exe/conoha in conoha-0.7.2 vs exe/conoha in conoha-0.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -33,16 +33,35 @@
case subcommand
when 'version', '--version', '-v'
puts ConohaVersion::ITSELF
when 'authenticate'
- Conoha.authenticate!
+ if ARGV.size == 0
+ Conoha.authenticate!
+ else
+ Conoha.authenticate_user! ARGV.first
+ end
rescue => e
+ STDERR.puts e
STDERR.puts "Failed to authenticate."
STDERR.puts "Retry after modifying \"~/.conoha-config.json\"."
exit 1
puts 'Succeeded!'
+when 'whoami'
+ result = Conoha.whoami
+ if result.class == Fixnum
+ case result
+ when 1
+ puts "\"accounts\" doesn't exist in \"~/.conoha-config.json\"."
+ when 2
+ puts "\"accounts\" doesn't have \"#{Conoha.username}\"."
+ else
+ puts "fixnum else"
+ end
+ else
+ puts result
+ end
when 'vpslist'
pp Conoha.vps_list
when 'status'
exit 1 if ARGV.size != 1
pp Conoha.status_of server_id(ARGV.first)