in company_number-0.1.0 vs in company_number-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
You can obtain a `CompanyNumber::Number` object calling `parse` method:
company_number = CompanyNumber.parse('123456789', :fr)
-# => #<CompanyNumber::Number:0x00007fd945013d50 @company_number="123456789", @countries=[:bg, :fr, :gr, :lt, :no, :pt, :si, :ch, :gb], @country_code=:fr, @regexp=/^(\d{9}|\d{14})$/>
+# => #<CompanyNumber::Number:0x00007fc015d04e18 @company_number="123456789", @country_code=:fr, @metadata={:country=>"France", :name=>"Numéro SIREN ou SIRET", :regexp=>"^(\\d{9}|\\d{14})$", :pattern=>"9 numbers (XXXXXXXXX) or 14 numbers (XXXXXXXXXXXXXX)"}>
Then you can run validation methods
@@ -39,17 +39,24 @@
# => true
# => false
-You can also fetch matched countries
+You can also fetch valid countries
# => [:bg, :fr, :gr, :lt, :no, :pt, :si, :ch, :gb]
+Additionally you can get metadata
+# => {:country=>"France", :name=>"Numéro SIREN ou SIRET", :regexp=>"^(\\d{9}|\\d{14})$", :pattern=>"9 numbers (XXXXXXXXX) or 14 numbers (XXXXXXXXXXXXXX)"}
There is a `to_s` method, which returns the company number with the country code.
# => "123456789 fr"
@@ -57,17 +64,23 @@
There is a `to_h` method, which returns all attr_reader
-# => {:company_number=>"123456789", :country_code=>:fr, :countries=>[:bg, :fr, :gr, :lt, :no, :pt, :si, :ch, :gb], :regexp=>/^(\d{9}|\d{14})$/}
+# => {:company_number=>"123456789", :country_code=>:fr, :metadata=>{:country=>"France", :name=>"Numéro SIREN ou SIRET", :regexp=>"^(\\d{9}|\\d{14})$", :pattern=>"9 numbers (XXXXXXXXX) or 14 numbers (XXXXXXXXXXXXXX)"}}
You can compare 2 instances of `CompanyNumber::Number` with `==` method
CompanyNumber.parse('123') == CompanyNumber.parse('123')
# => true
+Finally you can get the whole dictionary
+# => {:at=>{:country=>"Austria", :name=>"Firmenbuchnummer", :regexp=>"^([a-zA-Z]{2}\\d{1,6}|\\d{1,6})[A-Z]$", :pattern=>"2 letters + 6 numbers + 1 letter (LLXXXXXXL)", :variations=>"1-6 numbers + 1 letter (XXXXXXL)"}, ...}
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.