README.rdoc in commenteux-1.1.2 vs README.rdoc in commenteux-1.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -31,39 +31,57 @@
POST /commenteux/:resource/:resource_id(.:format) commenteux/notes#create
where :resource is the name of your model (you can use namespace)
+==== Model
+Add acts_as_commentable in your model who will have comments
+ acts_as_commentable :private, :public
+:private, :public are a example if specific role needed.
====Include the needed javascript file in your application.js or
==== Javascript
//= require commenteux/application
==== CoffeeScript
#= require commenteux/application
Call url of commenteux screens, for exemple, like that:
<%= link_to "<i class='icon-file-text text-blue'></i> Notes".html_safe,
- "/commenteux/client::contract/#{}?parent_div=ajax_target",
+ "/commenteux/client::contract/#{}?parent_div=ajax_target&roles=public,private",
:id => "notes_tab", :data => {:remote => true} %>
+where roles is obligated when specific roles are declared in the model.
With a binding like that in your application.js
$(document).delegate '#notes_tab', 'ajax:success', (e, data, status, xhr) ->
+==== Rails Internationalization (en.yml)
+If specific roles of acts_as_commentable are declared in model, declare their labels under en: like that:
+ en:
+ public: "Administrator"
+ private: "Delivery man"
== Credits
{Jack Dempsey}[] - The creator of acts_as_commentable.
== Contributors
{Serge Savoie}[]
{RĂ©mi Gagnon}[]
+{Nicolas Demers}[]
== More