config/upstream.yml in cookstyle-6.15.9 vs config/upstream.yml in cookstyle-6.16.4
- old
+ new
@@ -397,11 +397,10 @@
# keyword on the same line.
EnforcedStyleAlignWith: start_of_line
- start_of_line
- def
- AutoCorrect: false
Severity: warning
Description: 'Checks the position of the dot in multi-line method calls.'
StyleGuide: '#consistent-multi-line-chains'
@@ -434,10 +433,18 @@
Description: 'Add an empty line after magic comments to separate them from code.'
StyleGuide: '#separate-magic-comments-from-code'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.49'
+ Description: 'Enforces empty line after multiline condition.'
+ # This is disabled, because this style is not very common in practice.
+ Enabled: false
+ VersionAdded: '0.90'
+ Reference:
+ -
Description: 'Use empty lines between defs.'
StyleGuide: '#empty-lines-between-methods'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.49'
@@ -553,11 +560,10 @@
EnforcedStyleAlignWith: keyword
- keyword
- variable
- start_of_line
- AutoCorrect: false
Severity: warning
Description: 'Use Unix-style line endings.'
StyleGuide: '#crlf'
@@ -1425,10 +1431,15 @@
Description: 'Check for duplicate method definitions.'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.29'
+ Description: 'Check for duplicate `require`s and `require_relative`s.'
+ Enabled: pending
+ VersionAdded: '0.90'
Description: 'Checks that there are no repeated exceptions used in `rescue` expressions.'
Enabled: pending
VersionAdded: '0.89'
@@ -1451,17 +1462,22 @@
Description: 'Checks for empty ensure block.'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.10'
VersionChanged: '0.48'
- AutoCorrect: false
Description: 'Checks for empty expressions.'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.45'
+ Description: 'Enforces that Ruby source files are not empty.'
+ Enabled: pending
+ AllowComments: true
+ VersionAdded: '0.90'
Description: 'Checks for empty string interpolation.'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.20'
VersionChanged: '0.45'
@@ -1854,10 +1870,15 @@
Description: 'This cop detects top level return statements with argument.'
Enabled: 'pending'
VersionAdded: '0.89'
+ Description: 'This cop checks for trailing commas in attribute declarations.'
+ Enabled: pending
+ VersionAdded: '0.90'
Description: 'Do not use prefix `_` for a variable that is used.'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.21'
AllowKeywordBlockArguments: false
@@ -1929,10 +1950,17 @@
Description: 'Checks for useless `else` in `begin..end` without `rescue`.'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.17'
+ Description: 'Checks for useless method definitions.'
+ Enabled: pending
+ VersionAdded: '0.90'
+ Safe: false
+ AllowComments: true
Description: 'Checks for useless setter call to a local variable.'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.13'
VersionChanged: '0.80'
@@ -2589,10 +2617,11 @@
Description: 'This cop identifies places where `if-elsif` constructions can be replaced with `case-when`.'
StyleGuide: '#case-vs-if-else'
Enabled: 'pending'
+ Safe: false
VersionAdded: '0.88'
Description: 'Checks for uses of character literals.'
StyleGuide: '#no-character-literals'
@@ -2606,11 +2635,10 @@
# outer parent is a module or a class. Moving from nested to compact requires
# verification that the outer parent is defined elsewhere. Rubocop does not
# have the knowledge to perform either operation safely and thus requires
# manual oversight.
SafeAutoCorrect: false
- AutoCorrect: false
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.19'
# Basically there are two different styles:
@@ -2645,10 +2673,20 @@
StyleGuide: '#def-self-class-methods'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.9'
VersionChanged: '0.20'
+ Description: 'Enforces using `def self.method_name` or `class << self` to define class methods.'
+ StyleGuide: '#def-self-class-methods'
+ Enabled: false
+ VersionAdded: '0.89'
+ EnforcedStyle: def_self
+ SupportedStyles:
+ - def_self
+ - self_class
Description: 'Avoid the use of class variables.'
StyleGuide: '#no-class-vars'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.13'
@@ -2685,10 +2723,18 @@
Description: 'Do not use :: for defining class methods.'
