lib/compass/compiler.rb in compass-sourcemaps-0.12.3.sourcemaps.a4836f1 vs lib/compass/compiler.rb in compass-sourcemaps-0.12.4.sourcemaps.a4836f1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,200 +1,200 @@
-module Compass
- class Compiler
- include Actions
- attr_accessor :working_path, :from, :to, :options, :sass_options, :staleness_checker, :importer
- def initialize(working_path, from, to, options)
- self.working_path = working_path.to_s
- self.from, = File.expand_path(from), to
- self.logger = options.delete(:logger)
- sass_opts = options.delete(:sass) || {}
- self.options = options
- self.sass_options = options.dup
- self.sass_options.delete(:quiet)
- self.sass_options.update(sass_opts)
- self.sass_options[:cache_location] ||= determine_cache_location
- self.sass_options[:importer] = self.importer =
- self.sass_options[:compass] ||= {}
- self.sass_options[:compass][:logger] = self.logger
- self.sass_options[:compass][:environment] = Compass.configuration.environment
- self.staleness_checker =
- end
- def determine_cache_location
- Compass.configuration.cache_path || Sass::Plugin.options[:cache_location] || File.join(working_path, ".sass-cache")
- end
- def sass_files(options = {})
- exclude_partials = options.fetch(:exclude_partials, true)
- @sass_files = self.options[:sass_files] || Dir.glob(separate("#{from}/**/#{'[^_]' if exclude_partials}*.s[ac]ss"))
- end
- def relative_stylesheet_name(sass_file)
- sass_file[(from.length + 1)..-1]
- end
- def stylesheet_name(sass_file)
- if sass_file.index(from) == 0
- sass_file[(from.length + 1)..-6].sub(/\.css$/,'')
- else
- raise Compass::Error, "You must compile individual stylesheets from the project directory."
- end
- end
- def css_files
- @css_files ||={|sass_file| corresponding_css_file(sass_file)}
- end
- def corresponding_css_file(sass_file)
- "#{to}/#{stylesheet_name(sass_file)}.css"
- end
- def target_directories
-{|css_file| File.dirname(css_file)}.uniq.sort.sort_by{|d| d.length }
- end
- # Returns the sass file that needs to be compiled, if any.
- def out_of_date?
- do |sass_filename, css_filename|
- return sass_filename if needs_update?(css_filename, sass_filename)
- end
- false
- end
- def needs_update?(css_filename, sass_filename)
- staleness_checker.stylesheet_needs_update?(css_filename, File.expand_path(sass_filename), importer)
- end
- # Determines if the configuration file is newer than any css file
- def new_config?
- config_file = Compass.detect_configuration_file
- return false unless config_file
- config_mtime = File.mtime(config_file)
- css_files.each do |css_filename|
- return config_file if File.exists?(css_filename) && config_mtime > File.mtime(css_filename)
- end
- nil
- end
- def clean!
- remove options[:cache_location]
- css_files.each do |css_file|
- remove css_file
- end
- end
- def run
- failure_count = 0
- if new_config?
- # Wipe out the cache and force compilation if the configuration has changed.
- remove options[:cache_location] if options[:cache_location]
- options[:force] = true
- end
- # Make sure the target directories exist
- target_directories.each {|dir| directory dir}
- # Compile each sass file.
- result = timed do
- do |sass_filename, css_filename|
- begin
- compile_if_required sass_filename, css_filename
- rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e
- failure_count += 1
- handle_exception(sass_filename, css_filename, e)
- end
- end
- end
- if options[:time]
- puts "Compilation took #{(result.__duration * 1000).round / 1000.0}s"
- end
- return failure_count
- end
- def compile_if_required(sass_filename, css_filename)
- if should_compile?(sass_filename, css_filename)
- compile sass_filename, css_filename
- else
- logger.record :unchanged, basename(sass_filename) unless options[:quiet]
- end
- end
- def timed
- start_time =
- res = yield
- end_time =
- res.instance_variable_set("@__duration", end_time - start_time)
- def res.__duration
- @__duration
- end
- res
- end
- # Compile one Sass file
- def compile(sass_filename, css_filename)
- start_time = end_time = nil
- css_content, map = do
- timed do
- if sass_options[:sourcemap]
- engine(sass_filename, css_filename).render_with_sourcemap("#{File.basename(css_filename)}.map")
- else
- engine(sass_filename, css_filename).render
- end
- end
- end
- duration = options[:time] ? "(#{(css_content.__duration * 1000).round / 1000.0}s)" : ""
- write_file(css_filename, css_content, options.merge(:force => true, :extra => duration))
- if sass_options[:sourcemap]
- css_filename_clean = css_filename.gsub(/\\/, '/')
- sourcemap = map.to_json(:css_path => css_filename_clean, :sourcemap_path => "#{css_filename_clean}.map")
- write_file("#{css_filename}.map", sourcemap, options.merge(:force => true, :extra => duration))
- end
- Compass.configuration.run_stylesheet_saved(css_filename)
- end
- def should_compile?(sass_filename, css_filename)
- options[:force] || needs_update?(css_filename, sass_filename)
- end
- # A sass engine for compiling a single file.
