lib/configurable/utils.rb in configurable-0.5.0 vs lib/configurable/utils.rb in configurable-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
module Configurable
- # Utility methods to dump and load configurations, particularly nested
- # configurations.
+ # Utility methods to dump and load Configurable class configurations.
module Utils
- default_dump_block = lambda do |key, delegate|
- default = delegate.default(false)
+ default_dump_block = lambda do |key, config|
# note: this causes order to be lost...
- default = default.to_hash if delegate.is_nest?
- YAML.dump({key => default})[5..-1]
+ YAML.dump({key => config.default})[5..-1]
# A block performing the default YAML dump.
DEFAULT_DUMP = default_dump_block
@@ -21,13 +17,13 @@
# A block performing the default load.
DEFAULT_LOAD = default_load_block
- # Dumps delegates to target as yaml. Delegates are output in order, and
- # symbol keys are be stringified if delegates has been extended with
- # IndifferentAccess (this produces a nicer config file).
+ # Dumps configurations to target as yaml. Configs are output in order,
+ # and symbol keys are be stringified if configurations has been extended
+ # with IndifferentAccess (this produces a nicer config file).
# class DumpExample
# include Configurable
# config :sym, :value # a symbol config
@@ -38,11 +34,11 @@
# # => %q{
# # sym: :value
# # str: value
# # }
- # Dump may be provided with a block to format each (key, delegate) pair;
+ # Dump may be provided with a block to format each (key, Config) pair;
# the block results are pushed directly to target, so newlines must be
# specified manually.
# Utils.dump(DumpExample.configurations, "\n") do |key, delegate|
# yaml = YAML.dump({key => delegate.default})[5..-1]
@@ -55,31 +51,31 @@
# # # a string config
# # str: value
# #
# # }
- def dump(delegates, target="")
- return dump(delegates, target, &DEFAULT_DUMP) unless block_given?
+ def dump(configs, target="")
+ return dump(configs, target, &DEFAULT_DUMP) unless block_given?
- stringify = delegates.kind_of?(IndifferentAccess)
- delegates.each_pair do |key, delegate|
+ stringify = configs.kind_of?(IndifferentAccess)
+ configs.each_pair do |key, config|
key = key.to_s if stringify && key.kind_of?(Symbol)
- target << yield(key, delegate)
+ target << yield(key, config)
- # Dumps the delegates to the specified file. If recurse is true, nested
- # configurations are each dumped to their own file, based on the nesting
+ # Dumps the configurations to the specified file. If recurse is true,
+ # nested configs are each dumped to their own file, based on the nesting
# key. For instance if you nested a in b:
# a_configs = {
- # 'key' =>, :w, 'a default')}
+ # 'key' =>, :w, 'a default')}
# b_configs = {
- # 'key' =>, :w, 'b default')}
- # 'a' =>, :w,}}
+ # 'key' =>, :w, 'b default')}
+ # 'a' =>, :w,}}
# Utils.dump_file(b_configs, 'b.yml')
#'b.yml') # => "key: b default"
#'b/a.yml') # => "key: a default"
@@ -91,31 +87,28 @@
# dumping, so that the dump results can be redirected other places than the
# file system. If preview is set to false, no files will be created. The
# preview dumps are always returned by dump_file.
# ==== Note
- # For load_file to correctly load a recursive dump, all delegate hashes
- # must use String keys. Symbol keys are allowed if the delegate hashes use
+ # For load_file to correctly load a recursive dump, all config hashes
+ # must use String keys. Symbol keys are allowed if the config hashes use
# IndifferentAccess; all other keys will not load properly. By default
# Configurable is set up to satisfy these conditions.
# 1.8 Bug: Currently dump_file with recurse=false will cause order to be
# lost in nested configs. See
- def dump_file(delegates, path, recurse=false, preview=false, &block)
- return dump_file(delegates, path, recurse, preview, &DEFAULT_DUMP) unless block_given?
+ def dump_file(configs, path, recurse=false, preview=false, &block)
+ return dump_file(configs, path, recurse, preview, &DEFAULT_DUMP) unless block_given?
current = ""
dumps = [[path, current]]
- dump(delegates, current) do |key, delegate|
- if recurse && delegate.is_nest?
- nested_delegates = delegate.default(false).delegates
- nested_dumps = dump_file(nested_delegates, recursive_path(key, path), true, true, &block)
- dumps.concat(nested_dumps)
+ dump(configs, current) do |key, config|
+ if recurse && config.kind_of?(NestConfig)
+ dumps.concat(dump_file(config.nest_class.configurations, recursive_path(key, path), true, true, &block))
- yield(key, delegate)
+ yield(key, config)
dumps.each do |dump_path, content|
dir = File.dirname(dump_path)
\ No newline at end of file