Rakefile in congruence_solver-0.3.1 vs Rakefile in congruence_solver-0.3.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,87 +1,107 @@
-#require "bundler/gem_tasks"
-require "rspec/core/rake_task"
-require "rake/extensiontask"
-require "os"
-#exe runs the csolve binary
-task :exe do
- $LOAD_PATH << "#{Dir.pwd}/lib/"
- require_relative "bin/csolve.rb"
-#spec runs all RSpec examples
-RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new :spec
-#uses task template provided by rake-compiler to run the extension compilation
-#workflow. Task name: compile (do not use task name: ext)
-Rake::ExtensionTask.new 'congruence_solver' do |ext|
- ext.lib_dir = "lib/congruence_solver"
-task :bench do
- $LOAD_PATH << "#{Dir.pwd}/lib/"
- Dir.foreach("bench") do |bm_file|
- path = "bench/#{bm_file}"
- if File.file? path and path =~ "_bm.rb^"
- require_relative path
- end
- end
-#update submodule containing extension.
-task :fetch_ext do
- EXT_DIR = "ext/congruence_solver"
- `git submodule update --init --remote #{EXT_DIR}`
-#executes compile task defined above, then cleans up the tmp directory that
-#rake-compiler leaves behind for some reason
-task :compile_ext => :compile do
- if OS.windows? then
- `rmdir /s /q tmp`
- else
- `rm -rf tmp`
- end
-task :update_ext => [:fetch_ext, :compile_ext]
-task :clean do
- FILES_TO_RM_ARY = %w[congruence_solver-*.gem
- lib/congruence_solver/congruence_solver.so]
- file_to_rm_str = FILES_TO_RM_ARY.inject("") {|file_list, file| file_list += file + " "}
- if OS.windows?
- `rm -f #{file_to_rm_str}`
- else
- `rm -f #{file_to_rm_str}`
- end
-task :build => [:compile_ext] do
- GEMSPEC = "congruence_solver.gemspec"
- `gem build #{GEMSPEC}`
-task :install => [:clean, :build] do
- dot_gem_files = Dir.entries(Dir.pwd).select {|f| f =~ /congruence_solver\-.*\.gem/}
- if dot_gem_files.empty?
- STDERR.puts "Failed to build gem. Exiting."
- elsif dot_gem_files.length > 1
- STDERR.puts "Error: conflicting .gem files in directory. Exiting."
- else
- `gem install #{dot_gem_files.first}`
- end
+#require "bundler/gem_tasks"
+require "rspec/core/rake_task"
+require "rake/extensiontask"
+require "os"
+def verbose_sh_exec(cmd)
+ puts cmd
+ `#{cmd}`
+def verbose_rm_files(files_to_rm_ary)
+ if OS.windows?
+ rm_cmd = "rm /s /q"
+ else
+ rm_cmd = "rm -rf"
+ end
+ files_to_rm_ary.each {|fname| verbose_sh_exec "#{rm_cmd} #{fname}"}
+# runs the csolve binary
+task :exe do
+ $LOAD_PATH << "#{Dir.pwd}/lib/"
+ require_relative "bin/csolve.rb"
+#spec runs all RSpec examples
+RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new :spec
+# run the tests shipped the extension
+task :ctest => [:compile_ext] do
+ verbose_sh_exec "(cd ext/congruence_solver && make test)"
+task :test => [:ctest, :spec]
+# uses task template provided by rake-compiler to run the extension compilation
+# workflow
+Rake::ExtensionTask.new 'congruence_solver' do |ext|
+ ext.lib_dir = "lib/congruence_solver"
+# runs benchmarks
+task :bench do
+ $LOAD_PATH << "#{Dir.pwd}/lib/"
+ Dir.foreach("bench") do |bm_file|
+ path = "bench/#{bm_file}"
+ if File.file? path and path =~ "_bm.rb^"
+ require_relative path
+ end
+ end
+# download source files for the extension
+task :download_ext do
+ congruences_lib_url="https://github.com/laneb/congruences/archive/master.zip"
+ ext_dir = "ext/congruence_solver"
+ verbose_sh_exec "(cd #{ext_dir} && wget #{congruences_lib_url} && unzip master.zip && cp -r congruences-master/* . && rm -rf master.zip congruences-master )"
+# executes compile task defined by RSpec, then cleans up the tmp directory that
+# rake-compiler for some reason leaves behind
+task :compile_ext => [:compile] do
+ verbose_rm_files ["./tmp"]
+# remove all the source files for the extension
+task :purge_ext do
+ ext_files = `ls ext/congruence_solver`.split("\n").map {|fname| "ext/congruence_solver/" + fname}
+ perm_ext_files = `git ls-files ext/congruence_solver`.split("\n")
+ files_to_rm = ext_files - perm_ext_files
+ verbose_rm_files files_to_rm
+task :update_ext => [:purge_ext, :download_ext, :compile_ext]
+# remove files generated or left behind by build
+task :clean do
+ files_to_rm = `find ext/congruence_solver/* -not -path "*.[ch]" -not -path *Makefile -not -path *extconf.rb`.split("\n")
+ verbose_rm_files files_to_rm
+# build Ruby gem
+task :build => [:compile_ext] do
+ gemspec = "congruence_solver.gemspec"
+ verbose_sh_exec "gem build #{gemspec}"
+# install gem locally
+task :install => [:clean, :update_ext, :test, :build] do
+ dot_gem_files = Dir.entries(Dir.pwd).select {|f| f =~ /congruence_solver\-.*\.gem/}
+ if dot_gem_files.empty?
+ STDERR.puts "Failed to build gem. Exiting."
+ elsif dot_gem_files.length > 1
+ STDERR.puts "Error: conflicting .gem files in directory. Exiting."
+ else
+ verbose_sh_exec "gem install #{dot_gem_files.first}"
+ end
+task :publish => [:clean, :update_ext, :build] do
+ cmd = "gem push *.gem"
+ p cmd
+ system cmd