ GL.Color(@bottom_background); GL.Vertex3f(-1.0, -1.0, 0.0); GL.Vertex3f(1.0, -1.0, 0.0)
+ GL.Color(@top_background); GL.Vertex3f(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0); GL.Vertex3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
+ begin
+ GL.End
+ rescue
+ # Raises false error on Mac
+ end
+ end
+ # Depth test on by default
+ GL.DepthMask(GL::TRUE)
+ # Switch to projection matrix
+ GL.LoadIdentity
+ case @projection
+ when :PARALLEL
+ GL.Ortho(@wvt.left, @wvt.right, @wvt.bottom,, @wvt.hither, @wvt.yon)
+ GL.Frustum(@wvt.left, @wvt.right, @wvt.bottom,, @wvt.hither, @wvt.yon)
+ end
+ # Switch to model matrix
+ GL.MatrixMode(GL::MODELVIEW)
+ GL.LoadIdentity
+ # Set light parameters
+ GL.Enable(GL::LIGHT0)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::AMBIENT, @light.ambient)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::DIFFUSE, @light.diffuse)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPECULAR, @light.specular)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::POSITION, @light.position)
+ GL.Light(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_DIRECTION, @light.direction)
+ GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_EXPONENT, @light.exponent)
+ GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::SPOT_CUTOFF, @light.cutoff)
+ GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::CONSTANT_ATTENUATION, @light.c_attn)
+ GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::LINEAR_ATTENUATION, @light.l_attn)
+ GL.Lightf(GL::LIGHT0, GL::QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION, @light.q_attn)
+ # Default material colors
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::AMBIENT, @material.ambient)
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::DIFFUSE, @material.diffuse)
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::SPECULAR, @material.specular)
+ GL.Material(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::EMISSION, @material.emission)
+ GL.Materialf(GL::FRONT_AND_BACK, GL::SHININESS, @material.shininess)
+ # Color commands change both
+ # Global ambient light
+ GL.LightModel(GL::LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, @ambient)
+ # Enable fog
+ if @options.include?(:VIEWER_FOG)
+ GL.Enable(GL::FOG)
+ GL.Fog(GL::FOG_COLOR, @top_background) # Disappear into the background
+ GL.Fogf(GL::FOG_START, (@distance - @diameter).to_f) # Range tight around model position
+ GL.Fogf(GL::FOG_END, (@distance + @diameter).to_f) # Far place same as clip plane:- clipped stuff is in the mist!
+ GL.Fogi(GL::FOG_MODE, GL::LINEAR) # Simple linear depth cueing
+ end
+ # Dithering
+ GL.Enable(GL::DITHER) if @options.include?(:VIEWER_DITHER)
+ # Enable lighting
+ GL.Enable(GL::LIGHTING) if @options.include?(:VIEWER_LIGHTING)
+ # Set model matrix
+ GL.LoadMatrixf(@transform)
+ if (@draw_axis and @draw_axis > 0)
+ # Draw axis
+ GL.PushMatrix
+ GL.LineWidth(2.5)
+ GL.Color3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ GL.Begin(GL::LINES)
+ GL.Vertex3f(-@draw_axis.to_f, 0.0, 0.0)
+ GL.Vertex3f(@draw_axis.to_f, 0.0, 0.0)
+ begin
+ GL.End
+ rescue
