README.rdoc in commenteux-1.1.5 vs README.rdoc in commenteux-1.1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -24,22 +24,32 @@
mount Commenteux::Engine => "/"
The routes that will be available are :
- GET /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id(.:format) commenteux/notes#index
- GET /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id/new(.:format) commenteux/notes#new
- POST /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id(.:format) commenteux/notes#create
+ GET /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id(.:format) commenteux/notes#index
+ GET /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id/new(.:format) commenteux/notes#new
+ POST /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id(.:format) commenteux/notes#create
+ GET /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id/:id/edit(.:format) commenteux/notes#edit
+ PATCH /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id/:id(.:format) commenteux/notes#update
+ DELETE /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id(.:format) commenteux/notes#destroy {:format=>:js}
where :resource is the name of your model (you can use namespace)
==== Model
Add acts_as_commentable in your model who will have comments
acts_as_commentable :private, :public
:private, :public are a example if specific role needed.
+==== Model - Ability
+By default, only the user with admin role can modify or delete a comment. You can add others rights into your ability class.
+ if @user.has_role?(:admin_shipment)
+ can :manage, Comment
+ end
====Include the needed javascript file in your application.js or
==== Javascript
//= require commenteux/application