StyleGuide: '#colon-method-definition'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.52'
+ Description: >-
+ Checks for places where multiple consecutive loops over the same data
+ can be combined into a single loop.
+ Enabled: pending
+ Safe: false
+ VersionAdded: '0.90'
Description: 'Use `` or %x around command literals.'
StyleGuide: '#percent-x'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.30'
@@ -3019,11 +3065,11 @@
# comments (e.g. `# frozen_string_literal: false`) to be enabled.
- always_true
# `never` will enforce that the frozen string literal comment does not
# exist in a file.
- never
- Safe: false
+ SafeAutoCorrect: false
Description: 'Enforces the use of `$stdout/$stderr/$stdin` instead of `STDOUT/STDERR/STDIN`.'
StyleGuide: '#global-stdout'
Enabled: pending
@@ -3099,19 +3145,21 @@
UseHashRocketsWithSymbolValues: false
# Do not suggest { a?: 1 } over { :a? => 1 } in ruby19 style
PreferHashRocketsForNonAlnumEndingSymbols: false
- Description: 'Prefer `transform_keys` over `each_with_object` and `map`.'
+ Description: 'Prefer `transform_keys` over `each_with_object`, `map`, or `to_h`.'
Enabled: 'pending'
VersionAdded: '0.80'
+ VersionChanged: '0.90'
Safe: false
- Description: 'Prefer `transform_values` over `each_with_object` and `map`.'
+ Description: 'Prefer `transform_values` over `each_with_object`, `map`, or `to_h`.'
Enabled: 'pending'
VersionAdded: '0.80'
+ VersionChanged: '0.90'
Safe: false
Description: >-
Checks that conditional statements do not have an identical
@@ -3204,10 +3252,16 @@
# Allow addresses to be permitted
- "::"
# :: is a valid IPv6 address, but could potentially be legitimately in code
+ Description: 'Enforces that optional keyword parameters are placed at the end of the parameters list.'
+ StyleGuide: '#keyword-parameters-order'
+ Enabled: pending
+ VersionAdded: '0.90'
Description: 'Use the new lambda literal syntax for single-line blocks.'
StyleGuide: '#lambda-multi-line'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.9'
@@ -3577,11 +3631,10 @@
Safe: false
# This will change to a new method call which isn't guaranteed to be on the
# object. Switching these methods has to be done with knowledge of the types
# of the variables which rubocop doesn't have.
SafeAutoCorrect: false
- AutoCorrect: false
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.42'
VersionChanged: '0.59'
EnforcedStyle: predicate
@@ -3593,16 +3646,17 @@
- 'spec/**/*'
Description: >-
- Favor the ternary operator(?:) over
- if/then/else/end constructs.
+ Favor the ternary operator (?:) or multi-line constructs over
+ single-line if/then/else/end constructs.
StyleGuide: '#ternary-operator'
Enabled: true
+ AlwaysCorrectToMultiline: false
VersionAdded: '0.9'
- VersionChanged: '0.38'
+ VersionChanged: '0.90'
Description: "Don't use option hashes when you can use keyword arguments."
Enabled: false
VersionAdded: '0.33'
@@ -3829,10 +3883,16 @@
StyleGuide: '#no-self-unless-required'
Enabled: true
VersionAdded: '0.10'
VersionChanged: '0.13'
+ Description: 'Checks for places where redundant assignments are made for in place modification methods.'
+ Enabled: pending
+ Safe: false
+ VersionAdded: '0.90'
Description: >-
Use `min` instead of `sort.first`,
`max_by` instead of `sort_by...last`, etc.
Enabled: true
@@ -3980,9 +4040,17 @@
Description: 'Checks array slicing is done with endless ranges when suitable.'
Enabled: pending
VersionAdded: '0.83'
Safe: false
+ Description: >-
+ Finds sole nested conditional nodes
+ which can be merged into outer conditional node.
+ Enabled: pending
+ VersionAdded: '0.89'
+ AllowModifier: false
Description: 'Avoid Perl-style global variables.'
StyleGuide: '#no-cryptic-perlisms'
Enabled: true