- def engine(sass_filename, css_filename)
- syntax = (sass_filename =~ /\.(s[ac]ss)$/) && $1.to_sym || :sass
- opts = sass_options.merge(:filename => sass_filename, :css_filename => css_filename, :syntax => syntax)
-, opts)
- end
- # Place the syntax error into the target css file,
- # formatted to display in the browser (in development mode)
- # if there's an error.
- def handle_exception(sass_filename, css_filename, e)
- exception_file = basename(e.sass_filename)
- file = basename(sass_filename)
- exception_file = nil if exception_file == file
- formatted_error = "(Line #{e.sass_line}#{ " of #{exception_file}" if exception_file}: #{e.message})"
- logger.record :error, file, formatted_error
- Compass.configuration.run_stylesheet_error(sass_filename, formatted_error)
- write_file css_filename, error_contents(e, sass_filename), options.merge(:force => true)
- end
- # Haml refactored this logic in 2.3, this is backwards compatibility for either one
- def error_contents(e, sass_filename)
- if Sass::SyntaxError.respond_to?(:exception_to_css)
- e.sass_template = sass_filename
- Sass::SyntaxError.exception_to_css(e, :full_exception => show_full_exception?)
- else
- Sass::Plugin.options[:full_exception] ||= show_full_exception?
- Sass::Plugin.send(:exception_string, e)
- end
- end
- # We don't want to show the full exception in production environments.
- def show_full_exception?
- Compass.configuration.environment == :development
- end
- end
+module Compass
+ class Compiler
+ include Actions
+ attr_accessor :working_path, :from, :to, :options, :sass_options, :staleness_checker, :importer
+ def initialize(working_path, from, to, options)
+ self.working_path = working_path.to_s
+ self.from, = File.expand_path(from), to
+ self.logger = options.delete(:logger)
+ sass_opts = options.delete(:sass) || {}
+ self.options = options
+ self.sass_options = options.dup
+ self.sass_options.delete(:quiet)
+ self.sass_options.update(sass_opts)
+ self.sass_options[:cache_location] ||= determine_cache_location
+ self.sass_options[:importer] = self.importer =
+ self.sass_options[:compass] ||= {}
+ self.sass_options[:compass][:logger] = self.logger
+ self.sass_options[:compass][:environment] = Compass.configuration.environment
+ self.staleness_checker =
+ end
+ def determine_cache_location
+ Compass.configuration.cache_path || Sass::Plugin.options[:cache_location] || File.join(working_path, ".sass-cache")
+ end
+ def sass_files(options = {})
+ exclude_partials = options.fetch(:exclude_partials, true)
+ @sass_files = self.options[:sass_files] || Dir.glob(separate("#{from}/**/#{'[^_]' if exclude_partials}*.s[ac]ss"))
+ end
+ def relative_stylesheet_name(sass_file)
+ sass_file[(from.length + 1)..-1]
+ end
+ def stylesheet_name(sass_file)
+ if sass_file.index(from) == 0
+ sass_file[(from.length + 1)..-6].sub(/\.css$/,'')
+ else
+ raise Compass::Error, "You must compile individual stylesheets from the project directory."
+ end
+ end
+ def css_files
+ @css_files ||={|sass_file| corresponding_css_file(sass_file)}
+ end
+ def corresponding_css_file(sass_file)
+ "#{to}/#{stylesheet_name(sass_file)}.css"
+ end
+ def target_directories
+{|css_file| File.dirname(css_file)}.uniq.sort.sort_by{|d| d.length }
+ end
+ # Returns the sass file that needs to be compiled, if any.
+ def out_of_date?
