exe/c_run in console_runner-0.1.1 vs exe/c_run in console_runner-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,86 +1,7 @@
-# #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# require 'trollop'
-# lib = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib')
-# $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) if File.directory?(lib) && !$LOAD_PATH.include?(lib)
-# require '../lib/file_parser'
-# require '../lib/cmd_parser'
-# require '../lib/runner'
-# file_path = ENV['DEBUG_FILE']
-# file_path ||= File.realpath ARGV.shift
-# file_parser = FileParser.new(file_path)
-# runnable_classes = file_parser.list_classes(:runnable)
-# raise "One runnable Class should be specified in file.
-# Runnable class should be marked with @#{FileParser::RUNNABLE_TAG.to_s} tag" if runnable_classes.count != 1
-# clazz = runnable_classes.first
-# all_methods = file_parser.list_methods(:all, clazz)
-# runnable_methods = file_parser.list_methods(:runnable, clazz)
-# initialize_method = all_methods.find{|m| m.name == :initialize}
-# run_method = all_methods.find{|m| m.name == :run}
-# cmd_parser = CmdParser.new(runnable_methods, initialize_method)
-# cmd = ARGV[0]
-# action_method = runnable_methods.find { |m| m.name.to_s == cmd } # get the subcommand
-# action_method ||= run_method
-# cmd_parser.parse_method action_method
-# raise "Cannot run #{cmd} command because method is nil" unless action_method
-# puts "======================================================="
-# puts "Global options:"
-# puts cmd_parser.global_opts.map{|k,v| " #{k} = #{v}" }.join("\n")
-# if initialize_method
-# puts "INIT: #{initialize_method.name}"
-# puts "INIT options:"
-# puts cmd_parser.init_method.cmd_opts.map{|k,v| " #{k} = #{v}" }.join("\n")
-# end
-# puts "Subcommand: #{action_method.name}"
-# puts "Subcommand options:"
-# puts cmd_parser.method.cmd_opts.map{|k,v| " #{k} = #{v}" }.join("\n")
-# puts "Remaining arguments: #{ARGV.inspect}" if ARGV != []
-# puts "======================================================="
-# Runner.run{
-# require file_path
-# class_full_name = clazz.title
-# raise "#{class_full_name} is not defined" unless Module.const_defined?(class_full_name)
-# klass_obj = Module.const_get(class_full_name)
-# method_type = action_method.scope
-# method_params = cmd_parser.method.params_array
-# case method_type
-# when :class
-# klass_obj.send(action_method.name, *method_params)
-# when :instance
-# init_params = cmd_parser.init_method.params_array
-# # TODO catch errors
-# obj = klass_obj.new(*init_params)
-# obj.send(action_method.name, *method_params)
-# else
-# raise "Unknown method type: #{method_type}"
-# end
-# }
-# # raise "#{clazz.name}#initialize method should be specified" unless initialize_method
-# #
-# # raise "At least one method should be marked with @#{FileParser::RUNNABLE_TAG.to_s} tag.
-# # Also you may specify #run method and it will be executed by default.
-# # #run method don't need any code annotations as well." if runnable_methods.count == 0 unless run_method
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require_relative '../test/simple_cov' if ENV['C_RUNNER_SCOV'].to_s == 'true'
+lib = File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) if File.directory?(lib) && !$LOAD_PATH.include?(lib)
+require 'console_runner'
\ No newline at end of file