CHANGELOG in compo-0.2.0 vs CHANGELOG in compo-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
+0.3.0 (2014-05-21)
+ - Require bundler 1.6.
+ - Remove some unnecessary checks for nil: Parentless should be used instead.
+ (This could be construed as a backwards incompatibility, hence the version
+ bump.)
+ - Factor out branch mixins into a new Branch mixin.
+ - Some Rubocop fixes.
0.2.0 (2013-12-29)
- (BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBILITY) Implement Parentless as a null object for the
result of calling #parent on a parentless child. This case now returns
an instance of Parentless, not nil.
- #remove_child no longer exists, as Parentless calls #update_child with