+ do |sass_filename, css_filename|
+ return sass_filename if needs_update?(css_filename, sass_filename)
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ def needs_update?(css_filename, sass_filename)
+ staleness_checker.stylesheet_needs_update?(css_filename, File.expand_path(sass_filename), importer)
+ end
+ # Determines if the configuration file is newer than any css file
+ def new_config?
+ config_file = Compass.detect_configuration_file
+ return false unless config_file
+ config_mtime = File.mtime(config_file)
+ css_files.each do |css_filename|
+ return config_file if File.exists?(css_filename) && config_mtime > File.mtime(css_filename)
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ def clean!
+ remove options[:cache_location]
+ css_files.each do |css_file|
+ remove css_file
+ end
+ end
+ def run
+ failure_count = 0
+ if new_config?
+ # Wipe out the cache and force compilation if the configuration has changed.
+ remove options[:cache_location] if options[:cache_location]
+ options[:force] = true
+ end
+ # Make sure the target directories exist
+ target_directories.each {|dir| directory dir}
+ # Compile each sass file.
+ result = timed do
+ do |sass_filename, css_filename|
+ begin
+ compile_if_required sass_filename, css_filename
+ rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e
+ failure_count += 1
+ handle_exception(sass_filename, css_filename, e)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if options[:time]
+ puts "Compilation took #{(result.__duration * 1000).round / 1000.0}s"
+ end
+ return failure_count
+ end
+ def compile_if_required(sass_filename, css_filename)
+ if should_compile?(sass_filename, css_filename)
+ compile sass_filename, css_filename
+ else
+ logger.record :unchanged, basename(sass_filename) unless options[:quiet]
+ end
+ end
+ def timed
+ start_time =
+ res = yield
+ end_time =
+ res.instance_variable_set("@__duration", end_time - start_time)
+ def res.__duration
+ @__duration
+ end
+ res
+ end
+ # Compile one Sass file
+ def compile(sass_filename, css_filename)
+ start_time = end_time = nil
+ css_content, map = do
+ timed do
+ if sass_options[:sourcemap]
+ engine(sass_filename, css_filename).render_with_sourcemap("#{File.basename(css_filename)}.map")
+ else
+ engine(sass_filename, css_filename).render
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ duration = options[:time] ? "(#{(css_content.__duration * 1000).round / 1000.0}s)" : ""
+ write_file(css_filename, css_content, options.merge(:force => true, :extra => duration))
+ if sass_options[:sourcemap]
+ css_filename_clean = css_filename.gsub(/\\/, '/')
+ sourcemap = map.to_json(:css_path => css_filename_clean, :sourcemap_path => "#{css_filename_clean}.map")
+ write_file("#{css_filename}.map", sourcemap, options.merge(:force => true, :extra => duration))
+ end
+ Compass.configuration.run_stylesheet_saved(css_filename)
+ end
+ def should_compile?(sass_filename, css_filename)
+ options[:force] || needs_update?(css_filename, sass_filename)
+ end
+ # A sass engine for compiling a single file.
+ def engine(sass_filename, css_filename)
+ syntax = (sass_filename =~ /\.(s[ac]ss)$/) && $1.to_sym || :sass
+ opts = sass_options.merge(:filename => sass_filename, :css_filename => css_filename, :syntax => syntax)
+, opts)
+ end
+ # Place the syntax error into the target css file,
+ # formatted to display in the browser (in development mode)
+ # if there's an error.
+ def handle_exception(sass_filename, css_filename, e)
+ exception_file = basename(e.sass_filename)
+ file = basename(sass_filename)
+ exception_file = nil if exception_file == file
+ formatted_error = "(Line #{e.sass_line}#{ " of #{exception_file}" if exception_file}: #{e.message})"
+ logger.record :error, file, formatted_error
+ Compass.configuration.run_stylesheet_error(sass_filename, formatted_error)
+ write_file css_filename, error_contents(e, sass_filename), options.merge(:force => true)
+ end
+ # Haml refactored this logic in 2.3, this is backwards compatibility for either one
+ def error_contents(e, sass_filename)
+ if Sass::SyntaxError.respond_to?(:exception_to_css)
+ e.sass_template = sass_filename
+ Sass::SyntaxError.exception_to_css(e, :full_exception => show_full_exception?)
+ else
+ Sass::Plugin.options[:full_exception] ||= show_full_exception?
+ Sass::Plugin.send(:exception_string, e)
+ end
+ end
+ # We don't want to show the full exception in production environments.
+ def show_full_exception?
+ Compass.configuration.environment == :development
+ end
+ end