in contexto-0.1.1 vs in contexto-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -66,28 +66,43 @@
### SSH
-You can also get Contexto to spit out an SSH command you can use to connect to
-a specific container.
+You can also get Contexto to connect via SSH to a Rails console or run a `rake` task.
-To do so specify the cluster, servicec and container and the `--ssh`
+#### Rails console
+To connect to a Rails console, specify the cluster, service and container and the `--console` flag.
-$ contexto -c sandbox -s backend-app -t app --ssh
+$ contexto -c sandbox -s backend-app -t app --console
** Contexto Contextualizes **
-ssh -t -A "ssh -t ec2-user@ 'docker exec -it \$(docker ps | grep ecs-sandbox-backend-app-.*-app | cut -d\ -f1) bin/rails c'"
+I, [2017-03-28T22:36:35.555604 #181] INFO -- sentry: ** [Raven] Raven 2.4.0 ready to catch errors
+Loading sandbox environment (Rails 5.0.1)
-## TODO
+#### Rake tasks
-1. Automate the SSH login process.
-2. ???
+You can run `rake` tasks. To run the `test` task you would do:
+$ contexto -c sandbox -s backend-app -t sidekiq --rake test
+ ** Contexto Contextualizes **
+Run options: --seed 52808
+# Running:
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.