+ # Raises false error on Mac
+ end
+ GL.Color3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
+ GL.Begin(GL::LINES)
+ GL.Vertex3f(0, -@draw_axis, 0.0)
+ GL.Vertex3f(0, @draw_axis, 0)
+ begin
+ GL.End
+ rescue
+ # Raises false error on Mac
+ end
+ GL.Color3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
+ GL.Begin(GL::LINES)
+ GL.Vertex3f(0, 0, -@draw_axis)
+ GL.Vertex3f(0, 0, @draw_axis)
+ begin
+ GL.End
+ rescue
+ # Raises false error on Mac
+ end
+ GL.PopMatrix
+ end
+ # Draw what's visible
+ @scene.draw(self) if @scene
+ end
+ def resizeGL(width, height)
+ @wvt.w = width;
+ @wvt.h = height;
+ updateProjection()
+ end
+ def screenToEye(sx, sy, eyez)
+ e = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+ xp = (@worldpx*sx + @ax).to_f
+ yp = (@ay - @worldpx*sy).to_f
+ if @projection == :PERSPECTIVE
+ if @distance != 0.0
+ e.x = [((-eyez*xp) / @distance).to_f, ((-eyez*yp) / @distance).to_f, eyez]
+ end
+ else
+ e = [xp, yp, eyez]
+ end
+ return e;
+ end
+ def screenToTarget(sx, sy)
+ [@worldpx*sx.to_f + @ax, @ay - @worldpx*sy.to_f, -@distance.to_f]
+ end
+ def eyeToWorld(e)
+ [e[0]*@itransform[0][0] + e[1]*@itransform[1][0] + e[2]*@itransform[2][0] + @itransform[3][0],
+ e[0]*@itransform[0][1] + e[1]*@itransform[1][1] + e[2]*@itransform[2][1] + @itransform[3][1],
+ e[0]*@itransform[0][2] + e[1]*@itransform[1][2] + e[2]*@itransform[2][2] + @itransform[3][2]]
+ end
+ def worldToEyeZ(w)
+ w[0]*@transform[0][2] + w[1]*@transform[1][2] + w[2]*@transform[2][2] + @transform[3][2]
+ end
+ def calc_prime(v)
+ return [v[0]*@itransform[0][0] + v[1]*@itransform[1][0] + v[2]*@itransform[2][0] + @itransform[3][0],
+ v[0]*@itransform[0][1] + v[1]*@itransform[1][1] + v[2]*@itransform[2][1] + @itransform[3][1],
+ v[0]*@itransform[0][2] + v[1]*@itransform[1][2] + v[2]*@itransform[2][2] + @itransform[3][2]]
+ end
+ def worldVector(fx, fy, tx, ty)
+ wfm_prime = calc_prime(screenToTarget(fx, fy))
+ wto_prime = calc_prime(screenToTarget(tx, ty))
+ return [wto_prime[0] - wfm_prime[0], wto_prime[1] - wfm_prime[1], wto_prime[2] - wfm_prime[2]]
+ end
+ def spherePoint(x, y)
+ if @wvt.w > @wvt.h
+ screenmin = wvt.h.to_f
+ else
+ screenmin = wvt.w.to_f
+ end
+ v = []
+ v[0] = 2.0 * (x - 0.5*@wvt.w) / screenmin
+ v[1] = 2.0 * (0.5 * @wvt.h - y) / screenmin
+ d = v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1]
+ if d < 0.75
+ v[2] = sqrt(1.0-d)
+ elsif d < 3.0
+ d = 1.7320508008 - sqrt(d)
+ t = 1.0 - d*d
+ t = 0.0 if t < 0.0
+ v[2] = 1.0 - sqrt(t)
+ else
+ v[2] = 0.0
+ end
+ length = sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2])
+ if length > 0.0
+ return [v[0] / length, v[1] / length, v[2] / length]
+ else
+ return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
+ end
+ end
+ def turn(fx, fy, tx, ty)
+ return Quaternion.arc(spherePoint(fx,fy), spherePoint(tx,ty))
+ end
+ def mode=(mode)
+ @mode = mode
+ case @mode
+ when :ZOOMING
+ Qt::Application.setOverrideCursor(Cosmos.getCursor(Qt::SizeVerCursor))
+ when :DRAGGING
+ Qt::Application.setOverrideCursor(Cosmos.getCursor(Qt::ClosedHandCursor))
+ when :ROTATING
+ Qt::Application.setOverrideCursor(Cosmos.getCursor(Qt::CrossCursor))
