in console_runner-0.1.2 vs in console_runner-0.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -23,11 +23,88 @@
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install console_runner
## Usage
+Usage is simple. First of all you need to add `gem 'console_runner'` in your `Gemfile`.
+Then you need to specify `@runnable` tag in your class and method annotations. For example,
+# This is basic Ruby class with YARD annotation.
+# Nothing special here except @runnable tag. This is a `console_runner` tag that
+# shows that this class can be runnable via bash command line.
+# You can mark any method (class method or instance method) with @runnable tag to show you want the method to be executable.
+# We name class method as *class action* and instance method as *instance action* or just *action*.
+# Instance action requires #initialize method to be executed first. `console_runner` tool invokes #initialize
+# method automatically.
+# @author Yuri Karpovich
+# @runnable This is your "smart" assistant tool.
+# NOTE: This message will be shown in your tool in --help menu.
+# @since 0.1.0
+class SimpleSiri
-TODO: Write usage instructions here
+ def initialize
+ @name = 'Siri'
+ @age = Random.rand 100
+ end
+ # Say something
+ #
+ # @runnable
+ # @return [String]
+ # @param [String] what_to_say ask name or age of Siri
+ def say(what_to_say)
+ case what_to_say.downcase
+ when 'name'
+ puts 'My name is ' + @name
+ when 'age'
+ puts "I'm #{@age} years old"
+ else
+ puts "I don't know".green
+ end
+ end
+Then you can run the tool in your console:
+c_run ruby_class.rb say --help
+This is your "smart" assistant tool.
+NOTE: This message will be shown in your tool in --help menu.
+ -h, --help Show this message
+ -w, --what-to-say=<s> (Ruby class: String) ask name or age of Siri
+ c_run ruby_class.rb say -w age
+Global options:
+ help = false
+INIT: initialize
+INIT options:
+Subcommand: say
+Subcommand options:
+ what_to_say = age
+Start Time: 2017-04-11 21:39:40 +0300
+I'm 78 years old
+Finish Time: 2017-04-11 21:39:40 +0300 (Duration: 0.0 minutes)
+## ToDo
+- fix help menu for action: action help text should be displayed.
+- add tests for class actions
+- add tests for same methods naming
+- write good readme
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
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