lib/conjur/command/variables.rb in conjur-cli-4.24.0 vs lib/conjur/command/variables.rb in conjur-cli-4.25.0
- old
+ new
@@ -32,59 +32,61 @@
c.arg_name "value"
c.desc "Initial value, which may also be specified as the second command argument after the variable id"
c.flag [:v, :"value"]
- acting_as_option(c)
- c.arg_name 'interactive'
- c.desc 'Create variable interactively'
- c.switch [:i, :'interactive']
+ acting_as_option c
+ annotate_option c
+ interactive_option c
c.action do |global_options,options, args|
@default_mime_type = c.flags[:m].default_value
@default_kind = c.flags[:k].default_value
id = args.shift unless args.empty?
value = args.shift unless args.empty?
- raise "Received conflicting value arguments" if value && options[:value]
+ exit_now! "Received conflicting value arguments" if value && options[:value]
- groupid = options[:'ownerid']
- mime_type = options.delete(:m)
- kind = options.delete(:k)
- value ||= options.delete(:v)
- options.delete(:'interactive')
- options.delete(:"mime-type")
- options.delete(:"kind")
- options.delete(:'value')
+ groupid = options[:ownerid]
+ mime_type = options[:m]
+ kind = options[:k]
+ value ||= options[:v]
+ interactive = options[:interactive] || id.blank?
+ annotate = options[:annotate]
+ exit_now! "Received --annotate option without --interactive" if annotate && !interactive
annotations = {}
- # If the user asked for interactive mode, or he didn't specify
- # both an id and a value, prompt for any missing options.
- if options.delete(:i) || !(id && value)
- id ||= prompt_for_id
+ # If the user asked for interactive mode, or he didn't specify and id
+ # prompt for any missing options.
+ if interactive
+ id ||= prompt_for_id :variable
groupid ||= prompt_for_group
kind = prompt_for_kind if !kind || kind == @default_kind
+ mime_type = prompt_for_mime_type if mime_type.blank? || mime_type == @default_mime_type
- mime_type = prompt_for_mime_type if !mime_type || mime_type == @default_mime_type
+ annotations = prompt_for_annotations if annotate
- annotations = prompt_for_annotations
value ||= prompt_for_value
+ prompt_to_confirm :variable, "Id" => id,
+ "Kind" => kind,
+ "MIME type" => mime_type,
+ "Owner" => groupid,
+ "Value" => value
- options[:id] = id
- options[:value] = value
- options[:'ownerid'] = groupid if groupid
- var = api.create_variable(mime_type, kind, options)
+ variable_options = { id: id }
+ variable_options[:ownerid] = groupid if groupid
+ variable_options[:value] = value unless value.blank?
+ var = api.create_variable(mime_type, kind, variable_options)
api.resource(var).annotations.merge!(annotations) if annotations && !annotations.empty?
display(var, options)
@@ -98,20 +100,22 @@
var.desc "Decommission a variable"
var.arg_name "id"
var.command :retire do |c|
+ retire_options c
c.action do |global_options,options,args|
id = require_arg(args, 'id')
variable = api.variable(id)
+ validate_retire_privileges variable, options
retire_resource variable
+ give_away_resource variable, options
- puts "Giving ownership to 'attic'"
- variable.resource.give_to api.user('attic')
puts "Variable retired"
var.desc "List variables"
@@ -147,60 +151,26 @@
c.action do |global_options,options,args|
id = require_arg(args, 'variable')
$stdout.write api.variable(id).value(options[:version])
- def self.prompt_for_id
- highline.ask('Enter the id: ')
- end
- def self.prompt_for_group
- highline.ask('Enter the group: ', ->(name) { @group && @group.roleid } ) do |q|
- q.validate = ->(name) do
- name.empty? || (@group =
- end
- q.responses[:not_valid] = "Group '<%= @answer %>' doesn't exist, or you don't have permission to use it"
- end
- end
def self.prompt_for_kind
highline.ask('Enter the kind: ') {|q| q.default = @default_kind }
def self.prompt_for_mime_type
- highline.ask('Enter the MIME type: ') {|q| q.default = @default_mime_type }
- end
- def self.prompt_for_annotations
- highline.say('Add annotations (press enter to finish):')
- {}.tap do |annotations|
- until (name = highline.ask('annotation name: ')).empty?
- annotations[name] = read_till_eof('annotation value (^D to finish):')
+ highline.choose do |menu|
+ menu.prompt = 'Enter the MIME type: '
+ menu.choice @default_mime_type
+ menu.choices *%w(application/json application/xml application/x-yaml application/x-pem-file)
+ menu.choice "other", nil do |c|
+ @highline.ask('Enter a custom mime type: ')
def self.prompt_for_value
- read_till_eof('Enter the value (^D on its own line to finish):')
- end
- def self.highline
- require 'highline'
- @highline ||=$stdin,$stderr)
- end
- def self.read_till_eof(prompt = nil)
- highline.say(prompt) if prompt
- [].tap do |lines|
- loop do
- begin
- lines << highline.ask('')
- rescue EOFError
- break
- end
- end
- end.join("\n")
+ read_till_eof('Enter the secret value (^D on its own line to finish):')