+ Qt::Application.setOverrideCursor(Cosmos.getCursor(Qt::SizeAllCursor))
+ else
+ Qt::Application.restoreOverrideCursor
+ end
+ end
+ def mousePressEvent(event)
+ case event.button
+ when Qt::LeftButton
+ self.mode = :PICKING
+ if (event.buttons & Qt::RightButton.to_i) != 0
+ self.mode = :ZOOMING
+ elsif (@selection and @selection.dragable and @selection == pick(event.x, event.y))
+ self.mode = :DRAGGING
+ end
+ when Qt::RightButton
+ if (event.buttons & Qt::LeftButton.to_i) != 0
+ self.mode = :ZOOMING
+ else
+ self.mode = :POSTING
+ end
+ when Qt::MidButton
+ self.mode = :ZOOMING
+ end
+ @lastPos = event.pos
+ end
+ def mouseReleaseEvent(event)
+ case @mode
+ when :PICKING
+ self.selection = pick(event.x, event.y)
+ end
+ if (((event.buttons & Qt::RightButton.to_i) != 0) and ((event.buttons & Qt::LeftButton.to_i) != 0)) or ((event.buttons & Qt::MidButton.to_i) != 0)
+ self.mode = :ZOOMING
+ elsif (event.buttons & Qt::LeftButton.to_i) != 0
+ self.mode = :ROTATING
+ elsif (event.buttons & Qt::RightButton.to_i) != 0
+ self.mode = :TRANSLATING
+ else
+ self.mode = :HOVERING
+ end
+ end
+ def mouseMoveEvent(event)
+ dx = event.x - @lastPos.x
+ dy = event.y - @lastPos.y
+ case @mode
+ if dx.abs > 0 or dy.abs > 0
+ if @mode == :PICKING
+ self.mode = :ROTATING
+ else
+ self.mode = :TRANSLATING
+ end
+ end
+ vector = worldVector(@lastPos.x, @lastPos.y, event.x, event.y)
+ translate([-vector[0], -vector[1], -vector[2]])
+ when :DRAGGING
+ if @selection and @selection.drag(self, @lastPos.x, @lastPos.y, event.x, event.y)
+ updateGL()
+ end
+ when :ROTATING
+ self.orientation = turn(@lastPos.x, @lastPos.y, event.x, event.y) * @orientation
+ when :ZOOMING
+ delta = 0.005 * dy
+ self.zoom = @zoom * (2.0 ** delta)
+ end
+ @lastPos = event.pos
+ end
+ def wheelEvent(event)
+ self.zoom = @zoom * (2.0 ** (-0.1 * / 120.0))
+ end
+ protected
+ def updateProjection
+ # Should be non-0 size viewport
+ if @wvt.w > 0 and @wvt.h > 0
+ # Aspect ratio of viewer
+ aspect = @wvt.h.to_f / @wvt.w.to_f
+ # Get world box
+ r = 0.5 * @diameter / @zoom
+ if @wvt.w <= @wvt.h
+ @wvt.left = -r
+ @wvt.right = r
+ @wvt.bottom = -r * aspect
+ = r * aspect
+ else
+ @wvt.left = -r / aspect
+ @wvt.right = r / aspect
+ @wvt.bottom = -r
+ = r
+ end
+ @wvt.yon = @distance + @diameter
+ @wvt.hither = 0.1 * @wvt.yon
+ # Size of a pixel in world and model
+ @worldpx = (@wvt.right - @wvt.left) / @wvt.w
+ @modelpx = @worldpx * @diameter
+ # Precalc stuff for view->world backmapping
+ @ax = @wvt.left
+ @ay = - @worldpx
+ # Correction for perspective
+ if @projection == :PERSPECTIVE
+ hither_fac= @wvt.hither / @distance
+ @wvt.left *= hither_fac
+ @wvt.right *= hither_fac
+ *= hither_fac
+ @wvt.bottom *= hither_fac
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def updateTransform
+ @transform = Matrix.identity(4)
+ @transform.trans4(0.0, 0.0, -@distance.to_f)
+ @transform.rot4(@orientation);
+ @transform.scale4(@scale[0], @scale[1], @scale[2]);
+ @transform.trans4(-@center[0], -@center[1], -@center[2]);
+ @itransform = @transform.inverse
+ end
+ end # class OpenGLViewer
+end # module Cosmos