lib/ext/active_support_subset.rb in contextr-0.1.9 vs lib/ext/active_support_subset.rb in contextr-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,50 +1,5 @@
unless Object.const_defined? "ActiveSupport"
- class Module
- # Encapsulates the common pattern of:
- #
- # alias_method :foo_without_feature, :foo
- # alias_method :foo, :foo_with_feature
- #
- # With this, you simply do:
- #
- # alias_method_chain :foo, :feature
- #
- # And both aliases are set up for you.
- #
- # Query and bang methods (foo?, foo!) keep the same punctuation:
- #
- # alias_method_chain :foo?, :feature
- #
- # is equivalent to
- #
- # alias_method :foo_without_feature?, :foo?
- # alias_method :foo?, :foo_with_feature?
- #
- # so you can safely chain foo, foo?, and foo! with the same feature.
- def alias_method_chain(target, feature)
- # Strip out punctuation on predicates or bang methods since
- # e.g. target?_without_feature is not a valid method name.
- aliased_target, punctuation = target.to_s.sub(/([?!=])$/, ''), $1
- yield(aliased_target, punctuation) if block_given?
- with_method = "#{aliased_target}_with_#{feature}#{punctuation}"
- without_method = "#{aliased_target}_without_#{feature}#{punctuation}"
- alias_method without_method, target
- alias_method target, with_method
- case
- when public_method_defined?(without_method)
- public target
- when protected_method_defined?(without_method)
- protected target
- when private_method_defined?(without_method)
- private target
- end
- end
- end
# The Inflector transforms words from singular to plural, class names to
# table names, modularized class names to ones without, and class names to
# foreign keys. The default inflections for pluralization, singularization,
# and uncountable words are kept in inflections.rb.
module Inflector #:nodoc: